Media Relations Maximize your message I am often asked JDOGG, How do I get my story into the media? My answer over my 30 years of doing media relations is develop a relationship with the media sources, know who the editor is of your local newspapers and magazines, know the program director at the local radio station, get to know the producers of your TV news and, make friends with as many people with media related platforms as you can. After you build a relationship make sure you are sending them items that are relevant, resonating, and entertaining. For example the photo of me at The Skyline Chili Fundraiser was sent out to media outlets across South Florida with a Caption Love of Mother leads to unique partnership and fundraiser to help those affected by cancer. I sent this out and The Sunrise Forum ran a story on the front page about The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise, FL. Tying things in your business to a charity is a great way to pique the interest of the media.
A Great Event To Shift The Consciousness of the World One Community At A Time
This is a banner that was made for a special event and it was included in all the media releases sent out and in many posts on social media outlets. I used the following formula to get media coverage and this formula has worked for several clients I have worked with like Octavia Trimm of Butterfly Renewal, Barbara Theodosiou of The Addict’s Mom, and Coach Shantel Smith. Over the years I have utilized this formula to obtain media coverage for several non-profit organizations as well as for myself. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Get Into The Media!!!!