One of my anthems to use when training businesses to strengthen their brand and increase revenue is to shout it out loud. Whatever your message is you need to let everyone in your target demographic know who you are and what you do and why they should be doing business with you. So many times business owners get caught up in the build out and getting the doors open that they lose sight of the one of the most important aspects of growing their business and that is marketing and creating a customer loyal base. Today it is important to expose yourself in as many places as possible for you never know where business may come from. In the past few months I have come in contact with many business owners who could not answer what their Unique Selling Proposition (USP) was or who their target audience was. I have seen many businesses open their doors one day only to close a month later because of under capitalization and lack of exposure. I just had an experience today (3/1/2019) where I went into a new restaurant to promote The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and was told the owner has had another location for 10 years. I said that is great please give him my information as I have been in this community for 38 years and have some key contacts that may help his business. It is amazing to me how many people just do not understand the need to gain exposure in the marketplace and have people that have strong roots in the community as allies to help you strengthen your brand and increase your revenue. I had another business owner tell me I have invested in so many things and they don’t work when I proposed that he do Footprints for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life where all he would do is have paper footprints filled out by his customers who make a donation then he would put the footprints on the walls of the restaurant. There would be no money from him and he could reap the benefits by exposing the fact that he is helping The American Cancer Society. Think about he does the footprints for a month takes photos and puts them across social media and his existing customers feel good as they helped those touched by cancer and he may attract new customers who see what he is doing and they buy into the fact that he is helping those touched by cancer. He could do an entire ad campaign around the footprints program and as a result gain positive exposure in the marketplace. I know that when I see a business is a supporter of The American Cancer Society I am more apt to support them than a business who is not a supporter of The American Cancer Society. I am very old school in the fact that I do business with those that support me.
As you grow your business it is imperative to put the word out and to create a loyal customer base by delivering outstanding products and service, by advertising so as to be on top of your desired target audience’s mind. It is important to find creative ways to get the word out. Many times I hear I don’t have a budget for that. Each time I hear that I cringe because how are you going to build your brand and increase your revenue if you do not let people know who you are, what you do, and why they should be doing business with you. In my 40 plus years of helping businesses to grow I have learned one thing that building a good customer base is key and the best way to do this is through daily promotion of your business. Find something noteworthy today that involves your business and post about it. I was working at a Sports Memorabilia and Apparel Shop a few years ago when The Pittsburgh Steelers clinched a playoff berth. Knowing that there were many Pittsburgh Steelers Fans in the area. I did a post with permission from the owner to offer 25% off all Steelers Merchandise that week. That week we saw a 33% increase in sales in the store showing that when you get the word with a good offer the customers will come. It all comes down to being proactive in getting the word out by having a strategic plan to drive traffic while strengthening your brand and increasing your revenue.
Adertisement Ideas: Exposing Yourself: A Case Study!!!

I was an Assistant Manager at Footlocker in The Wellington Green Mall in August of 2003 when I decided to reach out to the high schools in the area during our Friends and Family Promotion which gave people who had the special coupon 30% off of their purchase. I asked the District Manager for 1000 of the coupons as the Athletic Director at Palm Beach Central High School would distribute them for us. I was told we unusually don’t do that promotion like that to which I answered why not at the end of the day isn’t it about building a loyal customer base. He said okay and reluctantly gave me the 1000 coupons. The weekend of The Friends and Family Promotion we increased sales by 300% over the last year. This got me to thinking about how many times it is simply about sharing promotions and how many times money is being left on the table because of those in decision making positions being short sighted in their marketing strategies. Another time I mentioned that there was big game, The Muck Bowl coming up and the kids at the high schools like to buy the tall tees and make their own designs and I suggested that we order an addition 144 tall tees for the week of The Muck Bowl again I was told we don’t order that way and I again asked why not. After much persistence I received 144 tall tees 72 L and 72 XL and at the end of Muck Bowl Week all but one was sold. In letting the kids know we had tall tees word got out and we nearly sold out of the tall tees. I share this to encourage you as a business owner to look beyond what you normally do and to become creative and get the word out.