Advertisement Ideas: How To Reach Your Audience!!!
In many cases this is the scenario as you are yelling your message but the intended recipient is not listening. This happens for a number of reasons:
People look at your message as an intrusion and do not want to be disturbed. The way around this is to make your message appealing by being resonating, entertaining and relevant.
People have chosen to block out your noise as they focus on their task at hand. You are not plugged into their immediate wants and desires or what you are offering just doesn’t appeal to them. You can over come this by knowing what their likes and dislikes are and answering the question what pain does your product or service remove. Then you can create an effective marketing strategy that will help you cut through the noise to entice them to do business with you.
The audience you are attempting to reach is over saturated and over stimulated. To cut through all the noise you have to implement advertisement ideas that make sense that will attract the audience you seek and have them to take action to use your product or service.
The consumer today has many choices and you may not have given them enough reasons to choose you. Know what they are looking for and target your advertising and branding to illustrate how you fulfill their needs.
There are other reasons such as seeing you advertisement so many times that it now gets irritating, the consumer seeing or hearing your ads isn’t in the buying cycle, the person you are trying to reach had a bad experience with your product or service. In reaching your audience it is important to take these factors into consideration. The difference between a successful campaign and an unsuccessful campaign is that the successful campaign was skillfully planned to reach the desired audience, was creative without being obnoxious, compelled the audience to take action, increased brand awareness, created a positive buzz, created loyalty.
Advertisement Ideas: Effective Ways To Reach Your Audience!!!
Know what your message will be. Know who you want to reach with the message. Be consistent with your message. Make sure the message is relevant, entertaining, and resonating.
Today more and more people are turning to social media for the things that they seek. If you do not have a social media presence then you are missing out on a large percentage of end users who can benefit from your products and services. In using social media properly you can deliver great customer service, enhance your customer’s experience, and create long-term relationships with consumers that will come to you before going somewhere else.
Print media is still a viable advertising and marketing vehicle as people are still reading newspapers and magazines. The key is to have the right mix and make sure the print media you are using is reaching the market demographic that you desire.
Electronic media such as radio, TV, electronic billboards, scoreboard advertising, video such as YouTube , or Internet TV are great avenues when utilized properly. The most important thing to remember is to have the proper message that will entice the people you are reaching to take action.
Advertisement Ideas: A Successful Campaign That Reached The Desired Audience!!!!
On February 17,2014 The American Cancer Society launched GO FOR THE PURPLE. The first thing that The American Cancer Society did was to email all participants in The Relay For Life. With over 5000 Relay in The U.S. with over 1,000,million participants this project kicked off with quit the bang. In a day Twitter was all a buzz with #GOFORTHEPURPLE, Facebook had many posts with #GOFORTHEPURPLE. After the initial email went out another round went out and with the details and how you can register. Many participants began to post their individual websites such as and on-line donations were on the rise. The final results won’t be known until March 2, however from the trends this program is reaching the desired audience and getting results.
This campaign was also successful as many Facebook users have turned their profile purple. By using The American cancer Society Logo and using the color purple the desired audience is now associating purple with Relay For Life. These type of program show you the importance of reaching your audience and creating a call to action.
By having a message that is relevant, entertaining, and resonating you will reach your audience and thus be able to leverage your message even more as you create traffic to your business be it a brick and mortar business or a home based business. The key to your success is to maximize your message and deliver it to the desired audience.