I saw this picture and I thought what a great way to align yourself with the community. The advertisement idea is amazing as you can visit www.feelthehugs.com and buy a few of these coolies and purchase a couple of cases of bottled water and give them to your ustomers with a sticker on the back courtesy of(Insert Business Name and contact info). It is very advantageous to align yourself with charitable causes as studies have shown that business that align themeselves with a charity increase their sales by 10% as people love to do business with people they perceuve as giving back.
On Monday night I had the priviledge of interviewing Kelly Copolla and her board of directors from Women and Wishes who are doing some great work in the community helping middle class women achieve their full potential. They have great event coming up and can use support. Please visit www.womenandwishes.org for details. Think about it you purchase your ticket you attend the event you bring your cell phone with you and take pictures and videos and feature them in your next advertising campaign showing people that you are giving back to the community.
On Saturday’s when The Sunrise Gators of The American Youth Football League have home games I am the PA Announcer for the last 4 games of the day. I do this so as to hone my skills and also to promote who I am as you never know who might be listening. By doing this it also builds my credibility in the community. It also gives me what I call homefield advantage when approaching potential clients as I can tell them I am the voice of The Sunrise Gators. Think of one group you can provide a service to that will align you with the community.
I am very involved with The American Cancer Society and as a result I have built relationships that have led to paying clients and paid gigs.
I was also able to hone my skills in The Public Relations Arena by serving as The PR Chair for The Relay For Life and now I am able to show my accomplishments to potential clients that are willing to pay for my services. Again think of a cause you are passionate about and leverage it for your benefit.
A few ways to truly make your alignment with the community work for you.
. Document and promote your involvement
. Put up photos of you at charitable events with the charitable organizations logo in the background
. Display any awards in a promient location where people will see them
. Post on social media sites about giving back
. Create media contacts and alert them to what you are doing.
. Host special fundraisers for the charity of your choice and market what you are doing