The last 5 days have been a study in things that make you go HMMM. On Saturday I showed up to announce a game for a team that I have worked with for 10 years and was informed that I could announce that game but the other 3 they had to use the announcer that the city contracted with. I was a bit taken aback by this for I never heard of this before. The owner asked me about announcing the season without securing the fie field and then secured the field and signed a contract with a clause about using the city’s announcer. I thought don’t you read the contract and then when you see that clause mention you have your own announcer and want that clause removed from the contract and then proceed. The owner did try to get me as the announcer but the city insisted on the team using their announcer. I am now out the money that I had counted on because of a commitment made before final paperwork and details being worked out.
Not the sign I wanted to see on my car window!!!
I went to get into my car today and found a warning sticker on my window. I thought my car was parked in my assigned spot at the condo isn’t there a schematic that could be checked and security knock on my door? I went to the office and was able to get a temporary permit so this doesn’t happen again. The person who handles the decals was supposed to call me to come to the office but never did so today after I received the warning I went tot he office and took care of it. Oh the joy of living in a condo!!!
Keep Your Appointments!!!!
So many times over the years I have had appointments with people only to have them not show up without any communication. I have come to realize that many people simply fly by the seat of their pants not thinking of consequences or how their actions affect others. I have always been one that when I need to cancel an appointment I call. I have had one woman saying oh I need to get together with you and each time I reach out to set the appointment she makes an appointment and then has an excuse for cancellation. She has since gone ghost. It is amazing to me how some people operate and then they wonder why they don’t have a profitable entity. The reason is that you are creating to many moments that make people go HMMM!
Avoid things that make you go HMMM by doing your due diligence!!!
One of the best things you can do in business is to do you due diligence. In doing so you can avoid many issues where people will go HMMM. In many cases it is simply a matter of not making commitments that you can’t keep. In many cases it can be as simple as planning your strategy and having the strategy in place long before it is needed.
Another way to avoid creating things that make me go HMMM situations is to stop playing the blame game and claiming there is nothing you can do because as a business owner there is something that you can do. Remember on oh crap can ruin a thousand at a boys. The key to avoiding the things that make me go hmmm moments is to be authentic and transparent when dealing with people.
The other day (4/3/2019) I was meeting a friend for lunch and we decided to meet at Delvecchio’s in Plantation, FL. I showed up a bit early for our meeting only to be surprised that they were closed during what would have been regular work hours. I called another location to find out what was happening as many times things happen and the business would reopen. I was told that the owner decided to close this location permanently. The person on the phone simply said they could keep up with it anymore. I found this a bit odd as they are located near a 55 plus community, have office buildings across the street, are next to an elementary school, and down the block from a middle school, and have a high school near by this location. As I went next store to Subway to eat with my friend I started to think about Delvecchio’s and how many other businesses like Delveechio’s close because they do not market daily. I am surprised by how many business owners I encounter who are not open to receive ideas about strengthening their brand and increasing their revenue. So many times a business owner get’s so wrapped up in the other aspects of the business that they forget the importance of marketing and advertising. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise if you are not marketing you are losing a large segment of the market as they are going those that are on the top of their mind. It is imperative to know your community and how to reach the potential customers/clients in your community. Knowing you target audience and how to reach them and have them do business with you is key.
In order to avoid putting the closed for business sign up permanently you need to develop a Unique Selling Proposition. It is important to set yourself apart from every other business in your industry. Think of business and what they became known for and then follow their model in your business. When you think of McDonald’s you think of The Big Mac, when you think of NIKE you think sneakers, when you think All State you think accident forgiveness. The key is having something that you are known for that others in your industry don’t have. Ask yourself what do I have that is proprietary to my business and how can it put me on the top of the mind of the consumer. Then ask yourself how will I market this Unique Selling Proposition.
The key to marketing is to build raving fans that will share your business with others. I remember working at Sinbad Sports back in 2016 and taking fliers to all the sports bars and speaking to General Mangers who allowed me to hand the fliers out to their patrons in return I allowed them to put fliers in the store. This allowed me to share a unique selling proposition as the sports store with all teams available. Another Unique Selling Proposition was the fact that the store had me as a knowledgeable employee able to answer questions while also promoting the store on social media. I remember during football season on Thursdays I would make my NFL Picks and post them on social media. I did this using different merchandise and showing my picks via video. At Sinbad Sports we also had items that you couldn’t find anywhere else thus I made it a point to feature them as well. I share this to emphasize the importance of marketing and engaging your staff in the process.
It is important to get to know your customers and to make them feel welcomed and important. When some one does business with you give them a reason to continue to do business with you. Do unique things like finding out their favorite food and then getting a gift card to a restaurant that serves that type of food to give to them the next time they come in. When you do things for your customers and they feel appreciated they will not only continue to do business with you they will share your business with others. Surprise, Surprise, Suprise, customer service is important. Remember they chose to do business with you so give them a reason to keep doing business with you and to recommend you to others.
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise without a structured advertising and marketing plan you will find yourself throwing good money after bad and eventually this takes a toll on your business as many times it leads to closing the business permanently. Sometimes there are other factors why a business closes however one of the most common reasons is lack of marketing. Marketing is very simple find the problem that your business solves and then promote your business to those seeking to solve that problem. Make sure you know your niche market and target your advertising and marketing to them so that you strengthen your brand and increase your revenue. Marketing should be done daily.
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise you can not have results if you are busy making excuses. I have heard so many times that oh business is slow I can’t afford to market. My answer is instead of complaining think of affordable ways to market. If you have some down time in your business hop on social media and invite people to do business with you by offering a special. When I worked at Celebrity Sports I would do videos and send them out and post them in groups. On some of the days doing this brought in a few people who told me I didn’t plan on coming y but I saw your video. On days that I wasn’t in the store I was out in the community finding people who liked sports or knew people who liked sports as a result I picked up a few regular customers. My Unique Selling Proposition was that I could do auctions on a consignment basis with non-profit organizations which helped them raise money while putting the store in front of the consumer so that when they needed something sports or pop culture related they though of Celebrity Sports 1st.
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise you need a knowledgeable marketing person who can build your brand and increase your revenue. You need someone who will be proactive and help you stay ahead of the curve so you are the leader in your industry not a follower. It is important for you to empower this person to make decisions. You will need someone who understand your business and has your best interest in mind. You will need someone that seeks and acts upon opportunities.
Avoid having to put this sign up by making marketing and advertising a priority.
I am amazed about how people go about things in business that I think many are missing the boat. Today (3/6/2019) I went to a job fair to meet with the 2 large radio station companies in the market so I could leave them my demo cd. The first one I went to said oh we are sponsors of the event and I don’t know what to do with this. I responded it take it back to the station and give it to your program manager. She looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language then again to her maybe I was as this is South Florida after all. I walked away thinking this is a job fair and your company didn’t bring someone from human resources. I am a firm believer of you never know who is coming to your table or through your doors so be prepared for every case scenario. The other radio company had their director of traffic there who gladly took my demo tape and asked me to follow up on line. I even had the opportunity to give my demo tape to The Florida Panthers Human Resource Director. I share this as networking is a key component to being successful. When you put yourself out there you are going to meet people who can be of service and value to you while you can be of service and value to them. The key is to be prepared and have your people prepared so you don’t miss the boat.
Many times I call on businesses to support my charitable endeavors with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and many times I encounter those that are missing the boat as they don’t understand the concept of cause marketing or they don’t want to hear how someone can be of service and value to them. Today (3/6/2019) after attending the job fair I stopped by a plaza to go business to business to promote The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and also collect donations. Most every business in the plaza was receptive however there was one that was a bit arrogant and non-receptive, Catering By Joel’s Place. This is the same business that I called a few weeks ago to get a quote for a party that I was hosting and he never returned my phone call. He stated I have been in business for 27 years and everything is by appointment. I told him then maybe he should keep his door locked and that he was leaving money on the table. He said I don’t need you telling me what I am doing. I said thank you and I left. As I walked out I thought wow here is another closed minded individual missing the boat for he didn’t even want to dialogue with me. I understand he doesn’t know me and doesn’t know about the 8000 people I reach on social media or all the events that I am involved in or people that I know that possibly could do business with him. His arrogance and lack of being open to listen now earned him a negative review and lost me as a potential customer. Remember that every conversation has opportunity and to not miss the boat by being arrogant or too busy to talk to someone.
I used to take my Grandmother, when she was alive, to Monti’s and the food was good. I was in the area yesterday (3/5/2019) promoting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life at about 10:45 AM figuring it was prep time for lunch i stopped in to see if they can help me. The 1st words out of the gentleman making pizza was I am too busy for this. Another gentleman came up and reluctantly gave me a dollar and told me to leave as they were too busy. I left thinking again another business that is making money but could be doing better if they weren’t missing the boat about being kind to anyone who comes through the doors. I share this with those who own businesses to make sure you are treating people who are coming into your place of business with respect as you never know who they might be and how they can either affect your business positively or negatively. I fully understand that I am coming into these businesses unannounced and uninvited however I have been doing fundraising this way for over 40 years and have have had much success. There is a huge value in engaging with people especially someone who knows and understand cause marketing.
If you are going to stop missing the boat you must go out and share who you are and what you do and why people should do business with you. You were born to be on the boat and have that boat reach its destination for success with you on board. Stop missing the boat and realize that everyone that you come in contact with can be of service and value to your business. Sometimes it is as easy as simple hitting the street and sharing your business or non-profit activities with others. Be bold and get on board your boat to success.
Advertisement Ideas: It Is All About The Benjamins!!!
In business it all comes down to the bottom line of how much revenue are you producing and how much of that revenue is profit. In our society today it has become all about the Benjamins. It is important to know why you went into the business you went into. Once you find your why you can begin to generate a whole lot of Benjamins. Many people I come in contact who have a business do not understand that you need to invest in a solid advertising and marketing program so as to generate the Benjamins. I have walked into many a business and been the only shopper there and I thought how is this business surviving. The other day I stopped by a store that I used to work at and in the 1 hour I was there they had 0 traffic. The fact that they are located in a busy shopping plaza behind three sports oriented bars and due to the merchandise they have they should have been busy. I asked how sales have been they said a bit on the slow side. I did notice a buy 1 get 50% promotional sign at the entrance. I thought how are they letting people know they are open and making this great offer? In a matter of minutes I had formulated a plan of action that if the owner was receptive and willing to make a small investment could work in driving traffic and being on the top of the mind of the consumer. They have incredible merchandise however if no one knows they are there and no one is shopping in the store they will not be making many Benjamins. I thought they need brand awareness so I did a quick live video which is something they should be doing daily with a featured item of the day. They should create a tag line that is easily remembered and entices people to shop there. They could implement some type of cause marketing program as consumers like to support businesses that they perceive to be giving back to the community. They had an item that I really liked and I thought why are they not advertising is sports memorabilia publications and featuring this item. They recently placed an ad for a social media marketing intern for $10 an hour. If you are serious about creating a buzz on social media and acquiring customers and turning them into loyal customers it is going to take more than paying someone $10 an hour to do social media marketing. If you want to make Benjamins you have to invest Benjamins. Make sure that when you have a retail store that your associates working the floor have top notch customer service skills and that they are creating buyers not browsers. Ask questions get to know the people coming into your store. Treat every customer as though they are the most important person walking into your store.
If you are going to attract Benjamins to your business and create a nice profit margin you need to have a plan that is proactive. Sometimes it is necessary to go back to the old school way of doing things and hit the street talking to people that are with in 3 feet of you. For example you have an eyeglass store you should go out and everyone you see wearing glasses you should hand them your 4″ x 6″ card showing who you are and what you do and why they should do business with you. Make shure that when you planning that you include your unique selling proposition or point of difference so people know what sets you apart from everyone else. Look at who you are seeking to attract and where you might find your ideal customer and then formulate a plan to bring in those Benjamins.
If you want to learn more about strengthening your brand and increasing your revenue so you have a good flow of Benjamins please attend the OLD SCHOOL MEETS NEW SCHOOL MARKETING WORKSHOP in October. Look for more details coming soon. For a $50 investment you will receive a video interview, a promotional one sheeter, and a tailor made press release to help you in your quest to strengthen your brand while increasing your revenue.
Jonathan JDOGG Lederrman has been helping businesses to grow for over 20 years and has a proven track record of success as he possesses a keen ability to find the essence of a business and come up with easily and affordable marketing programs that will build brand awareness while also increasing revenue. Businesses that have listened to JDOGG have had success. STAY POSITIVE!!!
Advertisement Ideas: One Oh Crap Ruins A Thousand Accolades!!!
Over the years I have come to learn that every interaction you have in a business is important for all it takes is one bad interaction to create unnecessary challenges for your business. I have come to learn that you never know who you may be interacting with and how they can positively or negatively impact t your business.
Yesterday (8/22/2017) I encountered a situation that got me to asking why the hate? Here I was reaching out to a business owner, Mike Artz of Collectables in Hobart, Indiana and this was his response via a Facebook. Wouldn’t it have made more sense for him to simply write thank you for reaching out to me I wish you much luck in your effort however at this time I am unable to support your project. Think about how you are responding to people and it will tell you why you may be struggling in your business. If this is how he responded to me how many other people has he responded to in this manner and how many of them have not done business with him and share their negative experience with others. In today’s marketplace it is imperative to be nice in all encounters so that people are moved to do business with you. At the end of the day the only thing that endures is your character.
I looked up his profile on and and saw he had $68,000 in annual sales so I can fully understand if he politely said no to supporting the effort to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.
He obviously forgot the first adage of business that Kindness Counts. I simply did what I have been doing for over 40 years and asked a business owner for support of a charitable cause. I never expected this type of response. This only goes to show us that our marketplace needs to be taught compassion.
JDOGG: I was hoping that you could help me with an endeavor that I have undertaken to help those touched by cancer. I am The People Lead for The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise. I am hosting POINTS FOR THE CURE FOOTBALL EDITION on November 12. I am doing this to honor the memory of my mother who was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012. I am seeking chance drawing items for this event. show you how we did in 2017. The shipping address is 9141 Sunrise Lakes Boulevard #102 Sunrise FL 33322. Thank you for supporting the effort to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays.
Mike Artz: what a tool that you had just become !!
JDOGG: I posted because I have reached out to others to support The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and POINTS FOR THE CURE FOOTBALL EDITION in this manner and have had much success.
I have found that when you support others they support you.
Already for 2018 I have hosted a Spirit Night at Tijuana Flats that raised $157.24. I hosted a Give Back Night at Bru’s Room that raised $168.90. The money raised funds research, education, advocacy, and services.
Mike Artz:whom gives a fuck !! you commented on my post!1 create your own post v/s slamming others. no wonder why you can not find a job!! you can’t follow rules!
JDOGG:I have a few gigs which are usually on the weekend so I was looking to work during the week. What I posted was not spam it was a simple request for your assistance to help those touched by cancer. In return you would have tapped into my network and possibly moved some more merchandise.
Mike Artz:i don’t give a fuck !! remove it from my for sale posts now!
it has not a damn thing to do with what i am selling !! its called phishing & scammin!
JDOGG:You can delete it. I wish you much success in your effort to sell your merchandise.
Mike Artz:fuck off !
get a job on your streeet corner!
you need medical help i will call 911 down in florida !
JDOGG: It is funny Mike that you have resorted to name calling and using profanity. Remember GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER. I wish you much success in your effort to sell your merchandise.
Mike Artz: sunrise florida
JDOGG:I have work that is very rewarding. I hope you have a great rest of the week filled with much peace, love, joy, and prosperity.
Mike Artz:go to hell & stop typing you cock sucker!
JDOGG:The Sunrise PD is a supporter of Relay For Life of Sunrise. Again I wish you much success in your effort to sell your merchandise. It is unfortunate that we couldn’t be of service and value to one another.
I share this with you because it seems as though hatred and bitterness has permeated the market place and civility has gone out the window. By the way you can call Mike at 219-942-2632 and let him know that he missed out on an opportunity to be aligned with someone who has a nice social media following and who promotes those who support his efforts to help those touched by cancer.
Now think about it the next time someone approaches you for support because you never know the reach that person has and how they can impact your business. In this case all the accolades that Mike Artz may have built up are gone because he will never see my business and those that read this article may think twice about doing business with him.
As an experienced marketing and public relations consultant the 1st thing I teach my clients is to be kind in all that they do as you never know how that kindness will be returned. Imagine if Mike Artz had been kind in saying no I may have still recommended that my colleagues who collect sports and pop culture memorabilia contact him to see what he is selling. The lesson to take from today is that all it takes is one oh crap to ruin a thousand accolades.
In business it is imperative to stay ahead of the curve by being proactive in all you do. Daily action in the advertising area is necessary to insure for revenue growth and brand recognition. Knowing what is going on in the marketplace as it pertains to your business is important as it will allow you to stay ahead of the curve so you can deliver what your clients/customers are seeking. The key is to come up with several advertising ideas that will drive clients/customers to you so that you can strengthen you brand and increase your revenue. As long time readers know I have worked in the sports related field for many years holding positions ranging from public relations intern to public address announcer. In each position I knew the importance of being proactive so I learned the lay of the community around where the teams played and began to market accordingly. I remember working for The New York Liberty of Major League Volleyball and Jerry Saperstein. If that name rings a bell it should as Jerry is the son of Abe Saperstein who was the founder of The Harlem Globetrotters. As I worked with Jerry I learned that you must plan your work and work your plan. Jerry once told me getting the fans to come is only 1/2 the battle the other half is getting them to come back. This lesson has served me well as I changed the word fans to clients/customers and over the years have come up with many programs that focus on customer/client retention. The key is to have a proactive manifesto that allows for several advertising ideas to be implemented. I remember a game we had on Mother’s Day and I partnered with a local florist to give us roses to give to the female fans in return for advertising and marketing consideration. We advertised that all mother’s get in free and the 1st 100 receive a rose this worked out very well as we had over 1000 fans that day and it was estimated that 750 were female. Guess where everyone from The N.Y. Liberty went when they needed flowers in the future? Yes, you got it to the flower shop that partnered with them. The lesson here is to be proactive and take advantage of marketing and advertising opportunities.
In the time I worked with The Liberty I saw the importance of marketing, public relations, media relations, and all aspects necessary to have a successful sports franchise. We went from averaging 300 fans a game to over 500 by the end of the season. I was asked how we did this and the answer was that we had a proactive manifesto. The 1st rule of this manifesto was that we all agreed that we would share The N.Y. Liberty with everyone we came in contact with. We began to do extensive outreach to every media outlet, school, church group, synagogue group, volleyball organization. If there were people to talk volleyball to we were talking volleyball. We came up with a plan and worked proactively to implement that plan making adjustments along the way. We even had a TV contract to show the games on ESPN. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: The Proactive Manifesto!!!
As I sat down and read my Facebook Feed all I could think of was Kathy Griffin what were you thinking. Did you actually think this was funny. Did you think you would gain more fans and get more gigs? Obviously not. This got me to thinking how many times has a a business owner done something only to regret it in the end. It is a good thing that Kathy amassed a large amount of money over the years and doesn’t have to worry about much because she just dropped from The D List to The F list. I am sure there will be many who still go to her concerts and there will be those who support this as an expression of freedom of expression. It might as well be just that but it will definitely impact her future financial earnings as shows have been cancelled and she has been replaced as a host for CNN’s New Years’s Eve. Think of the actions you take and the potential consequences because every action you take will affect you either positively or negatively. In this case Kathy’s actions have had an adverse affect on her career.
How the mighty have fallen. When the news broke about Tiger Woods a part of me felt sad for here was a man who at one time was on top of the world and was doing so much to help others and then a sex scandal and now a DUI charge. Oh what a fall from grace he has experienced. Again it is a good thing that he is potentially monetarily set for life but his reputation is now forever sullied. Again I ask what were you thinking? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: What Were You Thinking?
One of the words that has been used time and time again over the last few years is empowerment. The term is defined as follows togivepowerorauthorityto;authorize,especiallybylegalorofficial means: toenableorpermit. I chose to write about this today as I have witnessed so many opportunities lost due to the lack of empowerment given to staff and as a result sales have declined and brand awareness has been weakened. I have witnessed a lack of empowerment in many areas of businesses however the one area where I think empowerment lacks the most is in the marketing arena. I have been out in the community promoting The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise, which will take place on May 5, 2017 from 6 PM – 12 AM (Midnight) at Piper High School. I have been approaching places like McDonald’s, Subway, and Pizza Hut and each store manager at these establishments told me the same thing you have to go through corporate for that. Now I don’t mind calling corporate as I have been doing fundraising for over 40 years and I know how to present ideas that will make sense to a business. When I called corporate recently for these three businesses I was told oh we have a committee that takes care of that and you have to fill out a special request form. Again I don’t mind doing this however if the managers at these locations were empowered and given the authority to make a decision based with a marketing budget the local stores would benefit more as they would feel that they had a stake in the location and as a result would work harder. Corporate would benefit as they wouldn’t have to be bogged down in paper work and their brand would gain more recognition and their revenue would increase. Think about it we are told that people do business with people they know like and trust so what better way to get to know people get them to like you and trust you than having an empowered staff that will be dedicated to growing your business.
Each day businesses lose out on sales because they have failed to empower their staff members and have also failed to understand the concept of cause marketing. I remember working for Brunswick Margate Lanes as a counter control supervisor and sales associate and having a charitable organization approach me about helping them with a fundraiser. I went to my GM and asked if we could give them the lanes for Free as we could write it off as a marketing expense. He said yes as a result the charity booked 10 lanes bowled 3 games at a cost to the bowling center of about $150 however we sold over $500 at the snack bar to this group and had over $350 in sales from the bar plus we booked 3 birthday parties. By empowering me to do this we exceeded our sales goals for the month. In being empowered to make special offers and create special short season leagues I was able to put 1,599 bowlers on the floor for the summer which led to the opening of a pro-shop at the center creating an additional revenue stream. The key is to empower your staff and let them make decisions that make sense for the business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Empower Your Staff!!!
Advertisement Ideas: The Importance Of Cause Marketing!!!
If you are a frequent reader of this blog you know how deep my passion runs for helping those touched by cancer through my involvement with Relay For Life. I do my best to share Relay with as many people as I can especially businesses that can use cause marketing as a strategy to acquire customers and retain customers. I have partnered with many business like The Tijuana Flats in Tamarac, FL, The Chuck E. Cheese’s in Sunrise, and Skyline Chili in Sunrise, FL to do fundraisers and I have been very successful in bringing people to these establishments who normally would not have gone. As a result several of those involved in Relay have become regular customers at these establishments. I have had mush success with those who understand the importance of cause marketing. The key is to partner with a cause that you are passionate about and then leverage your involvement by mentioning it in advertising, through your social media, and in your media releases. The idea is that you never know who may come into your business because of your support of a cause.
I went to a McDonald’s located Nob Hill Road and Sunset Strip yesterday (4/1/2017) to seek support of Relay For Life and the manager told me you have to call the owner but didn’t have the owner’s number. I thought here is someone who is supposed to be looking out for the best interest of The McDonald’s franchise and should be astute enough to understand the importance of cause marketing. The interesting part of the interaction was that I was going to place and order but because of the manager’s attitude and lack of information to give me to contact the owner I left and went to SUBWAY and bought my meal there as they have supported Relay For Life. Think about it and do the math I would have sent about $8- $10 at McDonald’s but because of the manager’s lack of understanding of the importance of cause marketing another business received my business. The reason I share this with you is to show you that you must empower your managers to make some decisions when it comes to cause marketing because you may be leaving money on the table because of their lack of understanding the importance of cause marketing. $8-10 may not seek like a lot of money to be walking out the door but think about it how many people will see this story and not go to that McDonald’s and do you think I will be going back to patronize that location? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: The Importance of Cause Marketing!!!
Today’s entry is inspired by Walk Out On Cancer Day. I went to The Starbucks on University Drive North of Oakland Park Boulevard at 12 PM expecting many of my fellow Relay For Life Participants to join me in walking out on cancer, however it turned out I was the only one who showed up. I decided to walk out and collect donations. As a result I stopped into Hooters and The GM said I could collect in the restaurant so I did. This small change really got me to thinking about how many times you have to make changes and adapt to the situation at hand in you business life and personal life. In business things happen that we can not control thus we must be able to think outside the box and change on the fly. In every situation there is a positive solution if you think creatively as was the case was today. I wanted people to join me but they didn’t so I simply went an walked out on cancer on my own and found people to put donations into the collection canister. As I walked I stopped at local businesses along the way and gave them brochures some fundraising fliers. I began to implement my 3 foot rule where if someone was within 3 feet of me I spoke to them about what I was doing. This type of advertising and marketing led to many people making a $1 or $5 donation. It also led me to making a contact with a photographer and videographer that could utilize my talents as an emcee, voice over talent, or business coach. In aligning yourself with a charity you can open many doors to help your business. In being willing to change on the fly and adapt and overcome you will see that you have more success.
When a plan doesn’t go as we had hoped it is time to step back take a deep breath and alter the original plan so that we move in a positive direction of the desired outcome. Today my goal was to promote the importance of what The American Cancer Society does with a group of people and when I was the only one I changed the plan on the fly and created a result that in the end I was satisfied with as I chose to focus on the positive. In life as in business we have choices we can get upset and make excuses or we can overcome and adapt and take action. It is important to plan your work and work your plan and make adjustments along the way. In business it is imperative to have a solid advertising, marketing, public relations, and community relations strategy that builds brand recognition that will lead to increased revenues. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Changing On The Fly!!!