Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Your Donations To Generate A Profit!!!
As a business adviser I have always taught the entrepreneurs that utilize my service the importance of making charitable donations be them monetary or in-kind. When you support charities and donate money or good and service you can implement a strategic marketing plan that will allow you to support the community and also turn a profit. One of the best advertisement ideas that I came up with was over 20 years when I asked a local restaurant to host a charity night to raise money for The Coral Springs Jaycees Spreading The Joy Program, which provided Thanksgiving Baskets and a Children’s Shopping Spree for families in need. The restaurant asked what is in it for me and I explained that by donating 20% of his sales for one night he would attract people who wouldn’t normally come to the restaurant and have an opportunity to turn them into regular customers. He was hesitant at first but agreed and that first give back night raised $189 for the project. Meaning that we brought in bout $1,000 worth of business on that night not to mention the amount of people who became regular customers. Since my first give back night I have seen many restaurants adopt this concept and have much success because it creates a win-win situation for all parties involved. When you have a giving plan it will turn into profit over time as people like to do business with those they perceive to be giving back to the community. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Your Donations To Generate Profit!!!