Advertisement Ideas: Creating Multiple Revenue Streams
I am often asked JDOGG How do you always seem to have enough money for what you want? The answer is simple I have created several ways to generate revenue. In todays economy it is important to have diversify and have many streams that produce revenue. There are several ways to create multiple revenue streams, some of them are:
1: Do a skills inventory coupled with your assets and your passion, then answer the question what problem or challenge can this solve and how can it be monetized. An example of this is an elderly women who was living on her social security check and barely making it each month. She looked inside herself and knew she was an excellent typist, she owned a fairly new computer with an up to date word processing program, she lived near a college and she began to put up fliers Bea’s Typing Service you write I type $5 per page call_______________. After a few months she began to get many clients from the college and was able to supplement her income not to worry about whether or not their would be enough money to make it. During the summer she would approach local professionals to see if they had any typing/word processing needs and would pick up more clients. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Create Multiple Revenue Streams