Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

As I watched John Kasich speak about finishing #2 in New Hampshire and heard him talk about slowing down I couldn’t help but think how many business people are going so fast that they are missing out on opportunities. As he completed his speech and challenged the audience to slow down and get to know people I immediately though what a novel idea especially for those involved in retail. When I work in the store Celebrity Sports in Plantation, FL I make it a point to greet every customer and to engage with them so that I can get to know them understanding that even if they do not buy something on that day they may come back and buy an item because they will remember how they were treated. In all of my retail positions I have held I have subscribed to the idea that everyone who walks through the door can be of service and value in some way so take time to help everyone. I also have this attitude when some one calls me as I answer my phone hello this is Jonathan JDOGG Lederman how can I be of service and value to you. I have found that by slowing down and doing things a bit differently that I have had success. When I was hired in March of 1988 at Oaktree I made it a point to treat everyone with respect who entered the store. As a result I became the top salesman in the country for this men’s clothing store. I went from Oaktree to Meryl Harmon’s Fan Fair  and I took sales from $400 a day to over $2500 per day simply by getting to know people and making everyone feel special. Over the years I have used this same philosophy of slowing down and doing things differently in my fundraising activities and a s a result I have been successful. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Today’s entry  is inspired by Ah Snagg CPA located  at 460 N. University Drive in Lauderhill whose phone number is 954-749-9722 as he taught the lesson of how not to treat someone when they are cold calling. I walked in unannounced as I often do when out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I saw he was with a client so I apologized for interrupting and asked if I could leave a flier about Relay For Life and he immediately got irate called me rude said he couldn’t help and that he was with a client. I fully understood this and thanked him for his time. he continued to go on and tell me that the work I was doing was meaningless and then threatened to call the police. I understand I interrupted his flow of business however I was polite. All he saw was someone in jeans and a tee shirt and a ball cap and didn’t realize that I could have been of service and value to him.  This encounter really got me to thinking about how many so-called professionals are struggling because of making judgments and not giving people time. I have always said that I may be a solicitor today however in the future I could be a client or be someone who recommends potential clients to you. Ask yourself what type of feeling am I leaving when I interact with others and how is that interaction affecting my business.

In business today it is imperative to understand the importance of making people feel good and leaving them with what I call a warm fuzzy about their encounter with you. When Ah Snagg said my  work was meaningless this upset me and I thought wow I won’t be recommending him to any of my business associates. I had a great idea about how he could have helped The American Cancer Society and also strengthened his brand. It was a simply host a FREE Workshop on Charitable Giving for the volunteers. As a result of doing the workshop he may have picked up a few clients. I guess Ah Snagg didn’t realize that he had an opportunity to tap into  volunteers simply by making time and being kind. Instead everyone who reads this entry will now think twice before they do business with him. The important thing to remember is to be kind to everyone for the people you see on the way up will be the same people you see on the way down. I would recommend that Ah Snagg and all those who aren’t making time for people grab a copy of Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements and apply the principles.

In adopting these four agreements you will see a dramatic change in your ability  to  make time for people and your image in the community. How many times have you ignored someone who came into your business or your office because of the way they looked or the way they were dressed.  How many times did you lose out on opportunities that would have enhanced your image because you were quick to judge. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Banging For Business!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Banging For Business!!!

This is an open door that leads to opportunity. I have learned over the years that if you bang on enough doors and you say persistent in your pursuit you will develop customers/clients and thus you will continue to have success in all you do. When was the last time you went out into the community and sought people to share your product  or services with so as to generate leads and keep an active pipeline going?  One of the best things I have done in working with non-profit entities as well as with for profit businesses has been to include going door to door as part of the strategic marketing plan. In going business to business to solicit donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life over the last 16 years I have raised over $35,000. I have also been able to secure more teams for Relays in the communities where I live, work, and play. As a representative of several companies I have found going business to business with brochures to be very effective as it helps to build name recognition and gives you a distinct advantage when you follow-up. If you are not banging for business you need to incorporate this practice into your 2016 plans.

When you bang for business it is important to utilize your phone and to make calls to set up appointments with people so that you can have the opportunity to show them how you can be of service and value to them. You phone can be a great tool to bang for business as you can post photos to social media from it, make videos and share them across all social media platforms, text message potential customers/clients with special offers, set up an application to interact with existing clients/customers and potential clients/customers.   Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Banging For Business!!!

Advertisement Ideas: The Power Of Networking!!!

Advertisement Ideas: The Power Of Networking!!!

I have always taught my clients that it is important to get out in the community and network. I stress to them that they must find the networking groups that are most effective and that are creating revenue for their business. I also stress that it is not about selling it is about relationship building because people do business with people they know, like, and trust. I often recommend that my clients seek speaking opportunities at these networking events and a table to promote their business so as to engage the attendees. On June 8, 2015 I had the opportunity to attend and present at The Florida Women’s Business Center Small Business Conference about the importance of leaving a digital footprint. It was great event and during my presentation I was able to have the audience make a video of me as I was showing them how easy it is to make a digital footprint.I also made it a point to mention in the video so as to give them something viable to use across their social media and marketing platforms. I was able to engage the audience and as a result I set up 4 appointments for interviews that will be taped and then aired as part of my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on at 6:30 PM EDT on Tuesday. When I arrived at The WRPBiTV Studios on June 9, 2015 I had a plan to follow-up with those that I met at The FLWBC Networking Event and I sent out an email. As a result I booked 2 more appointments for interviews.

The key to making your networking activities is to have a plan and to follow your plan. It is also important to pick a lane and decide what you are their to promote as you may have many services that you offer but trying to speak about each one is difficult so choose what you want to accomplish and plan accordingly. On Monday June 8, 2015 my objective was to get people to know about WRPBiTV and how I create a digital footprint for them helping them to maximize their message. When you are focused on one aspect of what you do it leads to stronger brand awareness and creates a buzz for potential clients to ask more questions. As I booked the appointments I began to ask about the people’s business so that I could formulate an effective interview that would be beneficial to them in their quest to share their business and increase their awareness while generating more income. In networking properly you will find yourself  making solid connections and building relationships that will enhance your business. Remember it is not about knowing just the person you meet it is about knowing who the person you are meeting knows. In many cases the best thing you can do to use the power of networking is to have a 30 second intro that explains how you are of value and service to others. For example I am Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Positive Broadcaster. I help businesses to maximize their message through a TV Program and other platforms.  In keeping things short and to the point you will find yourself cultivating more business and closing more deals.

Many times you do not need a formal setting to network many times simply by having your business cards, a copy of your book, your mix tape, or a brochure with you when you are out and about you can be prepared to network. I have  often sat at my local Starbucks and simply listened to those around me and when I heard something that related to what I do I would go over and introduce myself, now I have an advantage because I host a TV Show and most business people want to be on TV, so my intro peaks their interest.  I also am not afraid to speak to the people in line with me at the bank, the grocery store, or anywhere else. The key is to make it a point to get out in the community and meet people and as a result you cultivate business. It also helps that I am a wealth of knowledge when it comes to business and can come up with ideas that many have not thought of yet.  The idea is to simply share as you never know who might become your client or recommend someone for you. I recommend that you do your best to meet 3 -5 new people daily and then find a way to be of service and value. After you meet the people make it a point to follow-up. Namaste!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Jonathan JDOGG Lederman prepares to present his Maxizing Your Mesage ... Pin it 1 Like Image   As a marketing consultant with many years of media relations and public relations experience I am asked by clients on many occasions JDOGG what platform is right for me to use to maximize my message?  In today’s advertising landscape there are many choices to make and it can be quite overwhelming to business people when seeking ways to maximize their message. Navigating this landscape can be difficult especially if  you do not have a marketing, media relations, or public relations strategy. As the host of  The TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT I have interviewed many business people and have found that many of them need assistance in utilizing proper platforms to maximize their message so as to create brand awareness and cultivate new clients/customers while also retaining existing clients/customers.  I give all of my guests an opportunity to purchase the clip of their appearance on my show to use as a marketing tool to build credibility and edification in the market place and many turn this opportunity down. I often ask them what platforms they are using to promote their business. I get the reply I use social media. I ask them what other platforms and they look at me with a blank stare and then say I only use social media. Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram are good however including other platforms like YouTube, networking events, print media, special events,  and electronic media will aid in your quest to maximize your message.

I had an opportunity to interview Jaynie Smith about success in business and she purchased her clip and she put it on YouTube and it has 87 views this is in addition to the initial 50,000 viewers who saw her interview on She has also used this on her website. The key is to find platforms that work for you and to ask questions as to where your clients and potential clients are and what they are seeking.

Advertisement Ideas: The Steps To make The Proper Platform Choice!!!

Research Participant OpportunitiesJust because one platform that you learned about at a seminar worked for the presenter doesn’t mean it will work for you so do your research. Ask questions as to who the platform reaches then see if they are in your target audience, how many times your company will be seen, how large the reach is, how frequent  does your message appear. The key is to peel back the onion and see what platform works for you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Choose The Proper Platform?

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And Take Action!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And Take Action!!!

Tomorrow, 5/21/2015, is Red Nose Day? You may be asking what this have to do with being aware and taking action? The answer is that it is one of the many days on a calendar that will go unnoticed by the majority of people however those that are familiar with it will capitalize by going to Walgreens and getting a red nose and wearing it out in public to draw attention to themselves and thus engage people. M&M’s is a sponsor as well and will be donation $1 every time #MAKEMLAUGH is used in social media. As someone who is always marketing myself and my services I am using Red Nose Day to further my purpose to help other people excel as I have made a video which is on YouTube that I am sharing across social media platforms. I have taken a selfie of me wearing the red nose and put it upon my Twitter and Facebook Pages. Some have said people may not take you serious because of that picture. My reply is that may be true but those meant to do business with me will see that I am real and authentic and thus want to do business with me.  The idea is to be aware of opportunities that are available to you promote your business and build awareness while also driving traffic and increasing revenue.

Imagine you purchase bags of m&m’s and then sell them in your office and donate the money to RED NOSE DAY and publicize this through videos, social media, and press releases showing that you are an entrepreneur with heart who serves the community. Maybe you are a life coach and you choose to donate a portion of every session booked in May to RED NOSE DAY and you promote this across all your marketing platforms.  The idea is to leverage RED NOSE DAY so that it helps you strengthen your customer base while increasing your revenue. People like to do business with those they perceive as being charitable and heart centered.

You can do what a local realtor, Ron Contronio, did and buy a couple of cases and organize a watch party to watch The RED NOSE DAY Special on NBC  thus creating a fun way to network and help worthwhile causes. When visiting one will see the various charities that are being supported. You could take these logos and make fliers to give out to your customers/clients to support RED NOSE DAY. You could make posters that say We Support RED NOSE DAY. Then in all your marketing material show that you support RED NOSE DAY. Leveraging support for RED NOSE DAY can increase traffic to your business and thus increase revenue.

NBC has incorporated RED NOSE DAY into several of their most popular shows like The Voice showing how important integration marketing is to the success of a business.

RED NOSE DAY is just one of several activities that you can be involved with to bring awareness to your business and thus increase your revenue. Every community now a days has a website where events are listed. Look for the events that resonate with you and fit into your marketing plan. The key is to be aware and to take action so that you are always on the top of the mind of your target audience so that when it comes time to utilize your products and services they think of you first.

Advertisement Ideas: Be Aware And take Action: A Success Story!!!

 Regular visitors to this blog know my passion for helping those touched by Cancer. I recently was made aware of several food truck round ups in my area and I went to a couple to solicit donations for Relay For Life. I did very well and was able to use my service with Relay For Life as a lead into to book guest for my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EDT. By taking action and capitalizing on events like these I have been able to help a worthy cause and promote myself.  As a result more and more people know who I am and are more apt to do business with me. Remember people will do business with those they know, like, and trust. When someone feels good about you they will be comfortable in giving you business or recommending you to others for business.

By getting involved in the community and being aware and taking action you may be recognized with a community service award like I was and given a great platform to promote yourself. Stay Positive!!!


Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!


As you sit down to plan out your marketing strategy you can take a lesson from Jennifer Lopez and get loud. It is often said that the squeakiest wheel gets the grease well in advertising and marketing it is often the company that makes the most noise that gets the clients/customers. In a day and age where everyone is looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competition it is important to focus on letting the end-user know the benefits of your product or service so you are heard over the competition. This could mean doing business in a public place like a Panera Bread, which is what I did last night (4/16/2015) as I ran the committee meeting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. After the meeting I was making a call about Relay For Life and a patron over heard the call and  came over and made a $5 donation which opened the door for me to share with her what I was doing with Relay for Life and to give her my business card. By being a bit loud I drew attention to myself and made a new contact. In being outgoing and a bit loud you just may meet the contact who can help you to exceed your goals. Getting loud can mean putting out a bigger print advertisement in targeted publications that reach your desired target audience. In many cases sending a media release to these publications about what you are doing in the community and any new developments in the business will garner you a FREE article which if put on your website and included in your social media will give you credibility and edification in the market place.

Advertisement Ideas: More Ways To Get Loud!!!

One of the best lessons I learned about promotions was from KISS who encouraged us to shout it out loud!!! In a marketplace that is full of noise you must shout your message at times just to get noticed. The end-user for your product or service is being bombarded by advertising campaigns and have become numb to most forms of advertising. As a result to gain a competitive edge in the market place you must get loud. You must also be places where your competition is not. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up, Kick Ass, Repeat!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up, Kick Ass, Repeat!!!

wake up kick ass repeat more inspiration mondays mornings kicks ass ... In business or in volunteer work it is important to have the mindset that you will have a kick ass day everyday.  It is imperative to make sure that your name is constantly out there in a positive light. One of the key elements to building your brand and increasing cash flow is to have a kick ass attitude and not worry about what other people think because at the end of the day all that will matter is were you impeccable with your word, did you not take anything, personally, did you not make assumptions, and did you do you best?  When you get up and you begin to run your business or do your charitable work do you have  a plan and are you working that plan making the necessary adjustments?If you do not have a pan you will be going in circles. The idea is to not go in circles by kicking ass and remembering some will  some won’t, so what, some waiting, next.  One way to kick ass is to always advertise so that people know who you are, what you do, and why they should do business with you.  So many times I hear excuses why people are not promoting their businesses on a daily basis and I am reminded that there are action takers and excuse makers. Ask yourself which are you?  With a kick ass attitude you are bound to rub a few people the wrong way but that is part of doing business. I have built a reputation as the man who gets things done because he I set my mind to kick ass in all I do. In going out daily and promoting who i am and what I do I have built brand awareness while also creating a buzz. I am always surprised by those who are not doing something daily to promote themselves.

Another way to kick ass is to make videos and share them across social media platforms like You Tube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, in your blog, and on your website. I am surprised by how many times I mention the idea of having a digital footprint and people say I don’t need video and my answer is oh yes you do. It has been shown that a video will get a 15-20% higher response rate than a static advertisement. So the question is why are you not kicking ass and using video?


Independent Streak Magazine-- August 2014 USE THIS LINK-- This issue ...Getting featured in magazines and newspapers is another way to kick ass. What is your public relations and media relations strategy? I ask this question many times and I hear oh I don’t have one, I answer how do you expect people to find you? If you are not promoting yourself to the media at least once a week you may be leaving some money on the table because while your competition is advertising and having articles written about them they may be taking away your potential customers. Look for publications that reach your target audience and continue to connect with them about the great things happening in your business or the great things you are doing in your community. The magazine posted here did an article on me and my work with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Wake Up, Kick Ass, Repeat!!!