Advertisement Ideas: Sell Your Why Not Your What!!!
As we begin to promote ourselves we need to make less of what we are promoting but why we are promoting it. Too many times entrepreneurs and marketing executives get caught up in the what and forget the why. people don’t really care about the what they care more about the why you are doing things. When you engage potential clients/customers don’t tell them what you do tell them why you are doing it. A typical example in when I am asking people for donations for Relay for Life I always tell them why I am collecting using some of the programs that are funded when someone visits and makes a donation. I inform them of facts like we want to provide rides to and from treatments and doctor’s appointments for cancer patients through Road To Recovery which provided 380,000 rides to and from medical appointments in 2013 that number is expected to increase by 10% for 2014. The key is to let people know why you are doing something. In business it is when the customer/client buys into your why that you will have the most success with your business endeavors. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Sell Your Why Not Your What!!!