Advertisement Ideas: Is Your Plan On Par With NIKE

This is probably the most recognizable logo of all companies in the market place today? What are you doing to brand yourself?

Advertising Ideas: Is Your Plan On Par With Nike

I am often asked, How do I  create a plan that will get me the results that NIKE gets though I don’t have a Nike type budget? The answer is to lok at what NIKE did in the beginning. Nike was first introduced to the world by Steve Prefontaine, whose coach specially designed running shoes for him while Steve was running for The University of Oregon. The shoes were seen and people began to inquire about them  and the coach found a manufacturer. The name Nike was adopted as it comes from Greek meaning goddess of Victory. The SWOOSH logo is a graphic design created by Caroline Davidson in 1971. It represents the wing of the Greek Goddess NIKE. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Is Your Plan On Par With NIKE

Advertisement Ideas:10 Lessons Learned From The Superbowl

Advertisement Ideas:10 Lessons Learned From Superbowl


As I watched what I consider to be one of the most exciting Superbowl in recent history, I began to think what lessons did I learn?

1: The economy isn’t that bad when companies are spending $3.5 Million on a 30 second ad.  Using the economy as an excuse as to not advertise  just limits your chances to attract business.

2: Many people watching this game don’t have  a clue about the game. I must have explained why the Brady toss from the end zone was considered grounding and thus resulted in a safety. Lack of knowledge can hurt you not only when watching The Superbowl but when it comes to advertising your business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas:10 Lessons Learned From The Superbowl

Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward

Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward

When I do consultations with businesses I am often asked how can I pay it forward. I usually answer find a charitable cause that you are passionate about and research programs that you can participate in and then create a marketing strategy that will promote how you are paying it forward. One of the charitable causes I am involved with is The American Cancer Society Relay for Life in which I participate annually, this year my website that you can visit to make donations is  I mention this as I use my involvement in this cause to garner free publicity for my business. Last year I wrote an article JDOGG Barks to Assist Cancer Patients, this article appeared in several local newspapers, and on many radio station web sites as a result of paying it forward I was able to garner a few emcee bookings. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward