Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!

As I watched John Kasich speak about finishing #2 in New Hampshire and heard him talk about slowing down I couldn’t help but think how many business people are going so fast that they are missing out on opportunities. As he completed his speech and challenged the audience to slow down and get to know people I immediately though what a novel idea especially for those involved in retail. When I work in the store Celebrity Sports in Plantation, FL I make it a point to greet every customer and to engage with them so that I can get to know them understanding that even if they do not buy something on that day they may come back and buy an item because they will remember how they were treated. In all of my retail positions I have held I have subscribed to the idea that everyone who walks through the door can be of service and value in some way so take time to help everyone. I also have this attitude when some one calls me as I answer my phone hello this is Jonathan JDOGG Lederman how can I be of service and value to you. I have found that by slowing down and doing things a bit differently that I have had success. When I was hired in March of 1988 at Oaktree I made it a point to treat everyone with respect who entered the store. As a result I became the top salesman in the country for this men’s clothing store. I went from Oaktree to Meryl Harmon’s Fan Fair  and I took sales from $400 a day to over $2500 per day simply by getting to know people and making everyone feel special. Over the years I have used this same philosophy of slowing down and doing things differently in my fundraising activities and a s a result I have been successful. Continue reading Advertisement Ideas: Slow Down and Do Things Differently!!!