Advertisement Ideas: Get Digital With It!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get Digital With It!!!

Long before people began to speak about leaving a digital footprint I was doing just that as I believe it is important to record everything so you can have content to show off and thus strengthen your brand while also increasing your revenue. This video was done 6 years ago as part of a mastermind group, Tuesdays With Barbara. I made it a point to do interviews with as many people from this group as possible to illustrate how powerful video is and to also show that you can start with just a cell phone and work up to doing professional fully edited videos. The time is now for you to get digital with it. If you are say you are not ready for that or you can not afford that you will find yourself behind those in your industry who are using video content to build their brand and increase their revenue.
I hosted a TV Show on, The Anything Bucket, and I explained to potential guests how important it was to come on the show and purchase their clip. Those that came on and purchased their clip and utilized the clip as I demonstrated to them how to maximize their message did very well. I was amazed by how many people said no to being interviewed or buying their clip. Many of the people who came in didn’t understand the concept of multiple impressions and took advantage of the free interview only to be disappointed with the results. I explained that a 1 time airing to 50,000 people would not give them the results they were looking for that they really needed to purchase the clip and share it across social media platforms and on their website and even email it to potential clients. Those that followed this formula did well while those who did not continue to wonder why their business is slow. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Get Digital With It!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Constant Communication Is The Key!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Constant Communication Is The Key!!!

If you are a regular reader if this blog you know my commitment to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and my many successes. In 2016 I was involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton and raised $1688.05, is my donation page for this relay. I also was involved in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise and raised $1235.35, is my donation page for this relay. My secret to my successful fundraising was that every day I communicated and shared my story with people as to why I relay and asked for donations. In going out into the community I was able to share Relay and where the money goes and the positive impact with others. I was able to recruit a team for The Boca Raton Relay that raised $155. I share this with you to stress the importance of communication. In you business it is important to be out there in the community sharing who you are, what you do, and why people should do business with you. Over the years I have found that the facts they sell but the stories they sell. In building relationships and communicating with people on a regular basis you will have success. The more people you share with the more people know about you and the more money you can raise or the more sales you will have.

I was bit surprised when a People Lead and a Community Representative from The American Cancer Society told me that teams would not be contacted over the summer. I thought wow this goes against every rule of engagement that exists. I have  always been one to plan the work and work the plan and keep the already existing participants informed as it is proven your best client/customer or participant is someone who already exists in your data base and by keeping in constant contact and making them feel appreciated they will continue to do business with you or support your organization. When you communicate on a regular basis people feel as though they are part of your business or organization and will support you.  Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Constant Communication Is The Key!!!