Advertisement Ideas: Put Out Or Get Out!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Put Out Or Get Out!!!

In the ever evolving market place where social media seems to be taking over it is still important to get out from behind the computer and put yourself out into the market.  I have written many times about the 3 feet rule and the importance of getting out into the community. You can have all the social media sites in the world but if people don’t know about them they do not serve you well so it is important to get out and let people know who you are, what you do, and how they can connect with you.  One key when putting yourself out there is to answer the question how you can be of service and value to the people you come in contact with.

Advertisement Ideas: Ways To Put Out Instead of Getting Out!!!

Networking_Events-2When attending networking events it is imperative to get to know a few people at the event. Do not try to get to know everyone build relationships one event at a time and each time you go to the event greet the people you meet and then set a goal to meet 3 new people so that you build your data base and also strengthen relationships. Think of the one thing you want to offer those you meet and then how you will follow up.  The idea is to pick a lane and stick to it.  As you build relationships through networking you will find that you are able to convert people into clients as you continue to be of service and value. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Put Out Or Get Out!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

no excuses This  entry was prompted by an interaction I had with someone as I offered to put promotional materials into 25 Swag Bags that I will be giving out during my presentation at The How To Sell Your Genius Tap Into You Seminar on Friday, August 29, at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale. The woman has an herbal and essential oil business who the last time I spoke to her told me how slow business was. Those of you who read this blog on a regular basis know that I believe there is no reason for a business to be slow and thus when people tell me how slow their business is I always look for ways to change that perception.  I offered to put her cards and a small sample bottle into The Swag Bags she wrote me back that she was involved in many expos where she had to give gifts and would be passing on my offer. I thought okay her loss because of the 25 people who will receive The Swag Bags  2-3 may have wanted to purchase her oils and herbal supplements if they knew about her. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Stop Making Excuses!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why You May Be Sucking At Business!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Why You May Be Sucking At Business!

One of the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs and marketing  executives make is that they do not research the culture and thus think they have the greatest idea to implement that will bring much success. These 7 examples show you how not understanding the market you are advertising to can adversely affect your brand image and thus decrease your cash flow.  There are many examples of this in the market place my favorite example was when Chevy tried to market their NOVA in Latin America. They were unsuccessful because NOVA means doesn’t go in Spanish and thus didn’t sell many of that model.  It is imperative to know what your message translates to and how people of different cultures will perceive your message.

 Another reason you may be sucking at business is the misuse of grammar and  punctuation. This advertisement misused the apostrophe s when it was intended to show these events as plural.  I have seen it on numerous occasions where the wording should be we accept major credit cards and it read we except major credit cards. The consumer is going to think twice about doing business with you if you have misspelled advertisements.

Small Descriptive Sign NO ADVERTISING MATERIALAnother reason you may be sucking at business is because you do not have advertising material that is effective or  That effectively delivers your message.  I had decided to launch The FREE HUGS Campaign  and I made a hand written sign. That sign was not effective and did not give off a professional image so I went and had a professional banner made and it was more effective.  At first I didn’t have advertising materials with me Now I make sure I have my business cards and any promotional material for projects I am involved in to share with people. I have instituted a 3 foot rule so if someone is with on 3 feet of me I will talk to them as you never know who you may meet and how they can assist you or how you can assist them. When I sold advertising space I found it amazing the excuses that I would hear and I would walk away think now I know why you may be sucking at business.

Turn Down MoneyMany people are sucking at doing business because they are turning down opportunities. I host a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT and I invite people to come to The WRPBiTV Studios to tape a segment for my show. I am always surprised by the amount of people who will say no I am not interested and then when I see  them they complain how they are struggling. WRPBiTV offers my guests a chance to buy the clip of their appearance to use in their marketing for $125 and many of my guests turn that down. Again this is why they may be sucking at business. Think about it you have a business and you need positive exposure in the market place and you don’t take advantage of opportunities that someone is presenting to you.

One of the reasons you may be sucking at business is poor customer service. I remember working for Footlocker and the one thing that was stressed was to greet the customer within 5 seconds and make them feel welcome. I would greet the customers and begin to ask questions so that I could better meet their needs. I became so proficient that I had people coming to the store asking for me by name and if I wasn’t working my manager told me that many would leave the store. When I left Footlocker and went to work for Athlete’s Foot word got around and people found me. In addition to delivering good customer service I got to know the sports culture of the community where I worked. When I worked at The Footlocker in Wellington I knew about the Muck Bowl and the fact that the kids liked to buy the Tall Tees and decorate them themselves. I went to The District Manager and asked about ordering an extra gross (144 tall tees) in white to sell for Muck Bowl Week. At first he said no then he approved the order. We sold out of tall tees that week.  The reason you may be sucking at business is that you are not delivering what the consumer is after.

Closed MindedYou may be sucking at business because you think you know everything and are not listening to others. I remember being out one day soliciting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and I asked a Pizza Place for a donation of  10 large pizzas for the pizza lap he said he wasn’t interested. Guess what 6 months later he was closing his doors. The pizza places that did make a donation received great publicity and business from those involved in Relay. The reason you may be sucking at business is because you are not open to receive.

If you have a business then business motivational quotes can also help ...To overcome your sucking at business put people first, advertise, create a good experience when people deal with your business, be creative in your marketing, seek opportunities to maximize your business.

Advertisement Ideas: 10 Ways To Stop Sucking At Business!!!

1: Know who your target audience

2: Know the culture of where your business is

3: Make people feel important

4: Advertise regularly with a consistent message

5: Participate in local events

6: Support charitable causes

7: Create a recognizable brand

8: Attend Networking events and follow-up with the people you meet

9: Always carry your business cards

10: Put people before profits.

Advertisement Ideas: Street Walking As A Marketing Strategy!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Street Walking As A Marketing Strategy!

 In marketing sometimes you have to use the direct approach and be like the street-walker who searches for her clients by putting herself out there. I am not saying to use sex to sell, I am saying  use a direct approach to find clients/customers. Many years ago I introduced a philosophy of The 3 Foot Rule, where if someone is with in 3 feet of you talk to them and see if they may be of service and value to you and if you will be able to be of service and value to you. Like the street-walker you must have your package and your price structure in place. The street-walker displays her wares openly  and draws attention to her self. This leads me to the question as to how are you directly marketing yourself.

 I use  street walking as a marketing strategy by always having my business cards with me as you never know when an opportunity to network and share who you are and what you do with others will arise. In talking directly to people you open up new opportunities to cultivate clients/customers. In being sales oriented and always closing you begin to build brand recognition while also creating a buzz about who you are and what you do and why people should be doing business with you.  Like the street-walker who is constantly show herself off you should be in the market place showing yourself off. Though a street-walker may have many one time clients/customers she may also have steady clients/customers. The key is to attract steady customers by delivering excellent service and giving added value.  The question to ask is how am I going to keep people coming back? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Street Walking As A Marketing Strategy!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Kicking Butt And Taking Names!!!!

Advertising Ideas: Kicking Butt And Taking Names!!!!

One of the key ingredients in being effective with your advertising campaign is tracking the campaign . How you track results is very important when you are planning and implementing advertisement ideas.  The idea is to have a kick butt campaign that will allow you to track customers and  thus engage them on a regular basis.   The appeal must be entertaining, relevant, and resonating so that it achieves the objectives that you have set in place. Your advertising program should include a great headline, a great offer, and a tracking system.

 Do you recognize this? It is a QR Code where a client scans it on their phone and it takes them to your website. Once they visit your website you want to have a way to capture their information. One way to do this is to make your site a FREE Membership Site, where the visitor has to give you name, age, and email. This will give them a used code and allow you to then track their visits and thus create a program to target them to buy your product or services. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Kicking Butt And Taking Names!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Using Charitable Involvement To Improve Your Bottom Line!!!

Advertisement Ideas:

Using Charitable Involvement To Improve Your Bottom Line!

 On April 8, 2014 I had the pleasure of hosting a give back night for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton at Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries. That evening we raised $66.32 our percentage of sales. This made me think why are more people not approaching businesses to do this and why are more businesses not doing this. I normally would not have gone to Five Guys if it were not for the fundraiser, however that night I received my business. About a week later I was meeting with The owner of The South Florida Gold of The American Basketball Association. Guess where I chose to meet? You guessed it Five Guys. Why because of there involvement with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton.  The point is that this is one way you can use your charitable involvement to increase your bottom line. In aligning yourself with a charitable cause and advertising the event you will attract people who may not have ever done business with and have an opportunity to make them regular customers.

 After the event you can invite the charity to come and accept the check, take photos of them accepting the check, and then send out a media release to all media outlets about what you did for the charity. People may read the article and as a result want to set up a fundraiser with you or do business with you. In doing this not only do you increase your brand awareness but you also increase your bottom line.  The more you promote your charitable giving the more recognition you receive. I am from the old school where I support the businesses that support me.

 Dick’s Sporting Goods is a sponsor of The Lauderhill Broncos, a Pop Warner Football Team that I announce for. Guess where I shop when I need sporting goods and sports wear? You got it Dick’s Sporting Goods.  In sponsoring local sports teams your business gains exposure in the market place and thus creates a buzz that puts you on the top of the mind of your target audience. As a result of your community involvement you increase your bottom line. Again you can leverage your team sponsorship by taking photos of the plaques on the wall in your location, doing a video, and having a representative at games thus strengthening customer relationships.  The Lauderhill Broncos has 8 teams with an average of 26 players per team and each player will need cleats, practice shorts and practice jersey’s so if you are a sporting goods provider like Dick’s it makes sense to become a sponsor. The games are played on Saturday and after the games the players, coaches, and families need a place to eat so if you are a restaurant owner sponsoring the team has the potential to increase your bottom line. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Using Charitable Involvement To Improve Your Bottom Line!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Current Events Pay Off!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Current Events Pay Off!!!


Barbara Walters stepped away from TV today after a 50 year career. She leaves a legacy of excellence and insight in the industry. As she was saying goodbye on The View I put on my business and marketing hat and thought how many businesses will capitalize on this current event and how many others will lose out on an opportunity.

 Think about it whatever industry you are in you can capitalize on the fact that Barbara Walters is retiring. If you are creative you will drive business to you. Here are some ideas:

 1:You have a restaurant or club you can host a Barbara Walters look a like contest and give out prizes. You could promote this in all your marketing material.

 2: You have a brick and mortar business and you can host a chance drawing for Barbara Walters memorabilia.

 3: You can do a Tribute to Barbara Walters and offer a special promotion like buy one item get the next item 50% off. If you are a life coach, personal trainer, or other service type business you could run a program in honor of Barbara Walters 1st session $50. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Current Events Pay Off!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Return The Darn Phone Call!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Return The Darn Phone Call!!!

Hello Mr. or Mrs. Business Person,

Do you know what this is? It is a phone and it is an integral tool that can either enhance your business or derail it.  How many times have you said oh business is slow and made excuses as to why you are not as successful as you would like to be?  One reason is that you may not be returning calls to those who can be of service and value to you. I have that the lack of returning calls is very prevalent in business today.

As I sat at Starbucks today (5/14/14) working on blog entries and Relay For Life one of my colleagues, Vanessa who is building a new home, sat down and told me how hard it has been to find a shower door person and a pool person and how she has called several and none returned her calls. I said this didn’t surprise me as it has become the norm. We then got to talking about how the same people who didn’t return calls are the same people who complain about how their business is struggling. I would recommend to every business owner or organization that they print a sign and put it prominently in their office that reads RETURN THE DAWN CALL!!!! as a reminder that not returning the call can be costing them business and thus they may be leaving money on the table. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Return The Darn Phone Call!!!

Advertisement Ideas: From Conception To Inception!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: From Conception To Inception!!!

 Advertising, marketing, public relations,  and media relations is much like the cycle of having a child. The child is conceived and grows in the womb and then is delivered into the world. A good marketing, advertising, public relations, or media relations program takes on much of the same process as the idea is conceived  and developed then presented then brought out into the world. The key is to be able to go from conception to inception so as t strengthen your brand and create brand awareness. In creating brand awareness much like in creating a baby it takes time for the idea to incubate and develop. Once the idea is put out into the world much like the new-born baby it must be nurtured and guided so that it begins to mature and thus deliver the message that you intend it to deliver. As a baby grows and begins to talk it communicates exactly what it wants. Your advertising, marketing, public relations, and media relations program should do the same.

Advertisement Ideas: From Conception To Inception Consistency Is The Key!!!

 In August on 2013 I launched a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT.  The key to the success of the show has been that I have stayed consistent from the inception point until the inception point. There have been a few tweaks along the way as the original intro was changed to reflect the message of the show and that is to be an information source while also being entertaining for the viewers. I have interviewed many guests and have several shows available on demand at The show launched with an initial viewers ship of 38,000 and today reaches over 50,000 in 145 countries.  In being consistent with my approach I have been able to secure guests. In being consistent in the promotional process I have been able to utilize social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to grow an audience. Having the show information on my business cards has helped to build an audience. After inception adjustment and changes will be made, however if your message is consistent you will continue to have excellent brand recognition and awareness. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: From Conception To Inception!!!!