Advertisement Ideas: Constant Communication Is The Key!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Constant Communication Is The Key!!!

If you are a regular reader if this blog you know my commitment to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and my many successes. In 2016 I was involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton and raised $1688.05, is my donation page for this relay. I also was involved in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise and raised $1235.35, is my donation page for this relay. My secret to my successful fundraising was that every day I communicated and shared my story with people as to why I relay and asked for donations. In going out into the community I was able to share Relay and where the money goes and the positive impact with others. I was able to recruit a team for The Boca Raton Relay that raised $155. I share this with you to stress the importance of communication. In you business it is important to be out there in the community sharing who you are, what you do, and why people should do business with you. Over the years I have found that the facts they sell but the stories they sell. In building relationships and communicating with people on a regular basis you will have success. The more people you share with the more people know about you and the more money you can raise or the more sales you will have.

I was bit surprised when a People Lead and a Community Representative from The American Cancer Society told me that teams would not be contacted over the summer. I thought wow this goes against every rule of engagement that exists. I have  always been one to plan the work and work the plan and keep the already existing participants informed as it is proven your best client/customer or participant is someone who already exists in your data base and by keeping in constant contact and making them feel appreciated they will continue to do business with you or support your organization. When you communicate on a regular basis people feel as though they are part of your business or organization and will support you.  Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Constant Communication Is The Key!!!

Advertisement Ideas: What The Ice Bucket Challenges Teaches Us!!!

Advertisement Ideas: What The Ice Bucket Challenge Teaches Us!!!


 The ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) Ice Bucket Challenge translates into any language. As I was watching all the videos of people taking The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge I began to think about all the lessons that this teaches us and how it relates to delivering your message. What began as a way to honor and support Peter Frates, who is a former Boston College Baseball Player who was diagnosed with ALS, by raising awareness and funds for The ALS Association, , has morphed into a world wide phenomenon where it seems everyone from a local coach to someone like Former President George Bush is taking the ice bucket challenge. Some  like Charlie Sheen dumped $10,000 over his head and challenged his colleagues to do the same and donate the $10,000 to The ALS Association,  Verne Troyer put a twist on it dumping milk over his head while eating a cookie.  The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has taught us that if you have the right message targeted to the right audience and utilize the right platforms  you can be very successful. In the time frame of July 29 – August 22, 2013 The ALS Association raised just under $2 million in that same time this year due to The Ice Bucket Challenge they have raised over $40 Million.

ESPN recently did this story on Pete Frates who is the inspiration behind The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.  Now to look at what The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge teaches us.

1: Taking action and having the right motivation leads to success

2: Being creative in how we deliver the message garners attention and creates positive results

3: Developing a following and having them become advocates builds awareness and support Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: What The Ice Bucket Challenges Teaches Us!!!

Advertisement Ideas: 30 Days To Jump Start Your Marketing & PR!!!

Advertisement Ideas: 30 Days To Jump Start Your Marketing and PR!!!

 Are you maximizing your message? Are you overwhelmed when you hear Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumbler, Stumble Upon, Vine, LinkedIn? Have you sat down to plan, implement, and evaluate an effective marketing and public relations strategy? I am amazed by the many  entrepreneurs who tell me they do not have a marketing plan. I often respond if you don’t know where you are going how are you going to get there. This entry is designed to be a road map on how you can jump-start your marketing and public relations in 30 days. It is based on a track record of success in obtaining media coverage for those who have chosen to work with me. It piggy backs on the concept of plan your work and work your plan. If you want to attract customers/clients you must have a strategy to do so as the idea of build it and they will come as a strategy is becoming less and less effective.  Every day you open to accept clients/customers you should be doing something to market your business.

Advertisement Ideas: The 30 Day Plan

 Create your message and announce it to your staff. Develop your logo that will be synergistic with your message. Put out a media release to your media contacts and your email list.

     Decide where you are going to promote your message, write and send out media releases.

 Promote across your Social Media platforms. Choose 4-5 to use and see which gives you the most reach. You can do this daily, weekly, every other week, or monthly. The key here is to give content that will be of service and value to your audience.

 Begin to attend networking events and deliver your message then follow-up with the people you spoke to with a special offer.

 Create a you tube channel and start posting videos that are relevant, entertaining, and resonating.

 Research and find media outlets to advertise with. Make sure all ads have a strong call to action. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: 30 Days To Jump Start Your Marketing & PR!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence

Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence

I am asked all the time JDOGG why do I have to have a social media presence? My answer is because if you have a strong social media presence and those who like you or follow you know you and trust you you can monetize them not only for your business but for other endeavors as well.  The next question is then how do I build a strong social media presence? The answer lies in the following process:

1: Know who you want to   The adage I like to use is some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. Not everyone is meant to be your client or to support your cause.

2: Create a Brand and A Tag Line that will reach the audience- For example I am known as Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Spiritual Emcee Maximizing Your Message, and people who I am looking to work with and help excel have come to know my logo and often state you’re the guy with the fired up microphone logo.

JDOGG Lederman has a consistent brand and message


JDOGG Connections Build A Presence on Social Media Platforms

3: Know what social media platforms you want to use and learn how to use them or find someone who you can use to do this for you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence