Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

As I watched John Kasich speak about finishing #2 in New Hampshire and heard him talk about slowing down I couldn’t help but think how many business people are going so fast that they are missing out on opportunities. As he completed his speech and challenged the audience to slow down and get to know people I immediately though what a novel idea especially for those involved in retail. When I work in the store Celebrity Sports in Plantation, FL I make it a point to greet every customer and to engage with them so that I can get to know them understanding that even if they do not buy something on that day they may come back and buy an item because they will remember how they were treated. In all of my retail positions I have held I have subscribed to the idea that everyone who walks through the door can be of service and value in some way so take time to help everyone. I also have this attitude when some one calls me as I answer my phone hello this is Jonathan JDOGG Lederman how can I be of service and value to you. I have found that by slowing down and doing things a bit differently that I have had success. When I was hired in March of 1988 at Oaktree I made it a point to treat everyone with respect who entered the store. As a result I became the top salesman in the country for this men’s clothing store. I went from Oaktree to Meryl Harmon’s Fan Fair  and I took sales from $400 a day to over $2500 per day simply by getting to know people and making everyone feel special. Over the years I have used this same philosophy of slowing down and doing things differently in my fundraising activities and a s a result I have been successful. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Today’s entry  is inspired by Ah Snagg CPA located  at 460 N. University Drive in Lauderhill whose phone number is 954-749-9722 as he taught the lesson of how not to treat someone when they are cold calling. I walked in unannounced as I often do when out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I saw he was with a client so I apologized for interrupting and asked if I could leave a flier about Relay For Life and he immediately got irate called me rude said he couldn’t help and that he was with a client. I fully understood this and thanked him for his time. he continued to go on and tell me that the work I was doing was meaningless and then threatened to call the police. I understand I interrupted his flow of business however I was polite. All he saw was someone in jeans and a tee shirt and a ball cap and didn’t realize that I could have been of service and value to him.  This encounter really got me to thinking about how many so-called professionals are struggling because of making judgments and not giving people time. I have always said that I may be a solicitor today however in the future I could be a client or be someone who recommends potential clients to you. Ask yourself what type of feeling am I leaving when I interact with others and how is that interaction affecting my business.

In business today it is imperative to understand the importance of making people feel good and leaving them with what I call a warm fuzzy about their encounter with you. When Ah Snagg said my  work was meaningless this upset me and I thought wow I won’t be recommending him to any of my business associates. I had a great idea about how he could have helped The American Cancer Society and also strengthened his brand. It was a simply host a FREE Workshop on Charitable Giving for the volunteers. As a result of doing the workshop he may have picked up a few clients. I guess Ah Snagg didn’t realize that he had an opportunity to tap into  volunteers simply by making time and being kind. Instead everyone who reads this entry will now think twice before they do business with him. The important thing to remember is to be kind to everyone for the people you see on the way up will be the same people you see on the way down. I would recommend that Ah Snagg and all those who aren’t making time for people grab a copy of Don Miguel Ruiz’s Four Agreements and apply the principles.

In adopting these four agreements you will see a dramatic change in your ability  to  make time for people and your image in the community. How many times have you ignored someone who came into your business or your office because of the way they looked or the way they were dressed.  How many times did you lose out on opportunities that would have enhanced your image because you were quick to judge. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Always Make Time!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Turning Browsers Into Buyers!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Turning Browsers Into Buyers!!!

If you have worked in retail you have heard oh I am just looking. When I hear this I ask what are you looking for? By doing this I get an idea if  the customer is truly interested or is wasting my time. In not asking yes or no questions you open up the dialogue and thus you increase your chance of turning a browser into a buyer. I work with Celebrity Sports in Plantation, FL and I believe that everyone who walks into the store can be made into a customer. When I am in the store I make it a point to start conversations that will lead me to show the customer something that will peak their interest and as a result they will make a purchase. In knowing the merchandise and being able to show the customer what we have increase the opportunity to turn them from a browser to a buyer.

When I graduated from Hofstra University in 1987 I went to work for The Oaktree Men’s Clothing Store in Boca Raton, FL as a management trainee. With in 3 weeks I was the #1 salesperson in the country for this division of Edison Brothers Stores. I was asked by The Regional Vice President How I managed to be #1 in the country in a short period of time. I simply replied I turned the browsers into buyers. He then asked how did I do that. I said I greeted everyone within 5-10 seconds of coming into the store and asking them what brought them to Oaktree today. In doing so I began to build relationships with customers who then became regular customers. I remember a businessman from Chicago came in and was seeking casual wear for meetings he was attending and I helped him and he said he came into town every 3-5 weeks. I told him stop in when you are here and see our new arrivals. It turned out that he did just that and on average spent $300 with me. In getting to know your customers you can turn them from browsers to buyers.

I am asked by people all the time JDOGG what of you do not have a brick and mortar business and you aren’t selling tangible items then how do you turn browsers into buyers? My answer is by having a service that they seek and building their trust after all people like to work with people they know, like, and trust. If you have a website make sure you have a page where they can book your services and pay for them ahead of time. If you have merchandise like CDS, DVD’S. Books, and other materials make sure they can order hem and pay for them. In having a strong call to action you will be able to turn browsers into buyers.

 Many of us spend an inordinate amount of time networking and  we find ourselves dealing with many browsers. The question is how do we turn these browsers into buyers. The answer is to have something they desire, something that solves a problem, something that is relevant and resonating. It is important to follow-up with everyone who you get a business card from within 24-48 hours with a clear and consistent message that has a strong call to action at the end.  I strongly suggest setting up a one on one and finding out what they are looking for and letting them know how you can be of service and value to them.

As many of you that read this blog you know I host a TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on WRPBiTV. I invite many people to be on the show and give them the option of buying a fully edited clip of their appearance on my show for $200, which is a great deal to have a very useful tool to turn browsers into buyers. I explain the value of having the clip and how it can be used on their website, across social media platforms, and in all their marketing materials. I have found that those who purchase the clip and use it effectively increase their brand awareness and their cash flow.  I have seen many of the people who came into the studio as browsers become buyers because my producer and I explain the value and how if they follow our suggestions they will have some success. I do not sell everyone the clip and I understand not everyone will be a buyer. The key is to have the mindset to always be closing in order to turn browsers into buyers.

Use your platforms to turn browsers into buyers!!! Stay Positive!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Who Is Endorsing You?

Advertisement Ideas: Who Is Endorsing You?

As Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump today it got me to thinking who is endorsing you and how is their endorsement impacting you. Many will now turn away from Trump because of their disdain for Sarah Palin. I would have to think twice about following the women who said I can see Russia from my backyard so I am qualified to make decisions about international relations. I answered heck I can see space from my backyard but that doesn’t make me an astronaut. In today’s competitive market place it is important to really look at who is endorsing you.  Yes endorsements are a major part of building your following however the wrong endorsement can hurt you more than help you so look at who is endorsing you.  When selecting people to ask for endorsements make sure you do your due diligence and that they are respected among the public because one oh crap will ruin 1000 at a boys.  Make sure when you select someone to endorse you that they have nothing that will be a detriment to you on their record. When getting someone to endorse you make sure people know them, like them, and trust them. As an entrepreneur or non-profit leader it is important to get endorsements from those who will increase your likability and trust factor.  When you use endorsements or testimonials in your advertising make sure that you vetted the person completely before using what  they said because in today’s marketing world nothing ever goes away.

Today it is important to realize that everything you do becomes part of a digital footprint and people can take something your endorser said years ago and use it against your business. When getting endorsements do your best to use people who have a good reliable reputation as being trustworthy. Make sure when you are posting endorsements that they are real and believable. With today’s digital marketing what your endorser posts reflects back to you so make sure you check what your endorser is posting so that it positively impacts your business. Also remember with un-monitored sites like yelp and other review sites that a negative comment can adversely affect your business so be careful in all you do because that one negative review can hurt you and counter act the 100 positive reviews you have. People are more apt to share a negative than a positive and that is just how our society is thus it is important to see who is endorsing you. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Who Is Endorsing You?

Advertising Ideas: Be Creative!!!

Advertising Ideas: Be Creative!!!

Garfield vs Snoopy 2016Two of my favorite cartoon characters are Garfield and Snoopy and my favorite charity is The American Cancer Society.  2016 Marks my 17th year as a volunteer with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In my many years of fundraising and promotions I have learned that to succeed you need to be creative thus I developed a fundraising program called The Snoopy VS. Garfield Challenge where people are asked to visit and make a donation and put Snoopy or Garfield in the comments and whichever character gets the most votes based on donations wins. It is very simple and easy to participate in. This fundraising triggered a thought about the importance of being creative in your marketing. In being creative you want to have a campaign that is memorable that resonates with your target audience. With the Snoopy VS Garfield Challenge I am looking for people aged 25+ who will know who each character is and who wants to help plant the seeds of hope and healing for cancer patients and their families. In using creativity and cause marketing people are seeing what I am passionate about and learning that when they use my services that they are supporting a cause that most everyone can relate to as cancer has touched almost everyone in one way or another.

2016 Popints for the Cure Fundraiser Another creative fundraiser that I implemented was The Points For The Cure Football Edition, which helped to raise $21.50 for this relay for life. In having fliers and promoting it across football related platforms other relay participants ran a similar campaign. Now let’s translate this to your business if you have clients/customers that are football fans you can pick a team and do a special price based on the points that team scores or offer a discount based on the points scored. You can then market this across all your marketing platforms and thus generate more revenue simply because you were creative.

Years after this character was implemented by Domino’s Pizza people still remember the character. The Domino’s Pizza Avoid The Noid Campaign created a buzz and increased brand awareness and revenue. Think what can your business develop so that people will recognize your brand and be compelled to spend money with you.

I work with Celebrity Sports in Plantation, Florida and we have been very creative with our marketing bringing in celebrities like Rick Flair, Dwight Gooden, and Steve Garvey to sign autographs. All people who are in our target audience know who these people are and as a result we create a buzz about the store and increase traffic for the day of the signings thus keeping us on top of the mind of the consumer so that when they think of collectibles they think of us 1st.

DUO Magazine

Introduces our “Thrillanthropist” of the Month

A Local L egend Who Gets a “Thrill” Out of Helping Others
Jonathan JDOGG Lederman

Community Activist
Since he was a young boy Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, The Positive Broadcaster, was committed to helping the community. He has always believed that service to humanity is the best work of life. His community service work spans over 30 years and includes many accomplishments. JDOGG is a returned U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer who served in The Philippines from July 2002 through February 2003. Prior to his serving in The Peace Corps JDOGG was very active in The Junior Chamber of Commerce where he was introduced to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Upon his return to The United States he reconnected with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. In 2008 he was recognized with The American Cancer Society Hope Award. It is estimated that he has raised over $35,000 in his 16 years as a Relay For Life Volunteer. In July of 2012 JDOGG’s mother was called home to God after suffering a heart attack while battling inoperable metastatic lung cancer. In 2016 he is participating in The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise and captain a team for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton. He hopes to raise over $3500 and has set up donation pages at for The Sunrise Relay and for The Boca Raton Relay. He has raised $377 for The Sunrise Relay and $285.50 for The Boca Raton Relay. Please call 954-254-8227for additional information or for an interview request.

When you send out your media releases give the media an angle that will be relevant, resonating, and entertaining. As a result of being creative I was named DUO Magazine’s Thrillanthropist of The Month because of my involvement with The American Cancer Society.

Find ways to creatively promote your business daily. Post things that relate to your business that will entice people to do business with you.

Advertisement Ideas: Banging For Business!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Banging For Business!!!

This is an open door that leads to opportunity. I have learned over the years that if you bang on enough doors and you say persistent in your pursuit you will develop customers/clients and thus you will continue to have success in all you do. When was the last time you went out into the community and sought people to share your product  or services with so as to generate leads and keep an active pipeline going?  One of the best things I have done in working with non-profit entities as well as with for profit businesses has been to include going door to door as part of the strategic marketing plan. In going business to business to solicit donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life over the last 16 years I have raised over $35,000. I have also been able to secure more teams for Relays in the communities where I live, work, and play. As a representative of several companies I have found going business to business with brochures to be very effective as it helps to build name recognition and gives you a distinct advantage when you follow-up. If you are not banging for business you need to incorporate this practice into your 2016 plans.

When you bang for business it is important to utilize your phone and to make calls to set up appointments with people so that you can have the opportunity to show them how you can be of service and value to them. You phone can be a great tool to bang for business as you can post photos to social media from it, make videos and share them across all social media platforms, text message potential customers/clients with special offers, set up an application to interact with existing clients/customers and potential clients/customers.   Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Banging For Business!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Having Relations!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Having Relations!!!

 As I went about my business today I began to think don’t people in service positions understand the importance of having relations? I went to a Walgreen’s on University Drive and McNab road in Tamarac, FL to get my blood pressure checked. I was told we don’t so that and I answered since when then the pharmacist said the machine didn’t work and that  she could get another machine and I would have to have a seat and wait. I told her I don’t have to do anything and a better way to have answered would have been sir I can help you shortly please have a seat and I will do my best to accommodate you. She said okay and I waited and guess what the machine didn’t work. I told her that is okay I will be by another Walgreen’s later and will try them. As I left I thought no wonder sales may be down at this location bad customer service. I started to think how is Walgreen’s training their people and are they aware that they are losing sales because of bad customer service or do they think they are so big that they can recoup losses that easy.  It all comes down to good customer relations. One the opposite end of the spectrum is The Walgreen’s on University Drive and Oakland Park Boulevard I am greeted and most of the employees now know me by my moniker JDOGG.  It is amazing how two stores in the same chain can have such different levels of  customer service. I support Walgreen’s and shop there because they are a National Corporate Partner of The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. This leads me to the point of the importance of good community relations.

I have encountered many businesses that just do not understand the importance of community relations and as a result wonder why they struggle. People like to do business with people they perceive to be giving back to the community. I know from a personal stand point that if your business supports my efforts with Relay For Life chances are I will use your product or services when a need arises and I will recommend others to do the same. Think about community relations as an adjunct to your marketing and the value it has. I support Starbucks because they support Relay For Life and they also support many other charities in the community. I support many businesses and promote others who have supported Relay For Life. I usually do not go to California Pizza Kitchen however they were doing a give back night for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise, FL so I went and had dinner. By California Pizza Kitchen doing this they picked up business that they normally would not have had on a Tuesday night. If your business is not tied into the community this could explain why your sales are off.  When you are seeking to build your brand and increase your cash flow remember that it is important to have relations with the community.  When you do something for the community make sure you are sending it out to the media. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Having Relations!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Drawing Attention!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Drawing Attention!!!

I have witnessed so many businesses using a cookie cutter formula and trying to copy others in the industry  and struggling when they could be thriving by standing out and drawing attention to themselves. I have always professed that being a bit different is the best way to draw attention to yourself and strengthen your brand.  I have also noticed that some will get what you are doing while others will be quick to judge. My theory is simply be your authentic self and draw attention and those meant to do business with you will show up and support you. It is when you stop trying to attract everyone that you succeed. I have always made it point to stand out  be it wearing an elf hat at Starbucks while writing blog entries or wearing my purple BEAT CANCER Sneaker or simply taking over a microphone at an event to showcase my  skills as an emcee I have always made it a point to stand out. I remember the day I decided that I was going to wear a suit and my Snoopy slippers to do a speech simply to see the audience’s reaction. I delivered the speech and many commented on how great my content was but most made a comment about The Snoopy slippers. Some of the comments were not the nicest but many were positive. The interesting thing was when I followed up with everyone even those that had negative comments about the Snoopy slippers I made it a point to remind them that I was the presenter who wore the Snoopy Slippers and you know what my reply rate was over 85% and as a result I was able to secure some voice over work, emcee work, and picked up a few marketing and media relations clients. The idea is to be a bit different and make a memorable impression and remember you will not resonate with everyone but those meant to use your services will.

Advertisement Ideas: Drawing Attention With A Platform!!!

 I host an Internet TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at  6:30 PM EST and this platform has proven to be a great platform for those who choose to come in and do an interview and purchase the clip of their appearance.  I tell my guests that have a clip of your appearance on The Anything Bucket will help to draw attention to your business and give you the edification and credibility that every business is seeking. Purchasing the clip is an investment in your effort to build your brand and thus stand out from others in your industry. In using a platform such as Internet TV you are drawing attention to your business and when you invest in buying the clip and leverage it properly you will gain business. I had a guest on who owns Gump Pest Control whose motto is save your rump with Gump. We did about 10 minutes and he purchased his clip and posted it across social media. He wrote me an email thanking me and stating that he picked up some customers as a result. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Drawing Attention!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: The Full Monty!!!

Advertisement Ideas: The Full Monty!!!

Today’s post was inspired by The Show, The Full Monty, where the cast is definitely maximum exposed. As I reflected on the idea of maximum exposure I realized just how many business people are under exposed with their marketing and media relations and how many do not even have a strategic marketing plan. It is important to put yourself out there and remember that you are your brand and how important it is to figuratively give people The Full Monty. It is imperative that you continuously are out in the community promoting yourself and the products or services you offer and how you are different from others doing what you do. It is also a priority to show people how you are of service and value and why they should be doing business with you. Many people go into business and they do not have a written plan about their marketing and media relations and then wonder why they are not being as successful as the envisioned. If you are going to exceed in business you need to have a plan and work your plan.

Advertisement Ideas: The Full Monty Formula!!!

 Know who you want to do business with and know where they get their information and what other businesses they frequent. In knowing where your audience is it will make it easier for you to build your following.

Set up a budget to print and distribute collateral material. Have a budget to do on-line marketing.  Have a budget to do video marketing. Remember that marketing is not an expense it is an investment.

There are may things that happen in your business that are newsworthy so having a strategy to get the information out to the news outlets that your target audience is watching, reading, and listening to will play a major role in strengthening your brand and increasing your revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: The Full Monty!!!