Advertisement Ideas: Putting Yourself Out There!!!
As an entrepreneur or marketing executive you hold the power to put yourself out there to maximize your message. It is important to take steps to make sure people know who you are, what you do, and why they should do business with you. As I sit in my local Starbucks I have a sign that reads FREE HUGS, STAY POSITIVE,, FREE HUGS. The idea was to do something no one else is doing and thus create interest from the patron’s at Starbucks so as to generate interest in my spiritual blog and then begin to build a relationship for you never know who you my be talking to and who they may know. The key is to build a buzz by standing out from the crowd. Remember regardless of what service or product you may be providing you are your brand. By putting yourself out there and getting to know people you will strengthen your brand and increase the chance of someone doing business with you. The same approach can be used in your strategic marketing program as you decide where you will reach your target audience. The idea is to define your target audience and find the venues that reach that audience. Then you set up your budget to maximize your message. After you have done this design a campaign that will be consistent in Print, on Radio, on TV, and across your social media platforms.
When you decide to advertise make sure your message is consistent and in as many places as economically feasible to reach the audience you are seeking. If you think your audience is everyone you are mistaken, without a defined audience you have no direction for your advertising, without direction you fail. I am always amazed when I am at a networking event and I ask who is your ideal client/customer and people can not answer that? If you do not have this answer you will spin your wheels and wonder why your sales are not increasing. I use myself as an example my ideal client is the special events coordinator for a municipality, an event planner, the communication director for a professional sports team when I am marketing my voice skills. I find websites and industry magazines and programs that reach these people and then market my services accordingly. Doing this for the last 3 years I have secured some nice gigs like working for The Lingerie Football league as a PA Announcer, Emceeing The City of Coral Springs World Fest!!!! The idea is to always put yourself out there. When you put yourself out there you create brand recognition, brand awareness, and create a buzz about your products and services so that when a consumer/client seeks them they will call you before they call your competitor. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Putting Yourself Out There!!!!