Advertisement Ideas: Building Isn’t Enough!

Advertisement Ideas: Building Isn’t Enough

Kevin Costner hears and acts upon the voice,”Build and They Will Come,”

    We all remember the scene in Field of Dreams where the voice says build it and they will come, well people did come, then again it was a movie. Due to the large promotion of the movie many people trek to the movie site in Iowa. The Convention and Visitors Bureau for the area lists in in the attraction section. They have  a marketing director and a special events coordinator to keep the traffic coming. What are you doing to create your Field of Dreams? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Building Isn’t Enough!

Advertisement Ideas: Is Your Plan On Par With NIKE

This is probably the most recognizable logo of all companies in the market place today? What are you doing to brand yourself?

Advertising Ideas: Is Your Plan On Par With Nike

I am often asked, How do I  create a plan that will get me the results that NIKE gets though I don’t have a Nike type budget? The answer is to lok at what NIKE did in the beginning. Nike was first introduced to the world by Steve Prefontaine, whose coach specially designed running shoes for him while Steve was running for The University of Oregon. The shoes were seen and people began to inquire about them  and the coach found a manufacturer. The name Nike was adopted as it comes from Greek meaning goddess of Victory. The SWOOSH logo is a graphic design created by Caroline Davidson in 1971. It represents the wing of the Greek Goddess NIKE. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Is Your Plan On Par With NIKE

Advertisement Ideas:10 Lessons Learned From The Superbowl

Advertisement Ideas:10 Lessons Learned From Superbowl


As I watched what I consider to be one of the most exciting Superbowl in recent history, I began to think what lessons did I learn?

1: The economy isn’t that bad when companies are spending $3.5 Million on a 30 second ad.  Using the economy as an excuse as to not advertise  just limits your chances to attract business.

2: Many people watching this game don’t have  a clue about the game. I must have explained why the Brady toss from the end zone was considered grounding and thus resulted in a safety. Lack of knowledge can hurt you not only when watching The Superbowl but when it comes to advertising your business. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas:10 Lessons Learned From The Superbowl

Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward

Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward

When I do consultations with businesses I am often asked how can I pay it forward. I usually answer find a charitable cause that you are passionate about and research programs that you can participate in and then create a marketing strategy that will promote how you are paying it forward. One of the charitable causes I am involved with is The American Cancer Society Relay for Life in which I participate annually, this year my website that you can visit to make donations is  I mention this as I use my involvement in this cause to garner free publicity for my business. Last year I wrote an article JDOGG Barks to Assist Cancer Patients, this article appeared in several local newspapers, and on many radio station web sites as a result of paying it forward I was able to garner a few emcee bookings. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Pay It Forward

Advertisement Ideas: The Power of The Message

I have often stated it is not what you say but how you say it that matters. Imagine you are asked what you did at college and you answered I was a Game Room Attendant I gave out tokens and watched over the gameroom as opposed to I was an Arcade Associate I was responsible for overseeing the day to day operation of the aracade. Which one of these would impress someone more? How about the time I was asked what I did at The Nassau Colisieum and instead of stating I am a Beer Vendor I stated I am a Sales Associate who provides libations for patrons, again which one sounds better. This same thing goes when trying to get media attention the purpose is to make sure your message stands out and that people receiving your information will react in a positive way so that each time they receive something from you they look forward to opening it up.

The message can be how you are making a difference in people’s lives through spiritual teachings or maybe how you are paying it forward by share what you learned in your spiritual readings to enhance people’s personal and professional lives.  I personally like to grab the media attentions with headlines and quotes such as Maya Angelou’s Quote people may not remember what you said or did but they will remember how you made them feel. I also use lines from The Jaycees Creed and give examples of what I am doing to serve as a living example of the philosophies and beliefs. I use quotes from The Secret so as to grab the readers attention.

Some books that I would recommend for you to use to help you come from a spiritual base and to use in your media relations are:

1: The Secret- Rhonda Byrne

2. Think and Grow Rich- napolean Hill

3. Take Your Time- Ekrath Asawaran

4. Your Erroneius Zones- Dr. Wayne Dyer

5: Shape Your World- Jean Adrienne

I’ll have  more recommendations in my next post. A great search for Spiritual Entrpreneurs will also give you some great material to help with your media relations. One great way to catch the attention of the media is to have a theme in your release. The first release you introduce yourself and let them know  why you are a great interview candidate. The next release tells of how you or your product is enhancing people’s lives. Then after that if you are hosting events you give them an angle as to why they should cover your event as opposed to another.

The Power of Your message will be the most important aspect of getting media coverage.

Advertisement Ideas: Make It Happen With Catchy Content

As I sat at the Dunkin Donuts Tonight doing my radio show, Get Motivated With Jonathan “JDOGG” Lederman heard on Monday from 7-8 PM EST at I realized that with catchy positive phrases based in a spiritual perspective the media and those around you will pay attention. Tonight I had Reverened Bryan Anthony on from Orlando his observastions were incredible especially the acroynym for TRUST(Together Responsible Understanding Sharing Together). Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Make It Happen With Catchy Content

Advertisement Ideas: Being Prepared!!!

We hear it all the time greatness is achieved when preparation meets opportunity and always  be prepared. How many of us cringe at the thought of getting up in front of a crowd and speaking? When I read the other day that the # 1 fear of people in America is Public Speaking and death ranks #2, I thought of a quote I heard that means at a funeral more people would rather be the one in the casket than the one delivering the eulogy. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Being Prepared!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Honing Your Skills!!!

I was asked how do you get to Carnegie Hall. My answer was practice. The more you practice your craft the better you become. Preparation is half the battle. One key is to practice in the mirror and videotape yourself and tweak for improvement.

Through Practicing and critiquing your videos you will become a better presenter. For example this video has some mistakes but I kept it and posted it to learn and show people it is okay to make mistakes as long as they help you to improve.

Some great tips to help you hone your skills are:

. Write a Script and Rehearse

. Go With The Flow and keep going even if you make a mistake

. Practice in Front of A Mirror

 Advertisement Ideas: You Perform How You Practice!!!


Post image for The Three Laws of the Bar ExamSetting aside time everyday to practice your craft will set in  motion the skills needed to succeed.  Remembering the adage  how you do anything is how you do everything is a key element in honing your skills. In being able to hone your skills daily you will deliver a peak performance. As a PA Announcer I make it a point to practice daily. I find a game on TV of any sport and I do my announcer voice so that I can be the best announcer when the time comes to do the announcing at a live event. In college I made a tape for a friend where I made up an entire baseball game and I sent it to him so he could critique it. By doing this I was able to hone my skills and improve on my craft. Today there are many videos of me at that I watch to see what I did correctly and what I need to improve.