Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue!!!

 If you are in business the first thing you should be concentrating is in building revenue. Everyday you should be engaged in income producing activities for your business. Each aspect of your marketing strategy should include how the marketing will positively impact the revenue while increasing your brand awareness.  I have worked with many companies over the last 30 years and many have had general managers and owners who did not see the importance of marketing with a goal to increase their revenue.  I have seen many businesses over the years fail or lose money because they were not willing to invest in activities that would produce income down the line. Sometimes the initial outlay for a promotion may seem exorbitant but in the long run it will produce revenue while building brand awareness so that you attract more customers and as a result increase your market share.

 In all of the business classes and seminars that I have attended this is a recurring theme. The idea is to understand that marketing is an investment in your business. The key is to spend your money wisely so that it leads to an increase in revenue.  In my over 30 years of working for businesses I have seen those willing to spend money and invest succeed while also witnessing those who would not spend money or spent money incorrectly and failed. When spending money you must look at what you want the money you are spending do for you. You must have a plan that will create a return on your investment over time.

If you are to build revenue you must have a plan and you must work that plan. Before you even open your doors and build out your business you must know the demographics of the area, how many competitors there are in the area, and what the sales of comparable businesses around the area are doing to see if there will be enough residual support to support your business. If you are to build revenue you must know who your client/customer is and where your customer/client is and the buying habits of your client/customer. This is where have a promotional budget and plan comes in handy. Sometimes as you work your plan you need to make adjustments along the way so as to achieve the ultimate goal of building revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Becoming A Money Magnet!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Becoming A Money Magnet!!!

When you choose to advertise your intention of course is to create brand awareness, drive traffic, and increase cash flow.  Many times a reason your business is not flourishing is because of of the attitude you have toward money.  Instead of looking at advertising as an expense and taking money away from you look at it as an investment and a way of generating more money. I always say that I am a conduit for money as it flows to me and from me easily and effortlessly. I have watched all the so-called wealth experts and they all say what I have been saying for years it all comes down to how you look at money. You can come from a position of lack saying I can’t afford to do that or you can come from a position of abundance saying I will find a way to afford that. Many people in business today will cut advertising when things are slow and say I can’t afford to advertise when that is when you should be advertising.  Many people in business today will say it is busy and I don’t need to advertise. Advertising should be used on a consistent basis so that you become a money magnet.  The question is how do you become a money magnet?

Advertisement Ideas: Tools To Become A Money Magnet!!!

In this song by ABBA the singer decided that her plan will be to find a  rich man. This is not the best plan or tool to use. The first tool you have is you and your mindset.  How do you think about money?

God Loves A Cheerful Giver of the best tools we have to become a money magnet is to become a cheerful giver. Be glad that you have the money to give and to invest in advertising. By becoming a cheerful giver you will begin to open channels to receive that will bring you more money. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Becoming A Money Magnet!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Show Me The Money!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Show Me The Money!!!!


We all remember the scene from Jerry McGuire when Cuba Gooding Jr’s character tells Jerry McGuire(Tom Cruise) Show Me The Money. Well in advertising and marketing this philosophy is the same. The key is for your campaigns to show you the money. The initial ad or marketing project may not reap money right away as it takes 6-8 touches of the consumer before they make the decision to purchase your product or service.

Your advertising and marketing should compliment each other and convey a strong message that creates a desire in the consumer to do business with you.  I have encountered many business people who will cut back on their marketing and advertising when it appears things are slow  and then wonder why they lose market share or go out of business.  The fact is that at some point during your business you will need to effectively advertise and market.

 In the past Starbucks marketing department said that they would not advertise as their audience was finding them simply by driving by and word of mouth, well that recently changed as they introduced Starbuck’s Refreshers and are now doing a major TV Campaign to promote that line. As a result they have seen a spike in their daily sales again showing them the money derived from advertising. Starbucks continues to have a strong brand due to their consistent in-house marketing and now their outside marketing and advertising campaigns.

When deciding on doing a promotion you should analyze the cost as you also measure the value. Remember that marketing and advertising is an investment.  There are questions to ask like how many people will the promotion reach, what demographic will it reach, how long will the promotion last and how will I benefit by being part of the promotion. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Show Me The Money!!!