Advertisement Ideas: The Importance Of Another Voice!!!

Advertisement Ideas: The Importance Of Another Voice!!!

 As I am determined to be of service and value to all those I come in contact with I am always amazed when someone isn’t open and receptive to ideas that can help their business to grow. Many times I find entrepreneurs that are so married to their business that they shut out outside ideas and thus do not grow as much as they could.  Sometimes the entrepreneur is set in his/her ways and thinks they know what is best for the business because they come from a position of fear and ego. The fear is often coming from the fact that they are afraid to take a financial risk or they think they are so big that they know more than the other voice.  The importance of listening to another voice is that voice may have something you didn’t think about. I recently had this happen when I made a suggestion to someone to approach the colleges in the area to find sales people for her project. her answer was I wouldn’t have thought of that. Just because someone may never have owned a business do not disqualify them as they may have been around business for a long time and helped those businesses to maximize their message.  I am often amazed by the lack of creativity shown by entrepreneurs and marketing directors and then I amazed that they wonder why business might be slow.

Advertisement Ideas: Case Studies On Why Another Voice Is Important!!!

I walked in to my local Chase Branch to speak to the branch manager about La Bonita Kidz and Teenz( and I gave her an idea to do a Dollars and Cents Column to educate the readers about saving and investment programs that are available. Her answer really floored me as she said “I don’t think we have anything like that.” This floored me because I would think a financial institution would have ready to print SEC approved materials so as to build their brand in the local market not only to create brand awareness but a feeling of trust amongst existing customers and potential new customers. She took the information and forwarded it on to the marketing department. Chase should have a strategic local marketing plan as any financial institution should have because what works in Tamarac, FL may not work in Jupiter, FL as the communities are demographically different.  This is why having an outsider that is not emotionally attached to the business is important as the outside person may help to develop programs that are instrumental in retaining existing clients/customers while attracting new customers.

 I worked with Coach Shantel Springer on publicity and as a result she received media coverage thus giving her credibility and attracting new clients. She exemplified the idea of listening to another voice. Shantel walks her talk and invests in herself and as a result has been able to create a network of individuals to go to for assistance as she understands that everyone can be helpful in some way. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: The Importance Of Another Voice!!!