Advertisement Ideas: Taking Advantage Of Opportunities!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Taking Advantage Of Opportunities!!!


 Today’s blog post was inspired by The Pet Shop Boys song Opportunities. As I began to listen to the song I understood that it was talking about collaboration. Collaboration is a an excellent way to maximize your message and also reap the benefits of strengthening your brand and increasing your revenue.  When it comes to advertising sharing the expenses with other businesses makes sense as everyone can get their word out and reap the rewards. Let’s take for example that a FULL PAGE AD in La Bonita Kidz and Teenz,, costs $500 you can find 4 other businesses to split the costs and each business pays $100 and all 5 of you get maximum exposure with your own message and thus making the advertising affordable.  It is finding ways where everyone benefits that you have the most success.

 It is through team work that you can lift other people and thus lift yourself. Think about it you have a sub shop and down the block is a movie theatre. You visit and meet with The General manager and offer them discount coupons to your sub shop and in return they give you FREE Movie passes to give to your patrons. This creates a great cross promotion where everyone benefits and in return both businesses increase their exposure and their revenue. The idea is to look for great opportunities to create abuzz in the marketplace that will benefit everyone involved. The opportunities are endless when you begin to get creative and proactive. Ask yourself what have I passed up in my advertising and marketing as I made excuses to not take advantage of the opportunity. Think of what could have happened had you invested in an offer to pay $140 + tax to La Bonita Kidz and Teenz for a 1/4 page ad and a write up to appear in the magazine and reach 5000 mothers of middle school and high school aged students. You could have leveraged the write-up to build credibility and create interest in your product or services. When making an advertising decision ask yourself what does a client/customer represent to me? Think how many new customers/clients do you need to justify the investment in advertising?  Make sure the advertising is hitting your target audience, do not get fooled by circulation/distribution numbers. There was a local pre-school who decided to get caught up in numbers and bought an ad for $1000 in a publication that is distributed to 50,000 residents not realizing that 42,000 were being delivered to over 55 years of age communities, not exactly his target audience. When making the decision to promote or advertise make sure that the avenue you choose reaches your target audience. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Taking Advantage Of Opportunities!!!!