Advertisement Ideas: Becoming A Money Magnet!!!
When you choose to advertise your intention of course is to create brand awareness, drive traffic, and increase cash flow. Many times a reason your business is not flourishing is because of of the attitude you have toward money. Instead of looking at advertising as an expense and taking money away from you look at it as an investment and a way of generating more money. I always say that I am a conduit for money as it flows to me and from me easily and effortlessly. I have watched all the so-called wealth experts and they all say what I have been saying for years it all comes down to how you look at money. You can come from a position of lack saying I can’t afford to do that or you can come from a position of abundance saying I will find a way to afford that. Many people in business today will cut advertising when things are slow and say I can’t afford to advertise when that is when you should be advertising. Many people in business today will say it is busy and I don’t need to advertise. Advertising should be used on a consistent basis so that you become a money magnet. The question is how do you become a money magnet?
Advertisement Ideas: Tools To Become A Money Magnet!!!
In this song by ABBA the singer decided that her plan will be to find a rich man. This is not the best plan or tool to use. The first tool you have is you and your mindset. How do you think about money?
One of the best tools we have to become a money magnet is to become a cheerful giver. Be glad that you have the money to give and to invest in advertising. By becoming a cheerful giver you will begin to open channels to receive that will bring you more money.
Books such as these and those available through The Hay House Link on this site will help you to become a Money Magnet. In many cases purchasing these books and giving them as gifts to your/customers and clients will also help you to become a money magnet. Imagine in you advertising if you put come in and visit and receive a FREE COPY of Think and Grow Rich (Limited to the first 20 customers). You could even start a book club and advertise that you are sponsoring the book club.
Affirmations are great tools to become a money magnet. One thing that works great is to include these affirmations on your business cards and promotional materials and share them with current and potential clients/customers.
Advertisement Ideas: Becoming A Money Magnet: Case Study!!!
I have been on several radio shows and each time I discuss how important it is to give so that you can open the channels to receive. I believe that when you give of your time you will be rewarded. The scenario of being a volunteer and then being paid has played out in my life on several occasions. If you are a regular visitor to this blog you have read about my involvement with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Each year I volunteer and head up a team Lederman’s Heroes and I also emcee the event. I donate my time and am asked all the tie JDOGG why do you donate your time? The answer is two fold one because my family and friends have been touched by cancer and two because it helps me to put my voice out in the community and you never know who might be listening. In volunteering my time and having my business cards at the ready I have made contacts that have led to paying gigs.
It was four years ago that I showed up at The Lauderhill Sportsplex and volunteered to be an announcer for The Lauderhill Broncos Pop Warner Football Team. This year they surprised me one day with envelopes with cash inside to show their appreciation for my services. By volunteering and being of value and service I have become a magnet for money.On 10/18 I was doing a game and doing shout outs for the cure and The President of The League gave a donation of $100 and the fans of teams playing donated another $105 helping to raise $205 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.
It is important to look at how you are viewing money and how you are using your money. Your attitude about money will determine how much of it you make and keep. Time for you to become a Money Magnet Today. Stay Positive!!!