Advertisement Ideas: The Power Of Networking!!!

Advertisement Ideas: The Power Of Networking!!!

I have always taught my clients that it is important to get out in the community and network. I stress to them that they must find the networking groups that are most effective and that are creating revenue for their business. I also stress that it is not about selling it is about relationship building because people do business with people they know, like, and trust. I often recommend that my clients seek speaking opportunities at these networking events and a table to promote their business so as to engage the attendees. On June 8, 2015 I had the opportunity to attend and present at The Florida Women’s Business Center Small Business Conference about the importance of leaving a digital footprint. It was great event and during my presentation I was able to have the audience make a video of me as I was showing them how easy it is to make a digital footprint.I also made it a point to mention in the video so as to give them something viable to use across their social media and marketing platforms. I was able to engage the audience and as a result I set up 4 appointments for interviews that will be taped and then aired as part of my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on at 6:30 PM EDT on Tuesday. When I arrived at The WRPBiTV Studios on June 9, 2015 I had a plan to follow-up with those that I met at The FLWBC Networking Event and I sent out an email. As a result I booked 2 more appointments for interviews.

The key to making your networking activities is to have a plan and to follow your plan. It is also important to pick a lane and decide what you are their to promote as you may have many services that you offer but trying to speak about each one is difficult so choose what you want to accomplish and plan accordingly. On Monday June 8, 2015 my objective was to get people to know about WRPBiTV and how I create a digital footprint for them helping them to maximize their message. When you are focused on one aspect of what you do it leads to stronger brand awareness and creates a buzz for potential clients to ask more questions. As I booked the appointments I began to ask about the people’s business so that I could formulate an effective interview that would be beneficial to them in their quest to share their business and increase their awareness while generating more income. In networking properly you will find yourself  making solid connections and building relationships that will enhance your business. Remember it is not about knowing just the person you meet it is about knowing who the person you are meeting knows. In many cases the best thing you can do to use the power of networking is to have a 30 second intro that explains how you are of value and service to others. For example I am Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Positive Broadcaster. I help businesses to maximize their message through a TV Program and other platforms.  In keeping things short and to the point you will find yourself cultivating more business and closing more deals.

Many times you do not need a formal setting to network many times simply by having your business cards, a copy of your book, your mix tape, or a brochure with you when you are out and about you can be prepared to network. I have  often sat at my local Starbucks and simply listened to those around me and when I heard something that related to what I do I would go over and introduce myself, now I have an advantage because I host a TV Show and most business people want to be on TV, so my intro peaks their interest.  I also am not afraid to speak to the people in line with me at the bank, the grocery store, or anywhere else. The key is to make it a point to get out in the community and meet people and as a result you cultivate business. It also helps that I am a wealth of knowledge when it comes to business and can come up with ideas that many have not thought of yet.  The idea is to simply share as you never know who might become your client or recommend someone for you. I recommend that you do your best to meet 3 -5 new people daily and then find a way to be of service and value. After you meet the people make it a point to follow-up. Namaste!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Jonathan JDOGG Lederman prepares to present his Maxizing Your Mesage ... Pin it 1 Like Image   As a marketing consultant with many years of media relations and public relations experience I am asked by clients on many occasions JDOGG what platform is right for me to use to maximize my message?  In today’s advertising landscape there are many choices to make and it can be quite overwhelming to business people when seeking ways to maximize their message. Navigating this landscape can be difficult especially if  you do not have a marketing, media relations, or public relations strategy. As the host of  The TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT I have interviewed many business people and have found that many of them need assistance in utilizing proper platforms to maximize their message so as to create brand awareness and cultivate new clients/customers while also retaining existing clients/customers.  I give all of my guests an opportunity to purchase the clip of their appearance on my show to use as a marketing tool to build credibility and edification in the market place and many turn this opportunity down. I often ask them what platforms they are using to promote their business. I get the reply I use social media. I ask them what other platforms and they look at me with a blank stare and then say I only use social media. Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram are good however including other platforms like YouTube, networking events, print media, special events,  and electronic media will aid in your quest to maximize your message.

I had an opportunity to interview Jaynie Smith about success in business and she purchased her clip and she put it on YouTube and it has 87 views this is in addition to the initial 50,000 viewers who saw her interview on She has also used this on her website. The key is to find platforms that work for you and to ask questions as to where your clients and potential clients are and what they are seeking.

Advertisement Ideas: The Steps To make The Proper Platform Choice!!!

Research Participant OpportunitiesJust because one platform that you learned about at a seminar worked for the presenter doesn’t mean it will work for you so do your research. Ask questions as to who the platform reaches then see if they are in your target audience, how many times your company will be seen, how large the reach is, how frequent  does your message appear. The key is to peel back the onion and see what platform works for you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!


As you sit down to plan out your marketing strategy you can take a lesson from Jennifer Lopez and get loud. It is often said that the squeakiest wheel gets the grease well in advertising and marketing it is often the company that makes the most noise that gets the clients/customers. In a day and age where everyone is looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competition it is important to focus on letting the end-user know the benefits of your product or service so you are heard over the competition. This could mean doing business in a public place like a Panera Bread, which is what I did last night (4/16/2015) as I ran the committee meeting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. After the meeting I was making a call about Relay For Life and a patron over heard the call and  came over and made a $5 donation which opened the door for me to share with her what I was doing with Relay for Life and to give her my business card. By being a bit loud I drew attention to myself and made a new contact. In being outgoing and a bit loud you just may meet the contact who can help you to exceed your goals. Getting loud can mean putting out a bigger print advertisement in targeted publications that reach your desired target audience. In many cases sending a media release to these publications about what you are doing in the community and any new developments in the business will garner you a FREE article which if put on your website and included in your social media will give you credibility and edification in the market place.

Advertisement Ideas: More Ways To Get Loud!!!

One of the best lessons I learned about promotions was from KISS who encouraged us to shout it out loud!!! In a marketplace that is full of noise you must shout your message at times just to get noticed. The end-user for your product or service is being bombarded by advertising campaigns and have become numb to most forms of advertising. As a result to gain a competitive edge in the market place you must get loud. You must also be places where your competition is not. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Touch A Touch A Touch Me!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Toucha Toucha Touch Me!!!

 Today’s blog entry is inspired by The Rocky Horror Picture Show Toucha Toucha Touch Me song. As I listened to the lyrics I thought how this mimics the cycle of customer procurement and customer retention.  The customer relationship is much like that of a pursuit for someone of the opposite sex. In many cases you spend many dollars  in hopes of achieving a conquest and many times the conquest does not happen. Just like in business you spend many dollars in marketing and advertising and sometimes it doesn’t work because your expectations were not realistic or the choices you made were not synergistic with your brand. In business we may not physically touch a customer but we may touch their mind or their heart so we must look at  the best practices to achieve the desired result. When we begin to figuratively touch potential customers and existing customers we  realize how they become ambassadors of our brand and as a result create a buzz about our brand. In touching customers we must use our why we are doing what we do as part of our marketing mix. It is important tom understand that people will not buy the what but the why. In showing your why in your advertising and marketing you will generate more brand awareness and increase your cash flow.

 As The  TV Show Host  of The Anything Bucket at I am asked all the time why would you give a free interview to someone? The answer is simple because I need content for my show and I believe in helping businesses to excel. I also give businesses a chance to purchase the clip of their appearance on the show for $175 that they can use in their marketing mix to touch potential customers or retain existing customers. I believe that when you have an opportunity to reach people and touch them with your message that you should take advantage of the opportunity. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Touch A Touch A Touch Me!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Let’s Get Social!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Let’s Get Social!!!

187767_145344062194847_2062353_n.jpg I had the pleasure of interviewing Gaspare Marturano on my Blog Talk Radio Show, Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, which is currently on hiatus and we spoke about the importance of being social not only on-line but off-line. As the interview ended I began to think how many people are missing out on opportunities because they are not interacting with others? I then thought how many are stuck because they are not open to receive?  I further thought how many people are not expanding and growing because they are not taking action? I have  come to the realization that in our lifetime we will encounter action takers or excuse makers. The question is which category will you fall into?

... calling using the well-known slogan, "Reach out and touch someoneYears ago AT&T implemented a campaign with the slogan of reach out and touch someone. This slogan still resonates in business today because it is imperative to reach people with your message.  Social Media Advertising is great  however nothing beats the personal interaction of being able to look someone face to face and showing them how you can be of service and value to them.One great way to reach out and touch people is to get booked to speak at Chamber of Commerce Events, Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, Jaycees and other community events where you can deliver a message that will build your brand and put you on the top of the mind of the audience so that when they seek products and services in your industry that they call you first.  Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Let’s Get Social!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why You Still Suck At Business!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why You Still Suck At Business!!!

The Four AgreementsThe reason  you still suck at business could be attributed to you not following these 4 basic agreements. On Friday I saw first hand why a so-called marketing expert continues to struggle in his business as I called to ask about his donation to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and his answer it is out of my hands I made a formal complaint against you with The American Cancer Society.  He violated agreement #1 and now I see why he has jumped from client to client with little or no success.Like many so-called entrepreneurs in South Florida he was all flash no cash, good talk but no execution,  and more promises without delivery. What was funny is the donation was only going to be $18.70 and all he had to do was visit and make a donation. Another gentleman who wrote me on Facebook and told me to remind him about the donation which I did several times and guess what still no donation. Again a gentleman that shows pictures of his fancy car and fancy house but doesn’t deliver on his promise. Then there are those who said they would participate in POINTS FOR THE CURE BASKETBALL EDITION AND DONATE $.10 per point their team scored and still haven’t made a donation.  By not being impeccable with your word you are doing yourself and others a disservice and probably costing yourself business that is going to a competitor who is impeccable with their word. Remember one oh crap will ruin a 1000 at a boys. This could be why you still suck at business.

d3e1510971ef73d94527aeee53bd60a7.jpgThe second principle is very important as it is important for you to do what is right in your heart and not take anything personally.  I used to get upset when people would come to The WRPBiTV Studio to tape a segment for my TV Show The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST and not buy their clip as I believe the clip is well worth the investment of $150. Then I realized it wasn’t about me at all and I shifted to be thankful to and grateful for those who did purchase their clip. Those that understand the value of having the clip as part of their marketing mix are those I choose to do business with and to recommend.  It is very interesting to hear why people do not buy their clip and then I remember  that there are two types of people in the world action takers and excuse makers. Those that are proactive with advertising and implement sound advertising ideas and make solid advertising choices are the ones who are successful while the others still suck at business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Why You Still Suck At Business!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Roll Up The Sleeves And Get To Work!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Roll Up The Sleeves And Get To Work!

 In my business consultations I tell my clients all the time it is time to roll up the sleeves and get to work. I believe it doesn’t matter who the governor is, who your mayor and council people are, who you state senator is, who the president is because in the long run they have very little impact on your business. It is you who will determine your level of success. It is you who will find the right people to help with your marketing and media relations. It is you who will build your brand. The decisions will be yours as an entrepreneur. Sure you will delegate your responsibility but when it comes to the success of your business it lies with you and only you.  If you choose not to advertise and your business slows down that decision is on you not your competition, not the economy, not your workers, and not any other outside influence. I speak to many entrepreneurs and I hear so many excuses that I say okay which are you going to be the excuse maker or the action taker?  The key to have a successful flourishing business is to work on it everyday and make sure that you are creating brand awareness daily. Ask yourself how am I rolling up the sleeves and getting to work? What can I do differently?

 In rolling up your sleeves and getting to work you will begin to reap many benefits like a buzz in the community, customer/client loyalty, and of course increased cash flow. I was out collecting donations recently after delivering my All You Have  To Do Is Ask Presentation when I came across a jewelry store and the owner said I am not interested things are slow. Granted I look like a salesperson when dressed in a suit and tie but I am also a potential customer who can also refer people business. I said to the gentleman to bad as I could have brought you some people. He argued and said not in this economy I simply asked him when was the last time you called customers you haven’t seen in a while?His answer I don’t do that. I said okay maybe you should consider adding that to your mix instead of complaining, and I left.  Think had he rolled up his sleeves and called 10 previous customers and asked for referrals  he may have  seen a jump in his business.  When things are slow that is when you should be making personal contact with people and letting them know you are still here to serve them and asking them if they know 2 people who can benefit from you services. Remember that every encounter you  have is a chance to build a stronger customer/client base and to enhance the customer/client experience. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Roll Up The Sleeves And Get To Work!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

no excuses This  entry was prompted by an interaction I had with someone as I offered to put promotional materials into 25 Swag Bags that I will be giving out during my presentation at The How To Sell Your Genius Tap Into You Seminar on Friday, August 29, at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale. The woman has an herbal and essential oil business who the last time I spoke to her told me how slow business was. Those of you who read this blog on a regular basis know that I believe there is no reason for a business to be slow and thus when people tell me how slow their business is I always look for ways to change that perception.  I offered to put her cards and a small sample bottle into The Swag Bags she wrote me back that she was involved in many expos where she had to give gifts and would be passing on my offer. I thought okay her loss because of the 25 people who will receive The Swag Bags  2-3 may have wanted to purchase her oils and herbal supplements if they knew about her. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

Advertisement Ideas: From Conception To Inception!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: From Conception To Inception!!!

 Advertising, marketing, public relations,  and media relations is much like the cycle of having a child. The child is conceived and grows in the womb and then is delivered into the world. A good marketing, advertising, public relations, or media relations program takes on much of the same process as the idea is conceived  and developed then presented then brought out into the world. The key is to be able to go from conception to inception so as t strengthen your brand and create brand awareness. In creating brand awareness much like in creating a baby it takes time for the idea to incubate and develop. Once the idea is put out into the world much like the new-born baby it must be nurtured and guided so that it begins to mature and thus deliver the message that you intend it to deliver. As a baby grows and begins to talk it communicates exactly what it wants. Your advertising, marketing, public relations, and media relations program should do the same.

Advertisement Ideas: From Conception To Inception Consistency Is The Key!!!

 In August on 2013 I launched a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT.  The key to the success of the show has been that I have stayed consistent from the inception point until the inception point. There have been a few tweaks along the way as the original intro was changed to reflect the message of the show and that is to be an information source while also being entertaining for the viewers. I have interviewed many guests and have several shows available on demand at The show launched with an initial viewers ship of 38,000 and today reaches over 50,000 in 145 countries.  In being consistent with my approach I have been able to secure guests. In being consistent in the promotional process I have been able to utilize social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to grow an audience. Having the show information on my business cards has helped to build an audience. After inception adjustment and changes will be made, however if your message is consistent you will continue to have excellent brand recognition and awareness. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: From Conception To Inception!!!!