Marketing Strategy: Making Community Service Pay

Traveling to Do Community Service Leads to Reward

Marketing Strategy: Making Community Service Pay

When I wa sa U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in The Phillipinnes I would often use public transportation to travel to do my community service.  As I looked at this photo I began to remember the joys of the jeepney or bus rides and the people I would meet and how  rewarding it was to get small tokens of appreciation from those on the Jeepney or on The Bus. The rewards weren’t monetary but items like a Jolibee Burger, or a small glass of mango juice, or some Bisteak(steak on a stick). I would arrrive at my destination and realize that community service can pay.

It can be as simple as promoting the idea of  free hugs or starting a business like that promotes spreading love and joy through their mascot Arely. they donate a percentage from each sale to cancer research.

Hugs and Community Service Make For a Good Startegy

In business we can utilize a marketing startegy to incorporate community service and thus as a result the community will support our business as consumers like to do business with those they perceive to be giving back. There are many ways to give back and levarage what you are doing to maximize your message.

Today I saw an example of a great marketing strategy that is making community service pay as I wa sin Starbuck in Sunrise, FL and they have a YMCA Toy Drive Box in the location. It so happened that the YMCA Rep was dropping the box off and I gave her my card and mentioned that I could play Santa Claus for the different sites in the area. You may ask how doe this pay? The answer is that by me doing this good deed I can take photos and release it to the media and show people that I walk my talk and thus create a trust and as a result increase the % of them doing business with me. As word gets around about what Starbucks is doing more people in the community may stop by to drop off toys and as a result make a prurchase while they are there.

A Toy Drive is a Great Way to make Community Service Pay


Marketing Strategy: Making Community Service Pay- Project Ideas

When doing community service remember to promote what you are doing in your advertising and in all your media releases as people love to help businesses that give back to the community.

1. Find an organization that resonates with you and do a fundraiser for them.

2: Set out a change jar where customers can make donations and each month the money cna be donated to a charitable endeavor

3: Find already exisiting programs like Stars and Moons for The American Cancer Society and sell them at your location

4: Sponsor a float in a holiday parade or other parades

5: Find events like The Turkey Trot, Our Town, Carnivals, Plays, and donate prizes for their fundraisers

6: Serve on a board of a local charity and network

7: Host charitable events with other businesses

The possibilities are endless on how you can incorporate community service into your marketing strategy and make it pay.




Target Marketing: How to Hit The Bullseye

 Target Marketing: Ready Aim Fire


When I think of target marketing I think  archery where the most points are rewarded for hitting a bullseye. I asked someone the other day waht is their target audience and I was told everyone desiring to lose weight. This answer goes against many principles of marketing as not everyone is your target and not everyone will have a desire for your product or service. Continue reading Target Marketing: How to Hit The Bullseye

Brand Awareness: DO I KNOW YOU?

Brand Awareness- Do I Know You


John Travolta Exemplifies Brand Awareness

Do you recognize this photo?  This is  a great example of Brand Awareness as after over 30 years this picture is still noticeable and shows the importantance of brand awareness. John Travolta  has become a very recognizable individual and when asked do you know me the answer is yes. Continue reading Brand Awareness: DO I KNOW YOU?

Marketing Strategy: Customer Service Skills

Customer Service Skills- An Example



As I called a local business today to speak to a marketing director I was greeted with he isn’t in I’ll take your name and number no need to give me details as I am busy with payroll. This really stirred up my thoughts as to people needing customer service skills. This was my first encounter with this business and I was offering them something of value and servive, an opportunity to host my radio show at no charge and to promote them in return to my over 1000 twitter followerrs, my over 500 linked in connections, my over 1400 friends on facebook, and to all my groups. Continue reading Marketing Strategy: Customer Service Skills

Strategic Marketing: How To Align With Charitable Causes

Strategic Marketing- Aligning With Charitable Causes

As I began to post my new endeavor I began to think about strategic marketing and how to align with charitable causes. Since I was 11 years old I have supported charitbale causes that resonate with me. My backyard carnival for The Muscular Dystrophy Association was my first foray in utilizing strategic marketing. The plan was to get the kit, read all the material, and then set up the backyard carnival. Continue reading Strategic Marketing: How To Align With Charitable Causes

Marketing Strategy: Effective Marketing Tools

Marketing Strategy- Building The Program


I am often asked what makes for the best marketing strategy? My answer is generally to do what works for you and reaches the desired audience for you. Think of you as being in the center of the circle and you want to reach people inside and outside the circle. You put together a survey and you determine the audience. Then it is time to find effective marketing tools.



Using Effective Marketing Tools

Continue reading Marketing Strategy: Effective Marketing Tools

Enhancing The Customer Experience

Enhancing The Customer Experience- Strategies

As a business owner or represenatative of a business it is important to remember that the customer experience should be a positive one so that the customer will share their positive experience with others. I have a philosophy in business that you never know who youare talking with be it in person or on the phone so make everyone feel important. Continue reading Enhancing The Customer Experience

Leadership In Business

 Leadership in Business- The Circle of Influence

           How many times are you asked as a solopreneur who is in your circle of influence and how do you show leadership in business? Think for a minute who are you surrounding yourself with? Who do you admire? What books are you reading?  There is a quote that great leaders vibrate and resonate with others. What vibration are you giving off? How does your story reach the hearts of those you come in contact with? Continue reading Leadership In Business

Community Outreach

Community Outreach- A Branding Tool

I am very prideful of the fact that since age 11 I have been involved in some aspect of community outreach from hosting a backyard carnival to The Muscular Dystrophy Association to traveling overseas as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer their remains one contstant that community outreach will asssit in building your brand. Continue reading Community Outreach