Advertisement Ideas: How To Take A Proactive Stance!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Take A Proactive Stance!!!

 Looking at this list by Stephen Covey one realizes it is necessary to be proactive. The question is how do you take a proactive stance? The answer is  by being awake & aware of what is going on in your market and planning your marketing accordingly. For example  here is South Florida The Miami Heat are facing The Indiana Pacers tonight in Game 7 of The Eastern Conference Finals so doing a special promotion across your social media platforms, a text message campaign, and an email to your contacts offering specials on your products or services related to the game would garner interest.  I was at Smokey Bones on Saturday Night watching Game 6 of The Eastern Conference Finals. The Heat lost and I thought if I was The GM I would have stood by the door and would have handed everyone a FREE Appetizer Card and invited them back to watch Game 7. I then thought if they had a sound system do some contests for prizes creating a buzz and getting people saying I was at Smokey Bones in Plantation and it was awesome they had great food, great service, and I had fun do you want to watch Game 7 with me there?  The key is to look at what you can do to maximize your message, build brand awareness, customer loyalty, and create additional revenue.  Business could of posted signs yesterday wear your Heat gear and receive 10% off of your purchase. If you had a service business such as Life Coaching you could have done a promotion $7 off each session you book today. Taking a Proactive stance and planning your advertising is imperative to having success. How many of you reading this are promoting something for 4th of July?  Are you thinking about Back To School? Thanksgiving? Christmas? or Hanukkah? Chances are you are not and you are blaming others for the fact that your business may be off. It is no ones fault but your own if you are not taking a proactive stance. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Take A Proactive Stance!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Effectively Use Cause Marketing

Advertisement Ideas: How To Effectively Use Cause Marketing!


 How many of you went out this week and bought a pint of Penn Jillette Magic Swirtle Ice-cream developed for Walgreens as part of his task as a finalist on All Star Celebrity Apprentice to benefit Opportunity Village? I did and I will probably buy another pint or 2 before Sunday’s Final Episode. As I bought the ice-cream I began to think wow what an effective cause marketing campaign. I then began to ask the question why aren’t more business people using this tactic? The answer was simple it was because they didn’t know how simple a cause marketing campaign is to run.

    While I was checking out at Walgreens the register prompt asked if I wanted to donate to The American Cancer Society. I again thought wow great cause marketing. I have witnessed cause marketing and have seen it work very effectively over the last 35 years. I remember the aisles of smiles campaign for The Muscular Dystrophy Association where if you bought certain Proctor and Gamble products they would donate to The Muscular Dystrophy Association. I have seen several programs known as give back nights done with local restaurants with great success. Cause marketing can be a very effective marketing tool if done correctly. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Effectively Use Cause Marketing

Advertsiement Ideas: Lessons From Celebrity Apprentice!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Lessons From Celebrity Apprentice!!!

  On Sunday May 19, 2013 The All Star Celebrity Apprentice will be named. It has come Down to Penn Jillette and Trace Adkins. Both of them have been great competitors and represent great charities. Penn is representing The Inclusion Project and Trace is representing The American Red Cross.  Through this season I have observed many lessons. As I watched the final task, which was to design a DELISH Ice Cream Flavor for Walgreens and then present it at the party I began to think who is going to bring in the most money?  Trace used a lot of his key contacts on task one which he won teaching us to strategically plan when you can use your key contacts again. Penn has a huge contact list and is well liked teaching us that it is important to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

 Each player taught us a lesson that we can use to improve our personal and professional lives. Continue reading Advertsiement Ideas: Lessons From Celebrity Apprentice!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Print Media Effectively!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Print Media Effectively!!!

 Many times as I present the opportunity to do advertising in a magazine like La Bonita Kidz and Teenz I will hear I don’t do print advertising or print advertising doesn’t work for me or print advertising is dying. These statements concern me as it shows me that business owners are missing out on what is still a viable way of communication. True the trend over the last 10 years has been to focus more on an internet/social media based campaign as more and more people are seeking information via the internet. However there will always be a segment of the population that turns to print media as they enjoy reading. The trend in the last 5 years has been for advertisers to find the niche newspapers and magazines that reach their desired target demographic and instead of using the shotgun approach to use the single bullet approach.

   The first question you must ask is to use print media effectively is what is my target audience reading and what do they respond to. I am always surprised when a business owner tells me their target audience is everyone. This is a big fail because you are not going to appeal to everyone and when doing your strategic marketing plan you need to know who your most desirable client is and what they are reading. For example if you want to reach a 25-54 year old mother, earning 100K+ annually living in a 200K+ home you want to check out  Knowing who your target audience is will help you use print media effectively. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Use Print Media Effectively!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Create A Positive Presence In The Community!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: How To Create A Positive Presence In The Community!!!

 What have you done today to let people know who you are, what you do, and why they should use your products or services? Did you send out a tweet, post on Facebook, post on LinkedIn,  post a blog entry, hand out fliers, attend a networking event, make calls to those you haven’t spoken to in a while, sent emails with a special offer, or did you choose to do nothing?  If you are not reaching out to people on a regular basis you are missing out on growth opportunities.   Remember in many cases you get a few minutes to make an impression that will last for a long time.

Advertisement Ideas: The Ways To Create A Positive Presence In The Community!!!!

 The first thing to remember when creating a positive presence in the community is that customer service can make or break your company!!!!

 On Thursday (4/25/13) I was out scouting locations to host a workshop when I went into Lefty’s in Coral Springs. I stood at the bar for nearly 5 minutes and finally walked to where a group was standing in the food prep area and asked if the GM was in I told her that I had been waiting for nearly 5 minutes and by the way 3 people just seated themselves and may need a server.  Her reply was don’t tell me how to run my restaurant. At that point I said I guess I won’t be holding my workshop/meeting here and I left. An employee followed me out of the restaurant and confronted me about going to other restaurants in the plaza. I simply stated I do not want to argue with you I am doing fact-finding. A few moments later the GM came out and confronted me saying I had embarrassed her in front of one of her food suppliers. I stated that is business wishing her Namaste and walking away at which point she called me a liar. I went to my car and thought wow they weren’t that busy but they had time to be confrontational. Guess who won’t be patronizing Lefty’s. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: How To Create A Positive Presence In The Community!!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Your Business Doesn’t Have To Be Slow!!!

Advertisement Ideas:Your Business Doesn’t Have To Be Slow!

  As I sell advertising for La Bonita Kidz and Teenz,, I hear over and over my business is slow I can’t advertise right now.  I always think why is your business slow? The answer is simple because you are not advertising and you are missing opportunities. I also think the reason your business is slow is you are shutting out ideas because of your programmed response of I am not interested. By not being interested in opportunities and not advertising your business remains slow.  The reality is that your business doesn’t have to be slow. You have the power to drive traffic by being creative and proactive. I have covered this in this blog on several occasions and those who have used some of the ideas have shown a spike in their business.

 Having an awareness as to what is happening in the marketplace will help you to increase your business. Ask yourself what pain do I take away? After you answer this question then you can come up with a plan of action to promote yourself effectively and create a desire for your products or services.  This month baseball season started and I began to think how can one capitalize on the fact that people are going to be following their favorite team for 162 games and how can I use this to my advantage? The answer was to promote things like Pitch Like An All Star, where I teach people how to improve their copy writing and presentation skills. Or Hit a Home Run With Your Publicity, where I teach people how to secure free publicity through effective media relations.  By incorporating the baseball theme you create something that is relevant, entertaining, and resonates with your desired target audience. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Your Business Doesn’t Have To Be Slow!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Finding Your Why!!!

Advertising Ideas: Finding Your Why?


As I sat at lunch today (4/5/13) at The Progressive Black Men National Conference along with Clifford Townsend, a Mindset Coach and Speaker I had the pleasure of hearing a presentation by one of the alumni members about finding your why? As I listened to him speak about brotherhood and finding your why I thought what if a business could convey their why in advertising?

You can visit to find out more information about Progressive Black Men and the work they are doing. You can even consider sponsoring them and having an opportunity to share your why. The key is to define your why.

 In finding your why ask yourself why am I in this business? Ask why I opened my doors this morning? Ask why you are promoting what you are promoting.  I have always stated that facts tell and stories sell. By having a why story you will resonate with people who can relate to you and thus want to do business with you.  I am often asked JDOGG why do you do what you do? My answer is because I have a desire to help other people excel and I have learned if you help enough people get what they want you will get what you want.  I also answer because I know that marketing works for people do business with those they know like and trust. By sharing your why with others they begin to know you, like you, and trust you.  Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Finding Your Why!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Jeff Zelaya Shares Tips On Maximizing Your Message

Advertisement Ideas: Jeff Zelaya Shares Tips On Maximizing Your Message!!!



Recognize these 4 men?  They are Anthony Robbins, Les Brown, Deepak Chopra, and Dr. Wayne Dyer. They all share one thing in common and that is they are personal development speakers often referred to as motivational speakers. In the following entry Jeff Zelaya explores the anatomy of a Motivational Speaker.

 Everything about a Motivational Speaker

by Jeff Zelaya- Guest Blogger

     There are several individuals who think that there is no difference between motivational and inspirational speakers. These types of speaker might be the same and different from each other in various ways. Before, a motivational speaker is known as the one who is just speaking in front of people professionally. But, there are many professionals all over the world who said that a motivational speaker is more than just a professional who speaks in front of people. They motivate their audiences to do or believe in something or someone. This type of speaker is a professional speaker, trainer or facilitator. They are the ones who speak to their audiences and usually do it for a fee. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Jeff Zelaya Shares Tips On Maximizing Your Message

Advertisement Ideas: Capitalizing On UF, FGCU, UM And Heat!!!


Advertising Ideas: Capitalizing On UF, FGCU, UM, And Heat!!!

As this week unfolds the basketball world is a great place to turn to turn to see how you can drive business.  Capitalizing on the success of UF, FGCU, UM, and The Heat seems to be a simple task as this is what many people are talking about. UF will play FGCU in a sweet 16 match up in The NCAA Tournament, UM advanced to the sweet 16 of The NCAA Tournament, and The Miami Heat are sitting at 26 victories in a row chasing the all time record of 33 in a row.  The key is to find ways you can drive traffic with your advertising and create a buzz to strengthen your brand and build revenue. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Capitalizing On UF, FGCU, UM And Heat!!!