Advertisement Ideas: 5 Ways To Empower Those You Lead


By Cliff Townsend



Home Leadership

Whatever our position in life we will inevitably be put in a position where we are required to lead,

Whether that position is as a parental leader, a scout leader, a manager or as a business owner or

Someone that others look to for guidance.

To be most effective in our role as a leader we must be able to empower those we lead

in order for them to be more effective and efficient in their position.

There are far too many people who are put in a position of leadership simply because they did good in the field,

However they lack the necessary skills to empower the people they lead.

                    Here are five ways to effectively empower those you lead be more efficient:

      Share the vision

     Leadership Skills – Development Issue Paint the big picture for those that are a part of your team. Let them know that they are a part of something that is

Bigger than any one individual. Let them know that this is a team effort, and without them doing their part the vision can

Never be fulfilled. Sharing your vision will give your team something more meaningful to work towards, and more of a purpose

For the work that they do, regardless of how insignificant it may seem. With a vision everything has purpose.

Delegate important task

Most leaders find it hard to delegate important task, because they feel that if it is to be done right they have to do it themselves.

This is especially prevalent among new entrepreneurs. The fact is no one person can do everything. So it is sometimes better to

Delegate to others who can do the job at 90% instead of the job not getting done at all. Some would disagree, however in every

study that I have ever seen 90% done is always better than not done at all.

Whenever important task are delegated it empowers those who are given the task, because they feel a new level of trust and responsibility. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: 5 Ways To Empower Those You Lead

Advertisement Ideas: Finding Your Why!!!

Advertising Ideas: Finding Your Why?


As I sat at lunch today (4/5/13) at The Progressive Black Men National Conference along with Clifford Townsend, a Mindset Coach and Speaker I had the pleasure of hearing a presentation by one of the alumni members about finding your why? As I listened to him speak about brotherhood and finding your why I thought what if a business could convey their why in advertising?

You can visit to find out more information about Progressive Black Men and the work they are doing. You can even consider sponsoring them and having an opportunity to share your why. The key is to define your why.

 In finding your why ask yourself why am I in this business? Ask why I opened my doors this morning? Ask why you are promoting what you are promoting.  I have always stated that facts tell and stories sell. By having a why story you will resonate with people who can relate to you and thus want to do business with you.  I am often asked JDOGG why do you do what you do? My answer is because I have a desire to help other people excel and I have learned if you help enough people get what they want you will get what you want.  I also answer because I know that marketing works for people do business with those they know like and trust. By sharing your why with others they begin to know you, like you, and trust you.  Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Finding Your Why!!!