Advertisement Ideas: Open Your Eyes!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Open Your Eyes!!!

 I was shopping the other day and I stopped into a new dollar store to introduce myself and learn about their business so I could invite them to be a guest on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT. In the course of the conversation the owner told me they weren’t familiar with the area. Upon leaving I thought isn’t it important to know what is around the store you are opening so that you can plan an effective marketing strategy?  This prompted me to think about how many businesses & non-profit organizations need to open their eyes.

8x10 Plan Your Work Work Your Plan Print from bellabyte on The  first step to opening your business is to open your eyes and know what is around you. Know what other stores are in the area, where your competition is, what your competition is doing, what the demographics are, what schools are in the area, what organizations are in the area, and what media outlets are available to advertise with. If you are not aware of the area you are in it is imperative to get familiar with the people who know the area. In the case of the dollar store I told the owner that I grew up in the area and I know it very well and if she was open I could help with her marketing strategy. I gave her my card on Wednesday and it is now Friday and no call. The longer she waits to call the longer it will be until she has the brand recognition and consumer awareness necessary to create sustainability in the market place. Open Your Eyes!!!!

 When you vision is clear and your eyes are wide open you will see and create opportunities that you may not have been exposed to before. It is important to be open to receive for you never know when someone will come into your business with an excellent opportunity to enhance your marketing strategy. As an entrepreneurs or marketing executive it is important to open your eyes and look at the big picture for you never know how one unique idea that you didn’t think of brought to you by someone else will increase your brand awareness and potential drive profits up. Open Your Eyes! Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Open Your Eyes!!!