Advertisement Ideas: Face And Fix Problems!!!
Sometimes it is in the face of adversity that we can face a huge problem and solve it so that all who are involved are satisfied. As many of you know I recently had a situation with the owner of The Palm Beach Pelicans, a professional basketball team who did not pay me and then instead of making good on his promise to pay kept making excuses. I had the facts and the back up in my favor so I took to Facebook. He did not like this. I told him he had until a certain time to pay and he did not meet the deadline so I took action. Another person from another team decided to intervene when it was not their place to do so. I found out that there was more to the problems with The Palm Beach Pelicans than not paying me. I was told because of my complaint they lost their venue. My reply is you should have faced and fixed the problem and paid me by the deadline given. My advice to anyone who is not directly involved in the situation should stay out of the situation.
My suggestion to anyone who is hiring anyone to do a service make sure you have the money to pay them if you do not have the money then don’t hire the person. My advice to those offering services make sure you get payment upfront. I have learned in South Florida there are many people who don’t share the idea that they need to pay for services. There are those who will make promises and break those promises such as The Miami Spice, who in 2013 hired me to do 4 games. I booked my schedule and agreed that I would do the games. I did the first game was paid. I was prepared to do game 2 when I received a text message that due to financial issues they would no longer be using my services. They did not reply to my response or did they return my phone calls. So the two times I have had issues with teams is from start-up basketball programs who may have had good intentions but unfortunately lacked capital and support to take care of me as an announcer. As a result I now get payment upfront or only work with those who have a proven track record. If you run a business thinking people will just do things for free because of exposure you will fail. I am very good at what I do and I command top dollar. If you are up front with me I will work with you as long as you make good on your promise and pay me. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Face And Fix Problems!!!