It was an honor to have Suzanne Kovi on my radio show, Get Motivated With Jonathan “JDOGG” Lederman, that airs on Monday from 7-8 PM EST at tonight. As we discussed her book, Ignite Your Life we touched on some key ideas of switching your thoughts from a position of lack to a position of abundance. This philosophy works in all aspects of business and life. Especially when you are marketing your business.
Instead of stating I need to try saying I get to or I am grateful for. Instead of I should use I will. It is when you come from service and gratitude successes follow. As a business:
. You can run an ad that thanks your customers and give them a value.
. You can run a cutomer appreciation day once a month
. You can create a wall of fame with photos of your customers
. Having a thank you video on your web site
. Sponsor a charitable day once a month where a % goes to a selected charity
I am reminded of the story as a child The Little Train That Could. This week use the line I know I can and see what happens when you shiift your