Advertisement Ideas: Frequency And Consistency Are The Keys To Success!!!!
In marketing and advertising one of the keys for a successful campaign is consistency. Ask yourself am I being consistent with my message? Am I using the same logo with a consistent brand message or tag line? Am I sharing a message that is memorable that will put me on the top of the mind of my target audience? In being consistent with your message you create a brand awareness so that when someone is ready to utilize your product or service they call you instead of your competitor. Ask yourself do I consistently advertise or market myself and my services or do I do it on occasion? The key is to continually be out in the marketplace so that when someone is seeking your product or services they see you and are compelled to do business with you.
How many times a day do you market your product or services? The more times people see you the greater the chance you have to capture them as customers/clients. When I sold advertising for Forum Publishing Group I would hear I advertised once and it didn’t work. I felt like say NO S***, what did you expect a miracle after one advertisement? I have come to the conclusion that many entrepreneurs and marketing executives just do not get it when it comes to advertising and marketing? Many think oh I’ll place an advertisement one time and people will respond. My answer survey says XXX as it is proven that the consumer needs to see an ad 6-8 times before they respond unless they are in the buying cycle at that time. It is very rare when a one time ad gets a response, however there are exceptions to every belief. The key is the more you put yourself out there the more chances you have to capture your audience and thus turn the ads into sales. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Frequency And Consistency Are The Keys To Success!!!