Advertisement Ideas: Get Off Your Ass!!!
If you as a business leader are truly going to affect change you must get off your ass and do something. So many times I hear business people complain and I ask what are they going to about it and I am met with a blank stare and silence. If you do not have a solution to the problem and aren’t going to get off your ass and do something then keep your mouth closed. Today I saw a story about how Marco Rubio, A State Senator from my state voted against Veteran’s Benefits so I called his office and left a message about how displeased I was. Here is his number
202-224-3041. Instead of complaining get off your ass and do something. Instead of sitting on your ass and making excuses as to why you did not vote get out and vote and encourage others to vote. Imagine if in your ads you say something like Our Company Supports Veterans Do You? Discounts for all service personnel past and present what would happen. If you aren’t advertising it is time to get off your ass and make a plan on how you will drive business to you instead of complaining. If you don’t have an idea on what to advertise or where to advertise enlist the services of someone who has gotten off his/her ass and has assisted businesses with successful marketing programs. If you are not advertising you are not growing and if you are not growing you are dying. I walked an area in Coral Springs, FL recently promoting a professional basketball team I announce for and I noticed many businesses that I had approached to advertise or to appear on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST were out of business. When I asked these people what they were doing to promote their business they all answered the same thing, we are not in a position to advertise right now, well guess what they don’t need to advertise now because they do not have a business any longer. I wonder what would have happened if they got off their ass and actually promoted the business they may still be in business and thriving.
If you are lacking in brand awareness or brand recognition it is time you got off your ass and created a buzz about your business. I can not tell you how many times I have offered people excellent opportunities to build recognition for their business and they have said oh I don’t need help. Most of these people I see a few months later and their story is the same oh things are tough or I can’t afford that or I don’t think that is a good fit for me. If you are not getting off your ass and taking action you will continue to struggle and it will be no one’s fault but your own. Ask yourself how am I going to get off my ass and promote my business today? What action will you take to build awareness? If you do not have a daily plan it is time to implement one.
I have taught tell people who you are, what you do and why you do it and they will want to do business with you. The other day I went out collecting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton I used this as a way in to introduce my business and it proved to be effective as I was able to distribute my business card which has my TV Show listed, my contact information, and my Relay For Life Page on it along with the services I offer. In doing this I was able to make some key community contacts that could benefit from working with me. I told one business owner that if they visited and made a donation to please put his company name and website in the comments t donor section so I could give him some shout outs on my social media platforms. he said “JDOGG that is a very smart way to get people to donate,” We talked and he told me that my philosophy of you never know where business will come from so make the ask is a great philosophy. Ask yourself who have I shared my business with today?
When things are slow that is when it is time to get off your ass and find opportunities. I was speaking with a jeweler and he said oh things are slow, gold prices are down, Obamacare is killing my business, the economy is bad, people are not buying or selling gold. I asked him what about calling people who you did business with in the past and seeing of they could use your services again or refer someone who can benefit from your services. His answer I don’t have time for that. I left and thought he doesn’t have time to make an effort but he has time to complain. Hey buddy the reason your business sucks is not because of the excuses it is because of you.
If you want great things for your business it is time to get off your ass and take action. If people aren’t coming to you go to them. I was walking down the street the other day calling on businesses and giving out FREE tickets to a professional basketball game and I asked everyone I came in contact with do you like basketball? Many said yes and I was able to share with them the tickets and information about the the team. I even made a contact with a local bank who wants to do joint promotions. The key is to get off your ass and do something. If you do not like something then get off your ass and take action to change it. If you do not let people know who you are, what you do, and why they should support you then you will be in the same place months from now as you are today. Again if you are not growing you are dying.