Advertisement Ideas: Watch What You Say!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Watch What You Say!!!


Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become ... Today’s entry was inspired by a conversation I had with a woman today (2/20/2015) who helps to market people’s business as I was seeking support for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life as I have a program where a business can donate $100 and in return have a track marker that would be seen by those participating in Relay for Life for the 12 hours of the event. She told me she only had 3 clients and they were all in Miami and not interested in growing their business. This took me aback because I know if you aren’t growing your business you are dying. She explained to me that she was content with her clients and that working was for her husband as she wants to spend tie with her kids. I admire her wanting to spend time with her kids but don’t tell people you can grow their business when you aren’t growing yours.

 While on the phone today (2/20/2015) I encountered a man who told me business was slow and used many lack words in the course of our conversation. I told him when yu say business is slow the business will be slow because you create a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you use words like struggle you create more struggle. In business especially in advertising it is important to utilize the right words.  When you are engaging with potential clients or existing clients be aware of the words you are using.

 Ask yourself what message am I conveying when I speak, when I do print advertising, when I do a video, when I do electronic marketing, when I text, and when I engage in social media. Are you stating your message so it is clear, concise, and easily understood so it reflects you and your brand?  Are your advertising ideas consistent with the core values of you and your brand? Are you advertising in places or at events that are inline with your beliefs? when some sees your logo or your name what are they thinking?  Does your message reflect the passion you have for what you are doing? It is important that people will not buy the what you are selling but they will buy your why. Your message should convey  a sense that takes away the pain of the client/customer. When you ask what pain do I take away  and design a marketing plan that conveys this message  than you will find success. For example I ask have you been touched by cancer and if someone says yes I tell them about Relay for Life and The 1-800-acs-2345 number they can use to get help.  I even have my donation website  on my business card under the heading of help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays with the Relay Logo.  In having a consistent message that takes away pain you will be able to grow and expand your business. With Relay for Life I take away the pain of loss and create a sense of hope for those who support the event.

 It is when we are conscious of our thoughts and actions that we can convey messages that will resonate with the audience you are targeting.  Think of some of the stronger brands in the market place and see how they convey their message and ask yourself how can I improve the way I am conveying my message.   Think about the way  you are approaching people and why you are approaching them. Ask yourself how is your message being received.

Engagement is a word that many in the information marketing and social ...Your message should engage people and be targeted to be of service and value. I am at Starbucks and a woman I know who has a marketing company was here and I said hello and she asked how are things and I mentioned Relay and the fact that we have a great benefit for her clients in the track marker program and she asked me for brochures and more information so I went tommy car and retrieved the brochures and the track marker cards. In know what message to deliver and what would be of service to her and her clients I was able to plant a seed for support of Relay For Life.  When you approach people know what message you want to deliver and how you are going to engage the audience you intend to reach.

Philly Marketing Tip: Call To ActionLastly make sure you have a call to action. In my case it is help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. Visit and make a donation. In having a good message with a call to action you will build your brand and increase your cash flow.

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I was born in Bethpage, NY. In 1972 moved to Florida. Graduated Hofstra University in 1987. I currently do Emcee Work, Inspirational Speaking, PA Announcing, Vocie Overs, and Life/Business advising.

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