Advertisement Ideas: Stand Up and Succeed!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stand Up And Succeed!!!

This week I had a challenge as a so-called business professional took umbrage to the fact that I was using LinkedIn to ask for support of The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton. He  replied that no one cared about my cause or my opinion. I then did a reply to the 11 people in the conversation including this gentleman and I use that term loosely as he turned out to be anything but a gentleman. He wrote back saying he didn’t have time for my bullshit. It was at that point I called and told him all he had to do was remove himself from the conversation instead of saying okay he got very angered calling me an idiot, an asshole and telling me to go fuck myself. I told him sorry he felt that way and I would do as he requested and lose his number. I did my best to rectify the situation he complained to LinkedIn who has restricted my account and as I write this I am appealing the decision. It was at this point I decided to let go and let GOD and to continue to stand up for what I believed in and to move forward in my efforts to plant the seeds of hope and healing for cancer patients, their friends, and their families. By standing up and continuing to speak out and advocate for people touched by cancer and raising funds for research, education, advocacy, and services I have raised $935.83 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton, which will be held on April 16, 2016 at Omni Middle School from 5 PM – 11 PM. By standing up and speaking out  I  finished with $1235.35 raised for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise which was held on April 1, 2016.  I am very passionate about helping those touched by cancer due to the fact that I have lost so many to cancer including my mother who was called home to GOD on July 5. 2012.

 In responding to people and explaining your reasoning in a kind way you will create a respectful dialogue where everyone feels good about the outcome. You never know how your response will impact your business. Think about it if the gentleman who replied in a disparaging way would have simply stated thank you for reaching out to me however I share a different viewpoint than you do and will not be donating to your cause. I wish you much luck in your efforts. In the future if you or anyone else needs my services please visit my website and connect with me how he could have tapped into the connections that I have  and perhaps obtained more clients. Now do you really think that I am going to even think about him and his company. He probably doesn’t care as he made it clear that he doesn’t want and doesn’t believe he needs my help. It is his loss because I have stood up for many businesses even when they have said no and sent people to them.  Remember that every interaction you have can lead to building your brand and increasing your client base so do your best to be nice to everyone even if you disagree with them.

Think about it if you made someone feel bad they are going to tell people about the negative interaction they had. I have always taught that one oh crap ruins a thousand at a boys so I do my best to show respect to people and to check my ego at the door for the day I think I know everything is the day I begin to loose everything. In all that we do be it soliciting for donations, advertising our business, or attending networking events we must look at how are we making people feel and how are we responding to them.

One does not have to be mean spirited and try to tear one down they simply need to be kind and learn to move on as some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting next. The gentleman who responded negatively most likely will have some experiences that are not pleasant because karma is the greatest equalizer. He most likely will not change and it is not my job to change him it is my job to stand up, speak out, and shine my light and illuminate the world by being of service and value to others. I would recommend that before  you respond negatively to anyone that you look at The Four Agreements. Stay Positive!!!

The next time you are unsure of what to do when communicating with someone remember these four agreements. It is when we are kind that we strengthen our business.

Advertisement Ideas:Keeping Your Doors Open!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Keeping Your Doors Open!!!

   I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton on Wednesday (3/23/2016) when I went into OXXO Cleaners and the gentleman said he wasn’t in a position to donate and was giving me a sob story about how he was putting money from other businesses into this cleaning business to keep it afloat. I began to ask him questions and give him some solutions.He said you know what I am going to give you a donation and he handed me a $20 bill. W discussed further ways that we can be of service and value to one another. I share this story to illustrate to you that messages are coming to you and it is time to wake up and heed the messages as things are happening for a reason. The idea is to be in a position to keep your doors open and to make a profit. I have often said and I teach that if business isn’t coming to you go out and find the business. I was an assistant manager at a Footlocker Store in Wellington, FL and I managed to beat all the projections because everywhere I went I would hand out my Footlocker cards. When we did a Friends and family promotion I would ask for 1000 of the coupons because I knew if I walked the mall and the area around the mall and went to the high schools in the area we would see a return on our investment. When I did this the first time I was told by a district manager that is not what the promotion was intended for. I answered did we or did we not just increase our year to date sales by 200% by doing it this way. I was told yes but that was not the intention. I started to wonder if you are not increasing your sales then why are you keeping your doors open. I often wonder how people get into a position without a vision of growth. Sometimes to truly be successful you must do things differently to keep the doors open.  Every where I have ever worked I have been sales oriented and have done things a bit differently. My first retail job at Oaktree Men’s clothing in 1988 was quite the experience as I became the top salesman in the country.I was asked how I did this and I answered I simple shared who I was and where I worked with others and when they came to the store I asked questions and was able to find what they were looking for and as a result made many sales. The answer to keeping your doors open is being proactive in the market place and doing things a bit differently than others.

I have always thought of myself as a problem solver. I have found that those who put judgement and EGO aside and listen to me become successful as I come up with practical solutions. In today’s market place if you do not have a web presence you need to develop one by defining your target audience and giving them a reason to come to your store. I have found that those who think they know everything stat to lose everything because they are not open to outside thinking. The solution is to see what is working in the industry you are in and find a way to be a step ahead of everyone else. If you are a sports related store you should be doing things that are sports related in your marketing for example You know every March that The NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Takes Place and is referred to as March Madness so why not do a special March Madness promotion that appeals to those who follow the tournament.  Every day there is a special day designated on the calendar so look up the special days and do promotions around the day. A great resource for marketing ideas is Heidi Richard’s Mooney’s Book Quirky Marketing Ideas.

The idea is to stand out from everyone else by being creative so that you can keep your doors open. When you come up with an idea it is important to implement it and promote it accordingly with enough lead time to make it effective. You can just say oh let’s do a 20% off sale today and put a sign in the window. You must plan the work and work the plan. It is paramount to go where you customers are and give them a reason to do business with you so that you can keep your doors open.

 A few years ago I partnered with Skyline Chili and did a monthly fundraiser that brought additional business to their Sunrise Location. I had a comprehensive plan which included making videos the night of the event to show people what we were doing. I would post these videos across social media and as a result over $5000 was raised for the charity which was 20% of the sales. I would also do shout outs on my radio show that I hosted at the time, Get Motivated with Jonathan JDOGG Lederman. If you want to keep your doors open you must be willing to do things differently. In this world there are two types of people action takers and excuse makers. Which one are you?



Advertisement Ideas: You Can’t Please Everyone!!!

Advertisement Ideas: You Can’t Please Everyone!!!

I have come to learn that you could take what you believe to be great actions and achieve excellent results but that you will still have people who complain. Such was the case recently when I went to Legends on a Friday Night to collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.I asked the GM for permission to go table to table and ask the patrons he said yes and I ended up collecting $34 in about a 30 minutes. I found out today that some patrons complained and that the owner called The American Cancer Society to complain that this hurt his business. I was told I should have arranged to set up a table and allow patrons to come to me. I explained that on that night it was a spur of the moment to go and collect. I can understand that the owner would be upset as a few customers complained. What he didn’t see was how many people showed appreciation and the one women who was helped because I gave her the 1-800-acs-2345 number for her to call to get support as her husband was recently diagnosed with cancer. What the executive director and event lead didn’t see was that many people now have brochures and may support relay. I learned a long time ago that your actions are not going to please everyone and that some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting, next.

In being authentic and not being afraid to speak my mind and take action I have managed to raise the ire of some people while I have also been able to motivate and inspire others. I have learned that when you do thing on your terms and your way you are not going to please everyone.  This is why when I work with clients I ask them to define their niche market as not everyone will be your customer. As you do things and take action you are going to have some people who have nothing better to do than to complain.In the business sector today there is a tendency to focus on the complaints as the trend is to complain instead of to praise. I was at Starbucks one day and they are a National Corporate Partner with The American Cancer Society and one lady complained to the manager about me having my canister on my table. The manager said I can not have the canister on my table any more. I found this odd as I am a regular customer and the lady that complained hasn’t been back since that day.  What has happened and what is wrong with the corporate and non-profit sector is that they have begun to major in the minor and try to please everyone and as a result are leaving money on the table. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: You Can’t Please Everyone!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Today’s entry  is inspired by Ah Snagg CPA located  at 460 N. University Drive in Lauderhill whose phone number is 954-749-9722 as he taught the lesson of how not to treat someone when they are cold calling. I walked in unannounced as I often do when out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I saw he was with a client so I apologized for interrupting and asked if I could leave a flier about Relay For Life and he immediately got irate called me rude said he couldn’t help and that he was with a client. I fully understood this and thanked him for his time. he continued to go on and tell me that the work I was doing was meaningless and then threatened to call the police. I understand I interrupted his flow of business however I was polite. All he saw was someone in jeans and a tee shirt and a ball cap and didn’t realize that I could have been of service and value to him.  This encounter really got me to thinking about how many so-called professionals are struggling because of making judgments and not giving people time. I have always said that I may be a solicitor today however in the future I could be a client or be someone who recommends potential clients to you. Ask yourself what type of feeling am I leaving when I interact with others and how is that interaction affecting my business.

In business today it is imperative to understand the importance of making people feel good and leaving them with what I call a warm fuzzy about their encounter with you. When Ah Snagg said my  work was meaningless this upset me and I thought wow I won’t be recommending him to any of my business associates. I had a great idea about how he could have helped The American Cancer Society and also strengthened his brand. It was a simply host a FREE Workshop on Charitable Giving for the volunteers. As a result of doing the workshop he may have picked up a few clients. I guess Ah Snagg didn’t realize that he had an opportunity to tap into  volunteers simply by making time and being kind. Instead everyone who reads this entry will now think twice before they do business with him. The important thing to remember is to be kind to everyone for the people you see on the way up will be the same people you see on the way down. I would recommend that Ah Snagg and all those who aren’t making time for people grab a copy of Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements and apply the principles.

In adopting these four agreements you will see a dramatic change in your ability  to  make time for people and your image in the community. How many times have you ignored someone who came into your business or your office because of the way they looked or the way they were dressed.  How many times did you lose out on opportunities that would have enhanced your image because you were quick to judge. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Advertising Ideas: Be Creative!!!

Advertising Ideas: Be Creative!!!

Garfield vs Snoopy 2016Two of my favorite cartoon characters are Garfield and Snoopy and my favorite charity is The American Cancer Society.  2016 Marks my 17th year as a volunteer with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In my many years of fundraising and promotions I have learned that to succeed you need to be creative thus I developed a fundraising program called The Snoopy VS. Garfield Challenge where people are asked to visit and make a donation and put Snoopy or Garfield in the comments and whichever character gets the most votes based on donations wins. It is very simple and easy to participate in. This fundraising triggered a thought about the importance of being creative in your marketing. In being creative you want to have a campaign that is memorable that resonates with your target audience. With the Snoopy VS Garfield Challenge I am looking for people aged 25+ who will know who each character is and who wants to help plant the seeds of hope and healing for cancer patients and their families. In using creativity and cause marketing people are seeing what I am passionate about and learning that when they use my services that they are supporting a cause that most everyone can relate to as cancer has touched almost everyone in one way or another.

2016 Popints for the Cure Fundraiser Another creative fundraiser that I implemented was The Points For The Cure Football Edition, which helped to raise $21.50 for this relay for life. In having fliers and promoting it across football related platforms other relay participants ran a similar campaign. Now let’s translate this to your business if you have clients/customers that are football fans you can pick a team and do a special price based on the points that team scores or offer a discount based on the points scored. You can then market this across all your marketing platforms and thus generate more revenue simply because you were creative.

Years after this character was implemented by Domino’s Pizza people still remember the character. The Domino’s Pizza Avoid The Noid Campaign created a buzz and increased brand awareness and revenue. Think what can your business develop so that people will recognize your brand and be compelled to spend money with you.

I work with Celebrity Sports in Plantation, Florida and we have been very creative with our marketing bringing in celebrities like Rick Flair, Dwight Gooden, and Steve Garvey to sign autographs. All people who are in our target audience know who these people are and as a result we create a buzz about the store and increase traffic for the day of the signings thus keeping us on top of the mind of the consumer so that when they think of collectibles they think of us 1st.

DUO Magazine

Introduces our “Thrillanthropist” of the Month

A Local L egend Who Gets a “Thrill” Out of Helping Others
Jonathan JDOGG Lederman

Community Activist
Since he was a young boy Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Positive Broadcaster, was committed to helping the community. He has always believed that service to humanity is the best work of life. His community service work spans over 30 years and includes many accomplishments. JDOGG is a returned U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer who served in The Philippines from July 2002 through February 2003. Prior to his serving in The Peace Corps JDOGG was very active in The Junior Chamber of Commerce where he was introduced to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Upon his return to The United States he reconnected with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In 2008 he was recognized with The American Cancer Society Hope Award. It is estimated that he has raised over $35,000 in his 16 years as a Relay For Life Volunteer. In July of 2012 JDOGG’s mother was called home to God after suffering a heart attack while battling inoperable metastatic lung cancer. In 2016 he is participating in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise and captain a team for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton. He hopes to raise over $3500 and has set up donation pages at for The Sunrise Relay and for The Boca Raton Relay. He has raised $377 for The Sunrise Relay and $285.50 for The Boca Raton Relay. Please call 954-254-8227for additional information or for an interview request.

When you send out your media releases give the media an angle that will be relevant, resonating, and entertaining. As a result of being creative I was named DUO Magazine’s Thrillanthropist of The Month because of my involvement with The American Cancer Society.

Find ways to creatively promote your business daily. Post things that relate to your business that will entice people to do business with you.

Advertisement Ideas: Leveraging Relationships!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Leveraging Relationships!!!


It was a few Tuesday’s ago when I was at Tijuana Flats and I met a group of business men from the Oakley Vault and they made me an offer to come to one of their stores and pick out a pair of sunglasses for consideration of promotion by me. Today (7/3/2015) I went to the store and picked out the glasses seen in this video. This had me thinking about how important it is to leverage relationships. I have learned in all my  years in marketing, advertising, public relations, and media relations that the key is to make it a win-win situation. In this case The Oakley Vault had a product I could use and I had a platform that they could use. The key is to see how you can be of value and service and how the person you are dealing with can be of service and value to you. I began leveraging relationships at a very young age as I hosted my very first special event, A Backyard Carnival to benefit The Muscular Dystrophy Association, at age 11. I went to all the places where I spent money and asked for their support. It was at that time that I learned if you return the favor and give something of value you will obtain either monetary or in kind donations. The key is to make the introduction and then find ways that everyone can benefit. I have used the idea of leveraging relationships for many years and the examples I can give are numerous just like the one in the video.

You may be wondering what oracle cards have to do with leveraging your relationships. Well there is a story behind these cards that illustrate a great point of leveraging your relationships and having a purpose in mind. I am very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton,FL and I have been the leading fundraiser for this relay for several years. In 2015 I raised $2726.90, the webpage will be up until 8/31/2015.  One way I was able to do this is by leveraging relationships. I was on Facebook one day and I wrote to both Doreen Virtue and Sonia Choquette who I had been interacting with  on Facebook for a while and I asked them for items to use in chance drawings and they sent me oracle cards and other items and in return I am promoting them to my followers. When you have something that can benefit the person you are asking for support be it in business or in your charitable endeavors you can better leverage your relationship.  I have always believed that the worst someone who you have built a relationship with will say is no and no today does not mean no forever. Think of what you have to offer that will help you to leverage a relationship so as to strengthen your brand and increase your revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Leveraging Relationships!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Back To The Basics!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Back To The Basics!!!

When I was a kid we has a supermarket in our area called Basics. It was place where you brought your own bags or boxes and most of the products were generic. The store did massive advertising and flooded the area with coupons. They were doing a good business but then the landlord decided to raise the rent and it got to be a bit pricey and cut into the profit margin and the store closed.  The store sat empty for many years and now there is a Lowes Home Improvement store on that site. As I reflected on the concept of Basics Supermarket I began to think how many times we in business get away from the basics and then wonder why we aren’t having successes. How many times to we come up with an advertisement idea but we don’t implement it because we do not know if it will work and then we make many excuses as to why not to implement it.  The key is to remember that if you do not advertise your business you will  eventually lose so it is time to get back to basics.

The first basic principle is to get out there and hit the bricks. This sounds like an old school principle but it works. Last week as I was promoting my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT on I decided to walk a shopping plaza and share who I was and that I was seeking guests for my TV Show. I walked into Wise Little Shoppers in Sunrise,FL and the owner Sparkle was receptive to the idea of being on my show. She called me the next day and booked a time to come into the studio to tape a segment for the show. She came taped a segment and bought her clip to use in her marketing. In hitting the bricks you will meet people who can benefit from your products or services. I have been one to go business to business to share who I am and what I am doing and it has proven to be effective. Whatever I find myself promoting be it my TV Show, my charitable work with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life, or the South Florida Gold, a professional basketball team that I represent I find the best way is to get out in the community and go face to face, eyeball to eyeball, flesh to flesh to get the best results. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Back To The Basics!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And Take Action!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And Take Action!!!

Tomorrow, 5/21/2015, is Red Nose Day? You may be asking what this have to do with being aware and taking action? The answer is that it is one of the many days on a calendar that will go unnoticed by the majority of people however those that are familiar with it will capitalize by going to Walgreens and getting a red nose and wearing it out in public to draw attention to themselves and thus engage people. M&M’s is a sponsor as well and will be donation $1 every time #MAKEMLAUGH is used in social media. As someone who is always marketing myself and my services I am using Red Nose Day to further my purpose to help other people excel as I have made a video which is on YouTube that I am sharing across social media platforms. I have taken a selfie of me wearing the red nose and put it upon my Twitter and Facebook Pages. Some have said people may not take you serious because of that picture. My reply is that may be true but those meant to do business with me will see that I am real and authentic and thus want to do business with me.  The idea is to be aware of opportunities that are available to you promote your business and build awareness while also driving traffic and increasing revenue.

Imagine you purchase bags of m&m’s and then sell them in your office and donate the money to RED NOSE DAY and publicize this through videos, social media, and press releases showing that you are an entrepreneur with heart who serves the community. Maybe you are a life coach and you choose to donate a portion of every session booked in May to RED NOSE DAY and you promote this across all your marketing platforms.  The idea is to leverage RED NOSE DAY so that it helps you strengthen your customer base while increasing your revenue. People like to do business with those they perceive as being charitable and heart centered.

You can do what a local realtor, Ron Contronio, did and buy a couple of cases and organize a watch party to watch The RED NOSE DAY Special on NBC  thus creating a fun way to network and help worthwhile causes. When visiting one will see the various charities that are being supported. You could take these logos and make fliers to give out to your customers/clients to support RED NOSE DAY. You could make posters that say We Support RED NOSE DAY. Then in all your marketing material show that you support RED NOSE DAY. Leveraging support for RED NOSE DAY can increase traffic to your business and thus increase revenue.

NBC has incorporated RED NOSE DAY into several of their most popular shows like The Voice showing how important integration marketing is to the success of a business.

RED NOSE DAY is just one of several activities that you can be involved with to bring awareness to your business and thus increase your revenue. Every community now a days has a website where events are listed. Look for the events that resonate with you and fit into your marketing plan. The key is to be aware and to take action so that you are always on the top of the mind of your target audience so that when it comes time to utilize your products and services they think of you first.

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And take Action: A Success Story!!!

 Regular visitors to this blog know my passion for helping those touched by Cancer. I recently was made aware of several food truck round ups in my area and I went to a couple to solicit donations for Relay For Life. I did very well and was able to use my service with Relay For Life as a lead into to book guest for my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT. By taking action and capitalizing on events like these I have been able to help a worthy cause and promote myself.  As a result more and more people know who I am and are more apt to do business with me. Remember people will do business with those they know, like, and trust. When someone feels good about you they will be comfortable in giving you business or recommending you to others for business.

By getting involved in the community and being aware and taking action you may be recognized with a community service award like I was and given a great platform to promote yourself. Stay Positive!!!


Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?

Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?

Image result for Jonathan JDOGG LedermanSince I was 11 years old I have been involved in some aspect of community service be it raising funds for The Muscular Dystrophy Association or today raising funds for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In my years of  doing community service I have found that businesses that place an emphasis on supporting the community tend to out perform those who do not? Why is this? It is because the average consumer likes to do business with those they perceive as giving back to the community.  A great example of  why community involvement works was witnessed by me when I approached The Skyline Chili in Sunrise, Fl. The proprietors Tony and Jenny were very open to the idea of doing give back nights for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise, FL . I had never eaten at Skyline Chili until the night of our first give back night   and since that time I have eaten there on several occasions. They have seen an increase in their business as a result of doing these give back nights as they support many charitable causes and have gained a reputation as an establishment that supports the community.  In supporting the community you receive positive advertising that you could not buy. In the case of Skyline Chili they received positive promotion on the radio show I hosted, mentions in videos done at the fundraiser, and mentions in my blog and across my social media.  In helping me and my cause they gained a customer and an advocate.

Image result for Jonathan JDOGG LedermanI had the privilege of doing a  fundraiser with Tijuana Flats recently as part of their spirit night program. The spirit night is a night where a charity receives 20% of the sales during a certain time for their organization. This gives Tijuana Flats great exposure and brings in people who may normally not have Tijuana Flats on the top of their mind. As a result of doing the fundraiser I learned about Taco Tuesday and now I am a regular customer. My spirit night raised $149 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. I spend an average of $11 as I get desert and sides with my Taco Tuesday Order. Do the math just from me alone they will get the money donated back. It was interesting The GM said to me that night “JDOGG I either give it to you or I give it to Uncle Sam I would rather give it to you,” I thought for a minute and it hit me by doing a give back night not only does he get positive exposure in the marketplace he also gets a nice charitable write-off that allows him to make a profit and as a result stay open and employ more people from the community. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Why Community Involvement Works?

Advertisement Ideas: Be Consistent!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Consistent!!!

It is said that how you do anything is how you do everything. I find this to be true especially when it comes to marketing and media relations. In December I attended a Relay For Life Leadership Summit and I soaked up a lot of information and then I implemented 2 ideas that are leading to the success of The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. The ideas were to do a Mission Monday Video and a Fundraising Friday Video each week and post them across Social Media. In using the videos I have been able to be consistent and plant the seed for people to look for the videos on Monday and Friday, In being consistent with the videos and using hashtags like #relay2015 and tagging different groups and pages I have been able to reach a larger audience and garner support for the effort to help those touched by cancer. As of 1 PM today The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton has raised $16,913 with 45 teams and 215 participants. In posting comments updating the fundraising efforts I have been able to be on the top of the mind of the participants and they have been able to spread the message about what they are doing to help those touched by cancer. In having a consistent plan I have been able to garner results which have enabled me to engage people and let them know about other things that I do.

In advertising, marketing, and media relations the keys to success are frequency and consistency.  In all that you do when you make an advertising choice you want to be consistent as a one time advertisement anywhere may not garner the results you want as it normally takes 8 touches to get someone to take action. This is why you see so many Facebook posts from me encouraging people to donate to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton.I generally post with a reason for someone to give.I also go out into the community on a consistent basis with a plan to secure donations and as a result I have personally raised $2526.90 so far. By being consistent and including the fundraising site on my business card and also wearing Relay For Life Gear out in public I have been able to share Relay with others and open the door to further conversation about what else I do.  Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Be Consistent!!!