Advertising Ideas: Lessons Learned From Obama, McDonald’s And More!!!

Advertising Ideas:Lessons Learned From Obama, McDonald’d And More!!!

Description Barack Obama at NH.jpgCardale Jones

What can a U.S.President, a Fast Food Chain, and a a 3rd String Quarterback teach us about business?  This week President Obama decided it was to much of a security risk to travel to Paris or to send a representative to Paris on his behalf. The newspapers and all the electronic media outlets were a buzz at what is perceived to be another gaffe for this president. Social media had people calling Obama, ODrama, Dumbo, and other derogatory names. I looked and I thought what if a business acted in the manner that OBama acted and received the negative push back how could they spin it and rebuild their reputation in the market place.  The lesson that I learned from Obama is to make sure you are always putting yourself in a positive light  so that you will always be perceived as someone to know, like, and trust as consumers like to do business with people they know like and trust.  If you look at the Obama presidency you can learn many lessons of what not to do so as to avoid the downfalls of negative public relations. There is a saying that one oh crap ruins a thousand at-a-boys.  If you truly want to be seen in a positive light then you must present yourself in a positive light especially if you are a high profiled individual. People are going to watch what you say and what you do and they may forget that but they will not forget how you made them feel. So when you are doing business, networking, advertising, posting on social media make sure you leave people feeling good.
As I was watching the NFL Divisional Playoffs I saw this McDonald’s Ad for the first time and I thought McDonald’s has done it again. They created another ad campaign that will be remembered and relate to their target audience.Though it has been over 16 months since my last McDonald’s Purchase I have always looked to  their marketing campaigns for lessons.  If you notice the characters in the ad you will notice that most of them will resonate with the 25-54 crowd who today has children and that is one of the biggest consumer audiences for McDonald’s.The first lesson learned here is to know who your target audience and to deliver a campaign that will be resonating, entertaining, and relevant . The second lesson is to create something that will get people talking thus creating a  buzz around your business.  Many consumers want to feel good about supporting the companies where they spend their hard-earned money. After spending money at McDonald’s those who choose to do so have said that they feel good about their purchases because of the perception that McDonald’s cares about the community. One thing I have learned is that it is important to create a warm fuzzy feeling with existing customers and potential customers like what McDonald’s did here with this commercial. Continue reading Advertising Ideas: Lessons Learned From Obama, McDonald’s And More!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Not Interested Stifles Business Success!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Not Interested Stifles Business Success!

Not Interested PicturesI am always amazed when I make a phone call to a business to offer them something that can really help their business and the person on the other end of the phone say we are not interested. So let’s get this straight you have  a business you need  positive exposure in the market place and a TV Show Host is calling you to offer you a chance to create a digital imprint and you are not interested. Each time this happens I hang up the phone and think did they realize that they just stifled the potential for growth and to have an advocate for their business. When I do seminars I always tell the audience to be open and receptive to everyone that calls and walks through the door(If you have a brick and mortar business) as you never know how the person you are speaking with can be of value and service to you.  Your lack of interest could be costing you the valuable dollars added to you your cash flow that is necessary to grow and expand. Your lack of interest can be driving business to the competition who was open and receptive. One business owner told that if they entertained everyone who called they would be out of business.I answered then hire someone you know, like, and trust to be the one to look over the opportunities that are being presented so as to not leave money on the table.  An appearance on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST puts you in front of over 50,000 viewers mostly women aged 25-54 earning over $100,000 annually what a great demographic to have. Then if you choose to purchase your clip for $150 you can use it across all your marketing platforms so as to create a buzz and generate more clients/customers.

not+interested.jpgAs many of you that read this blog on a regular basis are aware I volunteer with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton, FL and have set up a website at  and I stand at $1614.82 raised so far, however I have  run into many people who express this phrase that they are not interested.  I find this curious for many reasons as it is proved that supporting local charities can lead to more business. I know that in 2012 when I was emceeing a Relay For Life Event one of the participants asked me what I would charge to emcee a birthday party I gave them a price and they hired me. If  I had not been interested in Relay For Life I would have missed this opportunity. I have  asked all business people who visit and make a donation to please leave a link to the website so I can share their business with my followers.  So again you can see where not being interested can be stifling your business. Think about it you make an in-kind or monetary donation and you gain exposure in the market place and pick up customers/clients that otherwise would not have known about you. I am from the old school if you give me support I will do my best to give you support. Sometimes your lack of interest costs you business because you pre-judged someone and didn’t know the sphere of their influence. Ask yourself where your lack of interest  may be costing you in the areas of brand awareness and recognition, cash flow, new customer/client procurement, and customer/client retention. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Not Interested Stifles Business Success!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Going Over The Top!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Go Over The Top!!!

In football going over the top has been a way to effectively achieve the objective of getting first downs and touchdowns. In going over the top a player puts himself at risk for the best interest of the team. In business and in non-profit organizations going over the top can be very risky as the message or your actions may not resonate with the audience you are attempting to reach or may not be in line with the hierarchy of an organization.  I have  often been the one to go over the top be it break dancing at a leadership conference or asking for donations on a parade route or hanging up a FREE HUGS sign at my local Starbucks. Sometimes my over the top actions have yielded great fruits and scored me many points while at other times I have  been thrown for a loss.  The risk of being an over the top thinker and implementor is great however the rewards this thinking yields makes it all worth it on many occasions.  I was told that many people who meet me for the first time don’t know what to make of my over the top thinking or actions and that this thinking may be  creating challenges in my personal and professional life.  I believe that in order to succeed you must be an over the top thinker because sometimes it is the crazy actions that get noticed and rewarded. I remember one day I was about 14 years old volunteering at The Muscular Dystrophy Association Telethon and I decided to get the audience to pledge money for the amount of push ups I could do in a minute. Some thought I was crazy but I knew exactly that doing something unique and different I could raise some much-needed funds for those with neuromuscular diseases. I grabbed the microphone and said Hello, I am Jonathan Lederman and I am asking everyone to make a pledge for the amount of push-ups I could do in a minute so we can help the kids who can’t do push-ups because of Muscular Dystrophy. I did 52 push-ups and raised over $500. I remember standing up at a Jaycees meeting when a local chapter was on the verge of cancelling their Spreading The Joy program and I said what if we ask people we do business with to donate. I was told we never did that before. I asked why not the worst they can tell us is no. I asked them to give me two weeks as we were going to meet again in two weeks they said okay. Well at the next meeting I stood up as told them I secured monetary donations in the amount of $2500 and in-kind donations of over $1000. They asked how I said I just asked. I also told them about the door blocks I set up at the local KMART where we would simply ask customers for donations. They were hesitant at first and didn’t want to do it so I said okay I’ll go on the first day and if anyone wants to join me great if not that is okay too. On that first day I collected over $500 and recruited 15 chaperones for The Holiday Shopping Spree.  That year, 1989, saw us take 64 needy children holiday shopping and feeding 30 needy families. Simply by being an over the top thinker I have  found success. The lesson here is to take a risk and go over the top. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Going Over The Top!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get A Frickin Clue!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get A Frickin Clue!!!



As I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay Fir Life Of West Boca Raton as part of GIVING TUESDAY on 12/2/2014 I went into an Army Navy Surplus Store in Boca Raton. I was greeted by an elderly gentleman who has been at the store for some time as I had met him a couple of years ago  while again collecting donations. He told me he couldn’t help and that the store was struggling. I kept thinking get a frickin clue man you don’t tell potential customers how bad the store is doing and how you don’t have money. I asked him a few questions as I am in the market for shorts and pants and they sell these items his attitude was oh those are military pants. He then said in a very gruff tone that he would sell me the shorts for $10 each. I may go back despite his attitude because shorts at $10 a pair are a good deal.  As I left I kept thinking now I know why this store maybe struggling no advertising as they are relying on being at the same location, poor attitude, and employees coming from a position of lack.  I encounter this mentality quite often and I always am left thinking the same thing get a frickin clue.

Oaktree - Spring/Summer 1987One of my first jobs out of college was working for The Oaktree Men’s Clothing Store in The Boca Town Center Mall. I began working there in February 2008 as a Manager in Training and within 3 weeks I was the #1 sales person in the country for Oaktree. I was doing well setting sales records, building a regular customer base, and using my key contacts as a substitute teacher to promote the store. I remember the one thing that always stood out was the idea of having a positive attitude and fulfilling the customer’s needs.  My manager asked me how was I able to outsell him and still do all the tasks of a Manager in Training.I simple told him to sit down and catch a frickin clue as we must have our priorities in order and find efficient ways to meet sales goals and still get the other tasks done. I told him I come in a 1/2 hour before my scheduled shift and punch in so I can set goals for my shift and take care of tasks like putting merchandise out.  I gave him this example you go back to the stock room for a shirt for the customer and there are other shirts to put out get the shirt for the customer and while the customer is trying it on stock the other shirts.  I left Oaktree and went to work with Merle Harmon’s Fan Far a sports apparel and collectible shop. I was bringing in sales and increasing sales but they decided to keep the manager who was married with kids as they told me I could always get another job. I thought again get a frickin clue I was the one who was doing the work and who was showing loyalty to the company. Well they didn’t get a frickin clue and went out of business.  I share this with you so that when you are doing business you get a frickin clue and succeed. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Get A Frickin Clue!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Black Friday – Stop The Madness

Advertising Ideas: If You Only Knew How Black Friday Originated!!!

Slave Woman Sold In Va | The Business of Selling Slaves MoreI do not know for sure if  Black Friday had its roots in the slave trade.  I checked the dates of some of the  historical advertising posters for the buying and selling of slaves and they corresponded to the Friday after Thanksgiving. In the 1870’s they would advertise the sale of slaves, which brought consumers to the slave auction.  They made  large profits but may have sacrificed their spiritual well-being. Today consumers are targeted for consumer goods on Black Friday and as a result of  the TV Ads, the radio ads, the newspaper ads and the social media ads we see that this may be working. During slave trading auctions fights would break out and people would be killed. During Black Friday now fights break out and people are killed. In both cases you are left pondering for what? In both slave trading and today’s Black Friday  you are feeding the coffers of the so-called privileged few who have found a way to manipulate you and convince you to stay in a position of lack.  Ask yourself am I any better off with the new shiny object than I was before I had it. states that the term Black Friday does not have anything to do with the slave trade. I wasn’t there so I can only go from the evidence that Slave sales were advertised and many of the dates correspond to the day after Thanksgiving. My point here is that advertising can often be used to manipulate people and keep them in the lack mindset. Regardless of the origins of Black Friday is has created madness that has seen more people hurt than helped. Maybe we should abolish Black Friday as encourage retailers to close on Thursday and then run business as usual and thus not encourage the lawlessness of the few who ruin it for everyone.

want it now You mean to tell me you couldn’t wait for that sexy bra at Victoria’s Secret, or the big screen TV at Walmart, or the New Nike Sneakers at Footlocker.  My recommendation is to get your priorities straight  and ask yourself how will your life be enhanced by the new bra, the new car, the new TV, or the  new sneakers.

Too many of us now tend to worship self indulgence and consumption ... Instead of buying into the hype of Black Friday find something productive to do such as donating time or money to a charity.  You can start by visiting and making a donation. Greed is one of the deadly sins and greedy people will be punished. The only way to stop the madness is not to buy into the hype.  As a business you want to create a positive image so people will buy products from you all year round. Having people trampled at your store doesn’t do that.

... kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions Bible Verse. Remember it is not the materialistic that matters but the spiritualistic.  Imagine if you just kept consistent in all you did as a business owner all year round and did not try to manipulate the public the results you might have. Imagine of you as a consumer did not buy into the hype and manipulation the prices you would receive.  My message is to stop looking at what you don’t have and be more appreciative of what you do have. When you market and use public relations properly you won’t need the hype of Black Friday or other sales to drive business as people will come to you because they know you, like you, and trust you.  It is time to go back  to the idea that everyday is a day to be civil to one another and to be of service and value daily. Black Friday may boost your profits but it may not boost your soul. Black Friday may move merchandise but it may jeopardize you image and good will. So think about how you conduct your business.

My message to you is to stop the madness!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Pounding It Hard!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Pounding It Hard!!!


Description Basketball game.jpgIn basketball when we say someone is pounding the paint it is a compliment. The mentality to go hard to the basket should translate to you in business as you need to be pounding the paint, your area to cultivate new clients/customers. In basketball we refer to the ball as the rock and when that rock goes in it is a success. Getting the rock in the paint and scoring baskets doesn’t come easy it comes with hard work, dedication, and a commitment to be better every time you take to the court.  In business clients/customers just don’t appear you need a plan of action to get them and keep them.

Gerald Green Slam Dunk ChampionIn basketball a slam dunk excites the home crowd and energizes the team. In business sometimes you have to go above the rim and throw down a monstrous dunk to excite your clients/customers and energize your brand. Ask yourself how can I pound it hard and create a slam dunk? One way is to look at your resources like your phone. When was the last time you connected with a past client/customer to see if they needed your product or service or if they knew someone who could benefit from doing business with you. I was recently in a jewelry store and the gentleman behind the counter who identified himself as the owner was complaining how bad things were and how his sales were off. I asked what are you doing to promote your business? His answer nothing. There is your answer you can not score points and garner clients/customers or retain clients/customers if you do nothing. I suggested he take out his phone and every day call 10 clients/customers that he hasn’t seen in a while and ask them if they have gold to sell or know anyone who is looking to sell gold. His answer was I don’t have time for that. I thought wow you just told me your business is off and you don’t have time to build it.  I told him my theory about pounding it hard, which is to go out and hit the streets and find the people who are in your target audience and hand them information about who you are, what you, do and why they should be doing business with you. He said no people will come I have been here for 20 years. I said thank you and wished him luck. I went down the street to another jewelry store and the owner who I knew through some of my sales/marketing jobs said to me JDOGG things are doing well I have those calendars you like. I thanked him and asked him what he was doing and he say like you always say pounding it hard, I have  my street team out everyday flooding the area with fliers announcing my specials, I have people calling past clients/customers to update records, I am sending out mailers to a target specific audience, I am attending networking events, and supporting charities. I left thinking that is why one business struggles while another thrives. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Pounding It Hard!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Roll Up The Sleeves And Get To Work!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Roll Up The Sleeves And Get To Work!

 In my business consultations I tell my clients all the time it is time to roll up the sleeves and get to work. I believe it doesn’t matter who the governor is, who your mayor and council people are, who you state senator is, who the president is because in the long run they have very little impact on your business. It is you who will determine your level of success. It is you who will find the right people to help with your marketing and media relations. It is you who will build your brand. The decisions will be yours as an entrepreneur. Sure you will delegate your responsibility but when it comes to the success of your business it lies with you and only you.  If you choose not to advertise and your business slows down that decision is on you not your competition, not the economy, not your workers, and not any other outside influence. I speak to many entrepreneurs and I hear so many excuses that I say okay which are you going to be the excuse maker or the action taker?  The key to have a successful flourishing business is to work on it everyday and make sure that you are creating brand awareness daily. Ask yourself how am I rolling up the sleeves and getting to work? What can I do differently?

 In rolling up your sleeves and getting to work you will begin to reap many benefits like a buzz in the community, customer/client loyalty, and of course increased cash flow. I was out collecting donations recently after delivering my All You Have  To Do Is Ask Presentation when I came across a jewelry store and the owner said I am not interested things are slow. Granted I look like a salesperson when dressed in a suit and tie but I am also a potential customer who can also refer people business. I said to the gentleman to bad as I could have brought you some people. He argued and said not in this economy I simply asked him when was the last time you called customers you haven’t seen in a while?His answer I don’t do that. I said okay maybe you should consider adding that to your mix instead of complaining, and I left.  Think had he rolled up his sleeves and called 10 previous customers and asked for referrals  he may have  seen a jump in his business.  When things are slow that is when you should be making personal contact with people and letting them know you are still here to serve them and asking them if they know 2 people who can benefit from you services. Remember that every encounter you  have is a chance to build a stronger customer/client base and to enhance the customer/client experience. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Roll Up The Sleeves And Get To Work!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Overcoming People Who Suck!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Overcoming People Who Suck!!!

... the energy (your spiritual energy high.) Do. Flow. Rest. No suckersIn the course of doing business and promoting Relay For Life I have come across some people who really suck. These people will be the first to complain about anything and try to debate you. The best thing to do is to ignore them and then sage your car, your home, your office and remove the negative toxins that  they brought into your environment.  When you encounter these people who suck take a deep breath and then surround yourself with love from GOD and pray that he will guide you toward more positive people. In some cases you have to just make a decision to not interact with those who bring negativity into your life even if this means turning down their business.

No Negativity Allowed At Javaboi Industries Inc.The best way to avoid those people who suck is to make a commitment to avoid negativity.  When negativity enters into  your work place do the best you can to breath and take it as a learning experience. Recently all the political ads have taken on a negative tone so I just change the channel when they come on or I do not watch TV.  In not allowing negativity to pervade your life you will find that personally and professionally your life is enhanced.  In understanding that many people will find fault with what you are doing because they are unhappy with their life. I run into this all the time as I approach people to appear on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST. as they will tell me all the reasons they don’t think it will work for them or how they don’t have time to come to the studio or how they can not afford to buy the clip. These excuses breed negativity so I adopt the idea that some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting, next. I have taken the no’s a s a positive to get me closer to a yes. In many cases I have come to the conclusion that many people aren’t aware that they suck and are making money despite this. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Overcoming People Who Suck!!!