Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward

Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward

When I do consultations with businesses I am often asked how can I pay it forward. I usually answer find a charitable cause that you are passionate about and research programs that you can participate in and then create a marketing strategy that will promote how you are paying it forward. One of the charitable causes I am involved with is The American Cancer Society Relay for Life in which I participate annually, this year my website that you can visit to make donations is  I mention this as I use my involvement in this cause to garner free publicity for my business. Last year I wrote an article JDOGG Barks to Assist Cancer Patients, this article appeared in several local newspapers, and on many radio station web sites as a result of paying it forward I was able to garner a few emcee bookings. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward

Advertisement Ideas: Using Your Talent To Help Others Grows Your Business

JDOGG Emcees West Boca Relay For Life   Inspiration, Perspiration, and Rejuevenation  are the words that could be used to describe my experience this past weekend as I traveled to be part of The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of  West Boca Raton to be the emcee. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Using Your Talent To Help Others Grows Your Business