Advertisement Ideas: Dominate Your Industry Like ESPN & CNN!!!!
When most consumers were asked to name their top sources for sports or news ESPN and CNN ranked in the top spots respectively. ESPN has built a brand that is synonymous with sports and has expanded through the development of niche markets with networks like ESPNU that focuses on college sports, and shows like Around The Horn, Pardon The Interruption, and Sports Center to dominate the marketplace and be the leader in their industry. CNN has become the #1 news source for people as they continue to meet the demands of their viewers. This led me to the question of How Can You Dominate Your Industry like ESPN and CNN? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Dominate Your Industry Like ESPN, & CNN!!!!
Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Strategic Partnerships Work!!!!
I first learned the value of Strategic Partnerships back in 1989 as I was assisting with The Coral Springs Jaycees Spreading The Joy Program, which provided needy families with A Thanksgiving Food Basket and then took the children from those families on A Holiday Shopping Spree. The chapter didn’t have much money in the treasury at the time to fund the project. As a new member I spoke up and said “Have you ever done Strategic Partnerships,” they asked what they were and I explained that is when you ask those you do business with to support your charitable efforts. The answer was no and I said let’s start. They said you can try. I said okay and in 2 weeks I had formed 10 partnerships and secured over $3000.00 in in-kind and cash donations. I then took it to another level when I leveraged our relationship with the local KMART when I asked the manager about collecting in front of the store. The manager said yes and we collected for 21 days and collected another $5,000 in donations. That year we took 64 children on a holiday shopping spree. Those that supported our efforts saw The Jaycees return the favor as we supported the businesses that helped us. KMART saw the value of The Strategic Partnership and The Jaycees kept working with KMART until the store in Coral Springs closed. The question that I am asked often is JDOGG how do I make Strategic Partnership Work? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Make Strategic Partnerships Work!!!
Advertisement Ideas: La Grande Narnaja-What Is In A Name?
My Facebook feed was buzzing today as The New Year’s Eve Celebration in Miami, The Big Orange, was changed to La Grande Naranja. All the news outlets were seeking feed back and at first I thought why I are we worrying about the name when there are bigger issues to tackle. I then began to ask what is in a name and the began to realize that branding is an integral part of your business and you spent the last 20 years building The Big Orange so why would you change the name and begin with a new brand, La Grande Naranja, and I realized well most of the people in that area are hispanic and that is a primary target demographic and thus a name change can be used to attract more clients of hispanic origin. Better yet why not promote the event in both languages so as to attract a more diverse audience. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: La Grande Narnaja- What Is In A Name?
Advertisement Ideas Finding and Capitalizing On PR Opportunities!!!
I have posted this question before as I ask it on several occassions as I speak to people who may want to work with me and put my knowledge and expertise in this field to work for them. I have been developing ways to maximize messages for several years and I am always astounded by those who are not taking advantage of Public Relations Opportunities. This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend The Women of Faith Conference on Friday Night (10/26/12) in Sunrise, FL I was very impressed by World Vision and their presence at the event, I stopped by The Liberty University Booth to learn more about them. All the while I was loaded with literature about The Addict’s Mom (one of my clients) to hand out as I knew many of the 6,000 women in attendance may know a mother of an addicted child and may be seeking assistance for that person so I made it a point to talk to people and promote
As I left the Women of Faith Conference I began to think how many businesses missed out on an opportunity to promote themselves because they did nor know about the event or were so busy blaming the economy and other factors that they missed out on an opportunity to build their brand and strengthen their business. I then cam up with the idea to encourage everyone to visit and to see when one of theses events is coming to your community and how it can be a benefit to you and your business.
On October 27-28, 2012 I had the pleasure and honor of being The Public Address Announcer at The Sean Taylor Classic, The SUPER BOWL for Youth Football. As I announced the sponsors I began to think how many businesses could have benefitted from being part of this event if they had known about it. In two days over 2,000 people came through the gates to watch youth football. I had the opportunity to cut a video with the help of Generation Next and I immediately put it up on face book. As I have often said if make videos when ever you are at a special event and share them.
Advertisement Ideas: How To Find and Capitalize on PR Opportunities?
I am often asked JDOGG how do you find and capitalize on PR opportunities? Here are a few strategies that I have utilized to do just that.
1: Be aware of what is going on in your community and see if it is synergistic with your business and your message.
Look on the internet for special events in your area, talk to you customers about things they may be involved with and how you can be of assistance. Many times it is just being in tune and having a presence at events that will build your brand.
2: When you attend an event be prepared to do a quick video like this one.
3: Take photos and create a story to send to the media. For example the photo below with a brief story.
JDOGG Lederman Honors Community Leaders and Creates A World With Less Cancer And More Birthdays.
On March 24, 2012 The Unity Church Fellowship Hall was buzzing with joy as JDOGG Lederman hosted The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards, honoring outstanding community leaders for their service to the community. Proceeds from the event went to The Reaching Out To Cancer Kids Program of The American Cancer Society. 50 community leaders were honored and treated to a very special lunch provided by Subway and deserts provided by Chocolate Luxuries. The day consisted of fellowship and speakers on a variety of subjects. For more details about supporting events like this call JDOGG at 954-254-8227.
4: Find ways to provide products and services for events or how to capitalize on existing programs. For example The American Cancer Society has a program for Relay For Life, Stars and Moons, where merchants sell the Stars and Moons to customers/clients and the merchant displays them in their business. You can take a photo of the Stars and Moons with a caption (Insert your business name here) supports The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Program and recent raised (insert dollar amount) to help with research, education, advocacy, and services. “Our reason to participate in this program was driven by the fact that many of our customers have been touched by cancer and we felt this was an excellent way to give back while helping those affected by cancer,” said (insert name here).
5. Use your social media platforms to engage people and ask about ways you can be of service and value. Post how you are being of service and value to others.
Public Relations is not something that is done once in a while it is something that can be done everyday.
Every day you have something noteworthy happening in your business it is imperative that you share and capitalize on public relations. For example a local Dentist is opening up his practice from 8 PM – 10 PM on Halloween to x-ray candy, it is a shame that this has to be done. The dentist has been written about in several local papers, featured on the local news, and interviewed on the radio.
This chart will help you to find and capitalize on PR opportunities.
Advertisement Ideas: Forget The Salesman Approach!!!
When discussing sales people I often hear they are pushy, full of themselves, and will say anything to make the sale. This perception has led to many people programming themselves to say I am not interested from the first interaction. Sales is an integral part of any business be it a sole proprietorship or a large corporation a brick and mortar business or a home based business and mastering sales is a key to success. I have found that over the years it is important to overcome the perception of being a salesman because of the misconceived notion that sales people are sleazy and out for themselves. The best way to avoid being perceived in a negative way is to forget the salesman approach and become more interested in the people you are interacting with.
The first thing you are instructed to do in sales is to make cold calls. I believe this is the wrong approach as you can see from the chart that most people are not receptive to cold calls. Cold calls can be a part of the process, however there is an art to the cold call. In my 20 plus years of experience in the for profit and non-profit sectors I have found that when cold calling it is best to simply do your research and find out who the decision maker is, this can be easily done by google searches or using sources like The Hoover’s Guide To American Businesses. Many times know who to ask for will get you past the gate-keeper. I also suggest you get the gate keepers name and make friends with him or her so next time you call they will put you through. After you get to the decision maker do not begin your pitch right away tell them that you chose to contact them as you are looking to assist businesses like theirs and would like to set up an appointment to show them what you are offering. The appointment can be done via phone or in person if they are local. The key is to begin a relationship as we all know people will do business with those they know, like, and trust. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Forget The Salesman Approach!!!
Advertisement Ideas: Hey Mitt and Barack Stop The Mudslinging!!!!
This blog entry was brought on by the amount of people I hear complain about all the mudslinging going on in politics. I think it is time we put and end to all the mudslinging not only in politics but in all aspects of our society. Imagine if all politicians and all companies began to stand on their own merits and espouse the value and benefit of electing them or the using their product. The mudslinging has trickled down so much that it has created a problem in schools and other activities as it has now become normal to bad mouth people. I have found that successful people do not need to bad mouth others. Successful people are able to build themselves up and show how they are of value and service to others. Part of the problem is that the general public begins to accept the mudslinging as normal and they become desensitized to it. Imagine id these two candidates came out and stated what their accomplishments were and what their plans are instead of bashing each other what would happen? This will not happen as the general public has bought into the idea that this is the way things are done. As a result IBM who makes a good product and Apple who makes a good product decide to tear each other down in their respective commercials and they both lose market share. We have seen this with Samsung as well poking fun at the competition with their commercials. Locally the mudslinging has trickled down to Home Depot and Dolphin Carpet and Tile as they now are both airing commercials that are negative. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Hey Mitt and Barack Stop The Mudslinging!!!!
When doing your story the important question to ask is are you media worthy? Most entrepreneurs have a great back story, however they forget to tell it and thus miss out on the media exposure as they may not believe it is media worthy. Every story you have to tell is media worthy. Remember it is not what you say but how you say it. The steps to make your story media worthy are:
1: Frame Your Story – Like a picture you want to make sure your story is relevant, entertaining, and resonating. For example October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I lost a cousin and an uncle to breast cancer(yes men get breast cancer), I am involved in The Relay for Life, I have raised over $8,000 in the last 8 years, and in 2008 was awarded The Hope Award from The American Cancer Society South Palm Beach Unit. This year I implemented a fundraising program called Points For The Cure. Now I have framed the story.
2: Have A Catchy Headline With Keywords – After you frame the story you want to come up with a catchy headline that includes some keywords so when you put it out it will get picked up and looked at online and offline.
3: Write Your Story With Keywords – As you begin your story make sure you have keywords in the first sentence and through out the story so it will be ranked high in search engines as most publications now have digital versions online.
4: Proof the Story and Begin to Post Throughout All Your Platforms- Once you finish your story and you begin to post it you will see the results and you will begin to increase your worth in the eyes of the media. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Are You Media Worthy?
I can not tell you how many times I have wanted to verbalize the sentiment of what do you mean no? This generally is a feeling when O am representing what I believe to be a great opportunity for a business like an opportunity to be part of and be part of an event that is changing lives by creating an event where the Westfield Broward Mall in Plantation, FL will host Forest of Angels an event where businesses pay $1250 to sponsor and decorate a Christmas Tree and then choose the charity to be associated with the tree. The patrons at the mall then choose the best decorated tree and that tree’s charity is given $10,000 to further its mission and the remaining money is split amongst the other charities. The mall anticipates that 1.1 million people will visit the mall during the event. I was told I don’t have a budget to do this by a very large assisted living facility. I felt like saying you charge $5000 a month for a person to live at your facility and you can not see your way clear to invest $1250 in the community, what do you mean no? Then I realized this is why their occupation is down and their revenue is down and why they are on a downward spiral.It is not that the economy is down it is that they keep saying no to opportunities that are presented. If a new client represents $60,000 a year and you don’t spend at least $6,000 a year to attract that ne client you may remain stagnant because you said no.
I used to hear no a lot about advertising and marketing when I would sell print advertising as many business owners simply did not understand that advertising is an important aspect of their business. They would make all types of excuses and in many cases I would go back to visit only to find their business closed and boarded up with no forwarding information. I would thing again to my original question what do you mean no? I am not saying to say yes to everything but to look at things that make sense like,, and other opportunities that may be synergistic to your business. It is when you are open to receive that great things begin to happen.
You can choose where to shop and where to spend your advertising dollars and many times you may say no only to realize that you should have said yes. Imagine your name on the speaker next to the choir, or your name on the table, or a poster above toys for tots or your name on the shopping cart. These are a few out of the box methods that work as everyone stopping by Macy’s or the food area, or dropping off a toy, or shopping would see you. Now take it a step further when people walk through Forest of Angels at The Broward Mall and see your competitor and shop your competitor because you turned down a great opportunity. So think about it and ask yourself what do I mean no?
It is proven when you give you get. People love to do business with those they perceive to be giving back to the community so supporting Forest of Angels makes sense. Visit
Advertisement Ideas: How To Build A Strong Social Media Presence
I am asked all the time JDOGG why do I have to have a social media presence? My answer is because if you have a strong social media presence and those who like you or follow you know you and trust you you can monetize them not only for your business but for other endeavors as well. The next question is then how do I build a strong social media presence? The answer lies in the following process:
1: Know who you want to The adage I like to use is some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. Not everyone is meant to be your client or to support your cause.
2: Create a Brand and A Tag Line that will reach the audience- For example I am known as Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Spiritual Emcee Maximizing Your Message, and people who I am looking to work with and help excel have come to know my logo and often state you’re the guy with the fired up microphone logo.
JDOGG Lederman has a consistent brand and message
JDOGG Connections Build A Presence on Social Media Platforms
Advertisement Ideas: Navigating The Public Relations Maze
Jonathan JDOGG Lederman accepts a Certificate of Appreciation from Paul Spence, President of The Lauderhill Broncos, in recognition of his announcing services that he donated during the season.
This is an example of a great Public Relations Opportunity if you know how to navigate the maze and reach the right people. In many occassion people doing public relations for their business or non profit organization find themselves in a world that is confusing and hard to understand that they haven’t been exposed to in the past. The world of public relations can be comlicated at times, howver with this blog entry I hope to simplify it so that you can maximize your message.
Advertisement Ideas: The Steps to Effectively Navigate The Public Relations Maze
One key element to remember when doing public relations is that it is not a sometime thing it is an everytime thing. This means that everything you do in your business or with your non-profit should encompass some public relations aspect. There are many steps to navigate the public relations maze:
1: Know the message you want to deliver- What is your objective in promoting and giving information?
For example if your purpose of your message is to drive more people to your web site you want to give people a reason to go to your website. For example you are giving away a free study about something in your industry that will help your current clients and potential clients thus announcing the give away in an enticing way and then capturing their email address you can build a list to send more valuable offers. You can also then send out media releases to your media list announcing how you are being of service and value to those you serve. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Navigating The Public Relations Maze