Advertisement Ideas: Make It A Positive Experience!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Make It A Positive Experience!!!

 I have noticed more and more businesses bashing their competition  instead of building themselves up when I see this type of marketing I usually look for another  option when I need the product or service that is being offered. I have also seen a trend in brick and mortar businesses where the interaction is far from positive and when I have a bad experience with a business I generally don’t go back and I let others know so they can avoid the same experience.  In today’s ever more competitive world it is imperative to make every experience a positive one. When you are dealing with the general public their will be interruptions of your daily routine which to you may seem ridiculous but to the person walking into your business or calling you on the phone it is important.  If you can take the time to be courteous to all those who you come in contact with and create a positive experience you will see an increase in your sales and a strengthening of your brand.  Every aspect of your business should reflect positivity from your voice mail to your advertising to your human interaction. The idea is to be positive in everything that you do so that the end-user thinks positive of you and comes to you when they seek your product or service.

There are certain businesses I frequent just because I get a positive vibe from the moment I enter until the time I leave. I also frequent businesses where they have taken the effort to get to know me. I have a big advantage as I am generally positive and thus am met with positive responses.  I had someone ask me JDOGG how do you make each interaction positive? My answer was I look for the good that comes from it, for example the guy at Pucinnis Pizza in Boca Raton was not receptive to my Relay For Life. At first I was upset as I though everyone would come forward to help this great project and then I realized you know what it saves me a phone call and creates an opportunity to find people who will support the cause. Had the man been open and receptive he could have had a more positive outcome because he would have had an ally in the marketplace speaking positively about him and recommending his business.  I have  had people give me some excuses and I simply do my best to overcome the excuses and then if that doesn’t work I thank them for their time and wish them luck.  The key is to help as many people you can through your business so that your business is seen in a positive light and so that customers and potential customers have a positive interaction with you.

 The greatest thing that a business can do is to find ways to establish goodwill in the community. A local Pizza Restaurant at Boca green Plaza, Davito’s, sponsored a track marker for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of  West Boca Raton and I have personally been there for lunch on 2 occasions and have given him shout out on Facebook and promoted him at committee meetings as a result of his creating a positive interaction he has gained me as a customer and I represent about $8 each time I come in. Think If I come in 40 times in the year he makes a small profit all because he spent $100 on a track marker sponsorship. I come from the tradition of supporting those who support me. I think there is enough to go around for a business to support many charities. If your business is not supporting the local community there is a strong chance that you will go out of business. If you are struggling in business look at all the areas where you interact with people and what your attitude is. I remember walking into a business years ago when I worked for Forum Publishing Group selling advertising and they said I am not interested I don’t need to advertise. I said okay and I left.  There were many times I was in the neighborhood and needed their services but I didn’t use them I went to their competitor because the competitor gave me the time of day and listened to me and though did not buy an ad asked me to check back with them on a regular basis. Guess what the negative interaction business is out of business no longer selling his subs and the positive interaction business is still in business and thriving. Ask yourself which one are you going to be the positive or the negative business? Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Make It A Positive Experience!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Earn Shout Outs!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Earn Shout Outs!!!


One of the best things a business can do is to create a following of raving fans who when given an opportunity will give you positive shout outs.  Remember that the person walking into your business or calling you on the phone can be someone with a large platform to put you in  a positive light with shout outs. The best form of advertising is positive word of mouth. In my workshops I teach people to be smart when interacting with everyone and earn positive shout outs because you never know when a potential customer will share their experience with their followers.  I have had many great experiences with people while out promoting and soliciting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton and would like to recognize Fashion Scoop located in The Boca Ale House Plaza on Glades Road and Lyons Road in Boca Raton for supporting my effort to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by making a $20 donation. If you would like to earn a shout visit and make a donation. Then there is Maria at who donated an amazing basket for the chance drawing who now gets mentioned in a positive light and who I will recommend to anyone needing a basket for events. There is David at Jet’s Pizza in The Somerset Plaza in Boca Raton who is helping by sponsoring The Pizza Lap along with Stella’s Pizza, Domino’s,  and Mama Mia. WALMART and Jeanne have raised $1755.25 and have gotten business from relay participants as a result. The list of those that have helped in someway is amazing and because of their support they will see a return on their investment in the community.

Creating opportunities to earn a shout out should become part of your everyday marketing strategy as it will create brand recognition and awareness so that when the end-user is ready to use your product or service you will be on the top of the mind of the consumer.  IN creating shout outs for your business you also create a buzz about your business as people start to speak about you in a positive light and patronize your establishment. There is an Italian Restaurant in Lauderhill, Goodfellas, who will make you a pizza you can’t refuse who understands the importance of community engagement. The owner recently sponsored The S.A.K.E. Awards and as a result picked up some business as I have become a regular along with several other member of the community who are involved with youth sports.  By engaging  the community you will earn shout outs and strengthen your business. People like to do business with those they perceive to be supporting the community so when the opportunity arises to be involved in events like Relay For Life, National Night Out Against Crime, Cultural Festivals, or other community events make an effort to have a presence at these events. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Earn Shout Outs!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!


As you sit down to plan out your marketing strategy you can take a lesson from Jennifer Lopez and get loud. It is often said that the squeakiest wheel gets the grease well in advertising and marketing it is often the company that makes the most noise that gets the clients/customers. In a day and age where everyone is looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competition it is important to focus on letting the end-user know the benefits of your product or service so you are heard over the competition. This could mean doing business in a public place like a Panera Bread, which is what I did last night (4/16/2015) as I ran the committee meeting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. After the meeting I was making a call about Relay For Life and a patron over heard the call and  came over and made a $5 donation which opened the door for me to share with her what I was doing with Relay for Life and to give her my business card. By being a bit loud I drew attention to myself and made a new contact. In being outgoing and a bit loud you just may meet the contact who can help you to exceed your goals. Getting loud can mean putting out a bigger print advertisement in targeted publications that reach your desired target audience. In many cases sending a media release to these publications about what you are doing in the community and any new developments in the business will garner you a FREE article which if put on your website and included in your social media will give you credibility and edification in the market place.

Advertisement Ideas: More Ways To Get Loud!!!

One of the best lessons I learned about promotions was from KISS who encouraged us to shout it out loud!!! In a marketplace that is full of noise you must shout your message at times just to get noticed. The end-user for your product or service is being bombarded by advertising campaigns and have become numb to most forms of advertising. As a result to gain a competitive edge in the market place you must get loud. You must also be places where your competition is not. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Get Loud!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Using Gratitude As A Marketing Strategy!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Using Gratitude As A Marketing Strategy!!!

 I recently attended an Introduction To Gratitude Training done by Jo Engelesson who is an author and speaker who is a leader in the personal development and spiritual development industry. Her website allows visitor to purchase tokens of appreciation that they can register and then pass on to those who have positively impacted their day. Jo told her story about how assuming the attitude of gratitude changed her business. I visited the site and bought 5 of the coins and have handed out 4 of them so far. Each time I have given out a token I have seen a great shift in my attitude and as a result have had a successful day. As I gave out one of the tokens of appreciation I began to think how can business owners and marketing directors and those involved in charitable work use the concept of gratitude as a marketing strategy. The answer was simple incorporate gratitude as part of the strategic marketing plan by rewarding existing customers and donors and also when procuring new customers and donors.

 One of the greatest thing you can do in business or in your personal life is to express gratitude. People like to feel appreciated. In today’s world where people text, facebook, and email receiving a hand written thank you note goes a long way in making a person remember you. Sometimes the more creative you are with the thank you the better. I remember working for The NY Liberties of Major  League Volleyball and asking potential sponsor’s secretaries what their favorite pizza was and then going to the owner of the team, Jerry Saperstein, and asking for a budget to send them pizza with thank you note. He said yes and I sent the pizzas and had the pizza place write a note thank you for speaking with me about  The NY Liberty, Jonathan Lederman. This tactic worked and we secured a few sponsors as a result. I then began to use this tactic with reporters. If a reporter did a story about the team I sent a hand written thank you note. The idea is that using gratitude as a marketing strategy works. I would secure people’s addresses who attended games and send them a thank you note and something with The NY Liberties logo on it and tickets. This helped to take the attendance from 300 fans a game to over 1000 fans a game. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Using Gratitude As A Marketing Strategy!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue Through Community Involvement!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue Through Community Involvement!!!


Starbucks Logo.jpg Today I am at The Starbucks in Boca Raton on Federal Highway North of Glades Road picking up items to use in a fundraiser for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. I normally do not come to this particular Starbucks however while I was here I ordered a Venti Caramel Frappuccino and a Bagel. I plan on doing another drink and snack. In giving me items to use in the fundraiser  for Relay For Life they generated some revenue that they would not have had.  Think about it how many others now go to their local Starbucks because of their support of Relay For Life. I gave them a shout out on my Facebook Page as well so they reach over 2700 people that they normally wouldn’t have reached. I mentioned them in this blog so they gain some positive exposure. Think about how your business could support an event like Relay For Life and use it as leverage to build brand awareness and increase your revenue. Sometimes it is when you give that you get the best form of advertising.

 Walmart is a national corporate partner of  Relay For Life and gains massive exposure by being on every track marker displayed at over 5000 Relay For Life events nationwide.  The American Cancer Society  Relay For Life of West Boca Raton is very fortunate to have a team from Walmart involve din our relay and they are doing outstanding with hosting events. You can see their progress at As a result of them hosting events to raise funds for Relay For Life they have seen an increase in revenue because the volunteers have bought water and other drinks from the store. Many of the Relay For Life volunteers have also begun to do some of their grocery shopping at Walmart. You may be saying but I am not as large as Walmart and I can’t do what they do. The rebuttal to that is you can do something.

 Davito’s Pizza is small Italian Pizza Restaurant in Boca Raton who stepped up ans  sponsored a track marker for $100 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. As a result he has already gained me as a customer. For frequent readers of this blog you know my love for Pizza. If I go to Davito’s 2 times a month he will make his sponsorship money back just from me. He saw the value of being aligned with community project like Relay For Life and has even offered to do a fundraiser in August for Relay For Life. If you are a business and you are seeking ways to increase your revenue being involved with community events is a great way to gain brand recognition and increase your revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Building Revenue Through Community Involvement!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Touch A Touch A Touch Me!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Toucha Toucha Touch Me!!!

 Today’s blog entry is inspired by The Rocky Horror Picture Show Toucha Toucha Touch Me song. As I listened to the lyrics I thought how this mimics the cycle of customer procurement and customer retention.  The customer relationship is much like that of a pursuit for someone of the opposite sex. In many cases you spend many dollars  in hopes of achieving a conquest and many times the conquest does not happen. Just like in business you spend many dollars in marketing and advertising and sometimes it doesn’t work because your expectations were not realistic or the choices you made were not synergistic with your brand. In business we may not physically touch a customer but we may touch their mind or their heart so we must look at  the best practices to achieve the desired result. When we begin to figuratively touch potential customers and existing customers we  realize how they become ambassadors of our brand and as a result create a buzz about our brand. In touching customers we must use our why we are doing what we do as part of our marketing mix. It is important tom understand that people will not buy the what but the why. In showing your why in your advertising and marketing you will generate more brand awareness and increase your cash flow.

 As The  TV Show Host  of The Anything Bucket at I am asked all the time why would you give a free interview to someone? The answer is simple because I need content for my show and I believe in helping businesses to excel. I also give businesses a chance to purchase the clip of their appearance on the show for $175 that they can use in their marketing mix to touch potential customers or retain existing customers. I believe that when you have an opportunity to reach people and touch them with your message that you should take advantage of the opportunity. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Touch A Touch A Touch Me!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Don’t Be An Icehole!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Don’t Be An Icehole!!!

It is funny how you can ask about the same thing in a different manner and get two separate answers. The other day people were asked about what has become known as Obamacare and many stated oh it is bad and the president had good intentions and but the implementation lacked. The when asked about The Affordable Care Act they said oh that is much better it will help more people. One person said isn’t Obamacare and The Affordable Care Act  the same thing? The answer is yes they are but the American public has become so programmed that they do not  do their due diligence and investigate things and go by what they hear on CNN and FOX News making many people iceholes.  I come across iceholes everyday that will make every excuse why their business isn’t doing well instead of asking what can I do differently to improve my business.

To avoid being an icehole you must take charge of your life both personally and professionally you must become aware of your actions and the effect they have on your business. If you are not coming up with new advertising ideas, new campaigns to create brand awareness and create a buzz so as to give people a reason to do business with you then you might just be an icehole.  If you are not being proactive and you continue to be reactive you could be leaving money on the table making you an icehole.

If you do not have a plan you just might be an icehole. If you are not taking daily action to promote your business you just might be an icehole.  It is important to make proper choices as to where to promote, where to advertise, where to share who you are and what you do and why you do it. Remember people are not buying the what you do they are buying the why you do it. If you are not taking action and moving forward toward your goals you just might be an icehole. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Don’t Be An Icehole!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Working The Crowd!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Working The Crowd!!!

 As I stood out in front of Wal-Mart on Saturday 3/14/15 raising funds for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of  West Boca Raton it occurred to me that one way a business can thrive is to work the crowd and use the resources they have to boost sales. Each person who came by our booth was introduced to Relay for Life and those who told me I had a great voice I handed my business card. This was a win-win situation as I helped to raise $129 while also being able to promote who I was and how I can be of  service and value to others.  I left that fundraiser and headed out to a concert where I worked the crowd and simply asked people if they would like to donate to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays and as a result collected $74 bringing my total to $2204.61 raised with my Relay being held on may 2, 2015 at Olympic Heights High School from 12 PM – 12 AM. Donations can be made at As I walked the crowd a few people asked me for my business card so I gladly gave them my card. The key is to always have your business cards with you as you never know who may be interested in your business. Today (3/16/15) my phone rang and it was someone who met me at the concert and we are doing a one on one on Friday (3/20/15). By working the crowds at events you can increase your brand awareness and attract new people.  Remember do not be shy and share who you are and how you can be of service and value to the people you meet. The worst that they will tell you is that they are not interested,

Many businesses attend trade shows and then complain that they didn’t get anything from the show. The reason is because they did not work the crowd properly. They didn’t have a captivating display that would draw an audience, they didn’t make friends with the emcee so they could get some plugs on the microphone, and they didn’t capture people’s contact information. I have emceed many trade shows and I make it a point to ask every vendor if they have video capability on their phone so we can do a quick promotional video that they can then use across their social media platforms and on their website. I also offer them an opportunity to come to The WRPBiTV Studios in Boca Raton to tape a segment to air on my TV Show, The Anything Bucket, which airs on on Tuesday at 6:30 PM EST.  The idea is to work the crowd and be of service and value. If you are hosting an event you should call 954-254-8227 to book me to emcee your event and thus help you to work your crowd and give them added value. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Working The Crowd!!!